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Got my Kudzu today

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    Got my Kudzu today

    Hello Everyone,
    I stayed away yesterday... I have been trying like mad to keep myself busy and my mind off of drinking.... 5 days AF! This is the longest in a while! I received my Kudzu today, I just took some. Now when does the magical feeling start!? I know this is no miracle pill, but from what I've read about it I'm excited to see how I do with cravings. Because I still think about drinking EVERY SINGLE DAY! Some times every minute.

    I am very proud tonight though, all day at work, I went back and forth...should I pick up a small bottle, or should I not... On the bus ride home, still debating.... I had cash in my wallet... a staple if I would be stopping at the liquor store.Got in the car at the park and ride, and was almost sweaty, I needed to make my decision. In the past when I have told myself no at the park and ride, it all turns to YES as soon as I drive by the liquor store. Not today! This will be the first Friday night since my drinking career started I won't be getting blitzed out of my mind, "since tomorrow is Saturday, and I don't have to work". I feel good and I can't wait to sleep in without a hangover. But I still want a drink right now.

    I hope to chat with you guys this weekend! And welcome to all the NEWBIES. You already have tons of friends you didn't even know you had!

    Got my Kudzu today

    hey there local friend!!!

    Very proud of you!!!!

    The kudzu too about 2 days to kick in for me. But it did kick in.

    Hang in there. Sounds like you are doing great. I am thinking of you and am still up for that coffee any time you are.


      Got my Kudzu today

      :goodjob: way to go! I'm right behind you in this process . . . just ordered RJ's book and Kudzu yesterday and looking forward to better days ahead. . . . .

      You should feel very proud of your self . . .thanks for sharing the struggle that goes on in all of our heads on a daily basis . . . I beleive it will get better and you have proved it will . . .way to go!


        Got my Kudzu today

        Welcome, down2earth and sunshine and helloooo, croft!

        Good JOB, D2E!!! That is a BIG, BIG step! Boy do I know that internal debate. I used to drive by this market where I would stop and buy wine each night on the way home. It was like my car would pull in without my knowledge. I was begining to think my car was an alcoholic!

        Day 5/6 can be tough, so stay really close to us here this weekend, OK? Let us know how you are doing and post a lot, read a lot. I think I was connected to this sight 27/7 days 5-7 as they just happen to fall on a weekend. I had failed before and didn't want to again. So, take it from me - stay close...

        See you around!


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Got my Kudzu today

          :happy: :yay: Hi Down2E!!! Yay for you!!!! My car also has tendencies to steer itself toward liquor stores. Yes, it's definitely the car, MM .. evil car:H
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            Got my Kudzu today

            The car knows the way, to carry the lush......we really need Patty to make up a song about cars.....where is she?


              Got my Kudzu today

              I lost all intrest in drinking pretty much immediatley on the Kudzu...IMO it IS a miracle pill! Only downside though is (for me anyway) the effects seemed to diminish after about 3 weeks. I'm no expert but I'm guessing theres some form of receptor downgrading going on, I bet its one of those supplements that could be cycled on and off every couple weeks. I stopped taking it a couple days ago and seem to be doing ok. I think once you get past that initial detox then you'll be good. Cravings still pop up but f*ck it, they're all in your head at that'll be in control if you want to be.


                Got my Kudzu today

                Thanks everyone! I appreciate your support! As always


                  Got my Kudzu today

                  Hi Down2Earth, boy you sound like my recent situation (i'm 7 days AF and had the same experience last night going past the bottle shop). I'm not taking Kudzu infact I dont even know what it is but I hope it helps with your cravings.

                  Wake me up low with a fever~Walking in a straight line~ Set me on fire in the evening~Everything will be fine~Waking up strong in the morning~Walking in a straight line~Lately I?m a desperate believer~But walking in a straight line

