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A note to subscribers

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    A note to subscribers

    Do you feel you get real value out of being a site "subscriber?" If so, how? I'm considering it, but, given that my current income is below poverty level, I gotta give it a little more thought than most.

    A note to subscribers

    Thanks for posting that , Pink, I have also had that question.
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      A note to subscribers

      Pink and dex, I subscribed and to be very honest I would say no it isn't worth it. I hope I don't offend anyone by saying that and I remain a subscriber to support the effort of MWO but I don't think the value is there for the dollar.


        A note to subscribers

        dexterhead;264096 wrote: Thanks for posting that , Pink, I have also had that question.
        How are you doing?! Haven't seen you for a while. Of course, I don't stick around when the bottle's by my side. Ugh.



          A note to subscribers

          I love subscriber. It is a smaller group and a more intimate setting where we discuss other matters in our life besides the drinking issues. It is about $10/month I think. You also get a free bottle of Kudzu when you sign up. See you guys "on the other side" if you decide to sign up. We would love to have you. :welcome:
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            A note to subscribers

            If you can afford it do it, if not maybe in the future. I would say for sure with out a doubt that it really is not worth it if you are having any $$$$$ issues. We are all still here and for you if you want to just wait.

            Sammys Lots of stuff to spend $$$ money on while you are working on a new way of life.


              A note to subscribers

              Pink: I have also been wondering about you!! and hoping you are doing OK. I am still trying to beat the beast . let us know how you are. or perhaps if I looked at the boards I will see your posts. :l :l hugs to you as well!

              As to Subscriber, I am also broke as hell and maybe I will join when I have a job that pays me a living wage .. auggh... :upset:
              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

