As I laid there trying to relax on my escalator (listening to my hypno CD), I noticed that my stomach was starting to bloat again. This happened to me once before a couple of days after I started taking the supplements, but I had hoped it was just a one time thing as my body got used to all the new powder I am now ingesting. Apparently this is going to be a weekly visitor. Great.
Some of the side effects of sobering up have been very interesting. This one is just plain awful. My stomach gets very round and hard. It reminds me of being pregnant and I can almost feel the baby move. I swear I am going to get stretch marks I am so bloated. If I poke it with a pin it would pop and my body would shoot all over the room in random directions until spent of its wicked gas and laying in a pile in the corner. Instead I rub it making wishes. The side effects have really been taking a toll and I start wondering about my husband, because along with the bloating comes the gas. I lay there percolating under the covers hoping the smell will not wake him. At this point I am guessing he is dreaming that he is a zookeeper.
As my body tries to deal with the latest dose of supplements I ponder all the things I am going through as I attempt to sober up. A fellow poster posted an article about sobering up and what the body has to go through. It does confirm the need for all the supplements that line up three times a day behind my glass of water. And maybe my body will get used to it. In the meantime there are some side effects that are pleasant.
As my husband lays dreaming of cleaning out the hippopotamus exhibit I roll over and enjoy my own dream. The scene of my dream opens ocean front. I am in an open-aired cottage on the beach. The ocean laps against the deck while the sea-breeze moves the sheer curtains that form the walls of the room I am in. I am no longer bloated. Instead my body is thin and skin even-toned and smooth. My cheeks are blushed and my hair cascades down my back in soft curls. Luxurious white sheets drape around my naked body. Johnny Depp and I are having sex. I am not sure whether it is the supplements, the topo or the hypnosis, but I think I will stay on the program a little while longer.