Starting this thread now as it is almost midnight Sydney time and am hoping that when I log on tomorrow night and see your messages that it will stop me reaching for the wine.
Have been trying really hard don't know when was the last time I got through a friday or saturday night without a bottle of wine and we have friends coming for lunch on Sunday, its going to be hard. Don't know if I can get through the weekend but I am going to try maybe give moderation a go (ha ha says she but will she stop at one glass). Help, help, help.
Have signed up with the Lent AF Crew and did mention that I had started early as lent does not start until next Wednesday but can I do it.
I also wanted to say to you all I have been logging on everyday and it has really helped me and I am amazed at how busy it is and I am trying to get my head around getting to know you all a bit more. You are all great. Night Night.
I can feel myself start to weaken am off to bed now and hope I wake up with the strenght to pass on Al tomorrow.
Thanks Starlight Impress for the chat on my first day and also to Mags even though it was brief.
