I have been thinking about this website for a long time, saved it to my favorites, visited it once in a while. I have always been convinced that I was in control of my drinking, that it was just mind over matter. It has never caused me the kind of problems that I would consider "severe" such as interfering with work or relationships. I am married to a wonderful man, and we grew up "partying" together. We have been together over 20 years total. He drinks 4-5 beers every night after work and some mixed drinks on the weekend. My weakness is wine, lots of it. We have recently begun talking about our drinking and how excessive it is, but haven't been able to do anything about it. We both have a parent who is an alcoholic, both still drinking. In addition, our 12 year old son is no longer naive or sheltered about it. He is starting to express interest in alcohol, which scares me to death. I am here to make a committment to end the need to drink every day. Easy to say at 10:30 in the morning with a sulfite headache! I am going to get the book first, then the CD's. Not sure about the supplements or medication. I have a question about the kudzu, though. Does it interfere with birth control pills at all? One kid is all I can handle right now
looking forward to learning from you all!