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WOW- 15th DUI
WOW- 15th DUI
just read in local news here of a 52-year-old man who has been convicted of his 15th drunk driving offense. got out of prison, was 15 months sober in AA, got life back on track and then went on a bender. Now back to prison (and we have very lax DUI laws here). Really makes you think .... Al is a scary beast. This guy never injured or killed anyone, but Al certainly ruined his life:boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!Tags: None
WOW- 15th DUI
God, didn't mean to scare anyone .. haven't even had one, just by the grace of God, although i don't do it often. back when i was 18 (when the drinking age here was 18), it seemed like everyone in my drunken, tavern-infested town drove stinking drunk and you might have gotten like a $150 fine or something .. times have changed a bit.:boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!
WOW- 15th DUI
:new: Dexterhead . . .love that cat!
this is my first time "posting" or replying or whatever it is called . . . . I'm touched by the incredible support on this website . . . I discovered this website this summer and never acting on what I had read . . . but it stayed with me. . . . .
I made a mistake at work yesterday that cost us a sizable project . . . I don't usually make mistakes . . .I'm pretty detail oriented. . .it's what I'm good at . . . .started me thinking that my "nightly" cocktail is taking a toll on my brain . .. . and then I thought HOW THE HELL DID I GET HERE??
Several years ago I didn't drink . . .I didn't drink in my youth, I was always the one at the party having a great time on soda! I grew up in a violent alcoholic household . . . I knew what it could do . . . I wasn't interested . . . .
ah . . .then I discovered cosmos with a cousin of mine !!
anyway . . . .the time to take control back is now . . . . I am the biggest control freak I know . . .the fact that this is an issue for me is mind boggling!
I just ordered RJ's book and the herb supplements . . . . .
sorry for rambling . .. .thanks for listening:thanks:
WOW- 15th DUI
This sounds like a lot of old friends in Jersey. I went to a party where there was no public transport nearby, everyone was absolutely blitzed out of their minds, when the party was winding down people started leaving, I should say stumbling out and slurring their good byes.
I was alarmed at how many people left totally drunk, some of them even had kids . scary and crazy.You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber
WOW- 15th DUI
:welcome: :welcome: Welcome Sunshine!! Yes, I am always sober at work, but I often wonder, how much sharper I would be if i got rid of this problem that causes brain fog.uggh.. Glad you joined, keep posting, as you know this is an amazing site.
:boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!
WOW- 15th DUI
It might be better to start a brand new thread introducing yourself under "Just Starting Out" so that more people will see your post.
It sounds like you are on the right track, though, by already download everything and getting ready to take the supplements.
I simply cannot say how much difference the supplements make.
This site has turned my life around.
I hope it helps yours,
CindiAF April 9, 2016
WOW- 15th DUI
Welcome Sunshine!
I am sorry to hear about the project at work. As a detailed minded person myself, I know how hard you are probably being on yourself. Remember, there is a reason for everything and the only time we fail is if we fail to learn from our mistakes.
I like your control freak attitude. I can relate!!
Be kind to yourself,
WOW- 15th DUI
thanks! you are SO right . . . . there are no accidents and I did spend the better part of the morning beating myself up but I know how valuable I am to this company and even I can make a mistake!
soooo moving on today I have made some really good choices and am happy with that . .. now I just need to carry that confidence to Mondays meeting with my boss!:H
WOW- 15th DUI
dexterhead;264919 wrote: just read in local news here of a 52-year-old man who has been convicted of his 15th drunk driving offense. got out of prison, was 15 months sober in AA, got life back on track and then went on a bender. Now back to prison (and we have very lax DUI laws here). Really makes you think .... Al is a scary beast. This guy never injured or killed anyone, but Al certainly ruined his life