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If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?

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    If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?

    This site is for you!

    Hi Rebecca! This site is like being on a cruise ship - it takes just a bit to find your way around, but before you know it - your sitting on the deck with familiar people smiling, chatting and having a grand time - next thing you know your dining with them every day at the same table! I haven't been on here very long but can see some life long friendships formed! Hang in here and you'll be comfy. Pretty soon we'll all be looking for you when you don't post!! Have a great weekend!! :welcome:

    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

    (from the Movie "Once")


      If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?

      Hi Rebecca.

      Just post away and do your best for yourself.

      We're all here with ya.



        If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?

        Lilly, I can't add much to the already-given excellent responses, except to add my welcome. I know what you mean, and felt a bit the same way myself at first. Can I offer an observation?

        Nobody comes here in the first place unless he/she is pretty desperate and needy (to different degrees, of course...some just tipple a wee bit too much, some are end-stage drunks, and I have wondered lately, are there some who quit posting because they have DIED?) Because of this neediness, everyone has a natural tendency to think first of themselves, and sometimes do not listen to others. I am as guilty of this as anyone, especially as I am a Southerner (Cindi will back me up on this: we Southern gals love to talk about ourselves!

        The cruise-ship analogy was a good one. Eventually you find your feet and gravitate towards those with whom you feel a rapport. And, yes, you will instinctively avoid interacting with those who just seem too far out of your sphere.

        You should not take any of it personally. A website is not a substitute for real human interaction; because of the obvious anonymity, how can you really "know" anyone here? Someone posting as male may be female...who knows? Some 90-year-old lush could really be 18! It' You must use it as you need it, but if you get too dependent on it, RUN, don't walk, to real face-to-face help.

        And again, welcome.
        Jane Jane


          If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?

          Actually I feel like you. I lost interest and haven't been here in a month. A few times I would get responses but not always and then I felt like maybe I was a dork or said something wrong so I stopped posting. Maybe it's a lack of self confidence! ha ha. Then I just stopped coming here altogether. BUT I did come back today because I like to read the post and realized after my month of not being here, I've started to drink more.. It's a very helpful place to be. Guess we need to just jump in a be heard and not be so shy!!


            If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?

            Hey Lilly, sorry you have felt like no one has responded to your posts. I myself have been a little self absorbed recently so haven't ventured far from one thread. Keep on posting Lily, like others have said, sometimes our posts just get lost in the sea of posts.
            Good on you for mentioning it.
            Looking forward to seeing your future posts.

            Sober since 30/06/10


              If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?

              Keep posting!!!! So sorry you have felt this way, but I assure you it was not intential. This site is full of people who want to be there for you. Please stay with us!!!!


                If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?

                I went to take a look at your posts. I want to recommend that you post a new thread every once in a while and let us know how you are doing. I want to see you at the top of the list!!!!c:


                  If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?

                  :sorry: Lil, I was snubbed too in the beginning and they still don't like me! But ya know what, I AIN"T going away anytime soon, I AM STAYING! Part of my disease is driving people crazy, so I am your friend and will respond to you. Here is a BIG welcome from me: :welcome: and remember there are wonderful people here who care about you and me, I'm just blowing smoke around, everyone here is genuine. I think so?

                  Luv ya dear~
                  To All The Others~:l


                    If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?


                    livingfree;265286 wrote: Hi Rebecca! This site is like being on a cruise ship - it takes just a bit to find your way around, but before you know it - your sitting on the deck with familiar people smiling, chatting and having a grand time - next thing you know your dining with them every day at the same table! I haven't been on here very long but can see some life long friendships formed! Hang in here and you'll be comfy. Pretty soon we'll all be looking for you when you don't post!! Have a great weekend!! :welcome:

                    may your good fortune be like the capital of Ireland always dublin


                      If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?

                      Welcome to the MWO cruise!

                      Hi and welcome!

                      From time to time I see posts like this. There are a lot of reasons why your posts could get lost in the shuffle. As some people have already suggested, those who shout loudest sometimes get the most help. Sometimes there are things that just trigger an avalanche of responses and others that get missed. Time zones can play a role too.

                      I think the titles of some threads draw more viewers, just enticing for some reason.

                      Unfortunately people who visit this site also tend to be very sensitive too and can take it personally when they don't get responses.

                      But be assured that people do care. Just be patient and get into the swing of things and you will be fine!



                        If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?

                        :welcome: lillyatter!

                        Just as everyone says, it can be a variety of things happening when a post isn't responded to.

                        We have all felt that way, I am sure, at one time or another. I know I have. Don't take it personally. We are here to help one another!


                          If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?

                          Ripple - you were NOT snubbed! We just didn't want to talk to you! lol
                          It always seems impossible until it's done....


                            If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?


                            All Flip can think about is getting laid so please ignore her.

                            And Lil,

                            Big welcome to you. These people are all nuts so take any and all interaction with a grain of salt!


                              If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?

                              That's not true Lucky, I also think about eating.
                              It always seems impossible until it's done....


                                If nobody usually responds,is this not the right place for you?

                                The truth is we really didn't want Ripple on here till she changed her (You should have seen the first one though... enough to turn your stomach every time it popped up).

                                Obviously that is not the case with you Lilly. So what everyone here says is true.

                                Alot of us have been around for a while and we know each other's pasts, each other's sense of humour, and yes, there are some inside jokes as a result, but don't mind that, you will soon be on the inside of the jokes too. It is not meant to exclude anyone. In fact, I think this is the most inclusive place I've ever been, online or offline.

                                So welcome here! Now that you set off this avalanche, don't slink away into the shadows. See you around SOON, I hope!
                                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

