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Bad Gas and Good Dreams

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    Bad Gas and Good Dreams

    It has been about 2 weeks since I started this program and the side effects have really started to kick in. Exhaustion, weird dreams, dizziness, shakes, a feeling that I don’t really know where I am, panic attacks, tingling in my feet, tin-tasting soda, bloating, gas, sleeplessness, not hungry, very hungry and just really feeling weird. Somedays I want to give up, but I am committed to this goal. Last night was the worst and the best.

    As I laid there trying to relax on my escalator (listening to my hypno CD), I noticed that my stomach was starting to bloat again. This happened to me once before a couple of days after I started taking the supplements, but I had hoped it was just a one time thing as my body got used to all the new powder I am now ingesting. Apparently this is going to be a weekly visitor. Great.
    Some of the side effects of sobering up have been very interesting. This one is just plain awful. My stomach gets very round and hard. It reminds me of being pregnant and I can almost feel the baby move. I swear I am going to get stretch marks I am so bloated. If I poke it with a pin it would pop and my body would shoot all over the room in random directions until spent of its wicked gas and laying in a pile in the corner. Instead I rub it making wishes. The side effects have really been taking a toll and I start wondering about my husband, because along with the bloating comes the gas. I lay there percolating under the covers hoping the smell will not wake him. At this point I am guessing he is dreaming that he is a zookeeper.
    As my body tries to deal with the latest dose of supplements I ponder all the things I am going through as I attempt to sober up. A fellow poster posted an article about sobering up and what the body has to go through. It does confirm the need for all the supplements that line up three times a day behind my glass of water. And maybe my body will get used to it. In the meantime there are some side effects that are pleasant.
    As my husband lays dreaming of cleaning out the hippopotamus exhibit I roll over and enjoy my own dream. The scene of my dream opens ocean front. I am in an open-aired cottage on the beach. The ocean laps against the deck while the sea-breeze moves the sheer curtains that form the walls of the room I am in. I am no longer bloated. Instead my body is thin and skin even-toned and smooth. My cheeks are blushed and my hair cascades down my back in soft curls. Luxurious white sheets drape around my naked body. Johnny Depp and I are having sex. I am not sure whether it is the supplements, the topo or the hypnosis, but I think I will stay on the program a little while longer.

    Bad Gas and Good Dreams

    Croft, about the gas ans bloating. Mine seemed the worst when I was on Campral. My doctor pointed out that all these supplements and pills have coatings that may be hard to digest. She suggested beano every time I take alot of vitamins. I am off Campral now so I am not 100% positive if it was that or beano. Its worth a try, I take still take one with my coated supps and meds.


      Bad Gas and Good Dreams

      love it

      Croft you are too funny:H :H , I LOVE your posts!!! You sure you aren't a writer in another life?? I've seen that asked before, and I think you are bluffing us!!

      love ya, stick w/ it, hey, Johnnny Depp .............I'd settle for a dream like that, mine are just plain WIERD!!!!


      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Bad Gas and Good Dreams

        thanks for the advice, I will try that.


          Bad Gas and Good Dreams

          P.S. Please send Johnny Depp my way when your through with him. Thanks


            Bad Gas and Good Dreams

            I so, very much LOVE your posts, Croft. They are so well written and have good humour.

            Yes, and once KAT20 is finished with Johnny Depp, send him my way - thanks!


              Bad Gas and Good Dreams

              Lord have mercy croft.... too funny. I get withdrawal and the other night hubby farted in bed and I started to kinda wretch a wee bit. He got irritated at the thougt of me puking in bed and sent me to the bathroom. Good move.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Bad Gas and Good Dreams

                Are you sure it wasn't just you looking at Johnny looking at you in the ham hock?
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Bad Gas and Good Dreams

                  Croft - it must be your very colorful imagination and creativity that got you drinking to much in the first place!! Your posts are so entertaining! I mentioned to my husband that the famous people are always the ones in rehab. I think it's because they are so creative and artistic they have a hard time living in their own skin. I also told him that is why I think I have a drinking, smoking addiction - as I am to artistic!!!!! He didn't get it (very anal personality) but I think it's true! Anyway - you obviously are in a "creative" profession - or at least you should be!

                  The bloating and gas is getting better for me. Now I am just plain plugged up. :yukko: I gained about 10 pounds over the last year - and I've actually gained 4 pounds since starting the program! Some of it might be because I'm so backed up but either way ... UGGGGG. I need to lose a few pounds. I can't wait to get past all this crap. (figuratively and literally)

                  I started exercising finally yesterday. It did help my mental state of mind, as I am just
                  finishing up the nicotine patches and have been going through withdrawal from that again. I think I just prolonged all this withdrawal with the patches. So I haven't known what I'm withdrawing from ... nicotine or alcohol, as I just feel like a mess all the way around. BUT by Spring were going to feel better! I am confident of that!

                  Keep posting your progress - as it seems there are a bunch of us who started all about the same time. Congrats to you for committing to sticking this out. I really think we'll feel great soon. How did you like the 3 of you in the hammock?!! Is that when you were having sex with Johnny Depp? I'm borrowing your mansion study room, so if I borrow your beach house is he included? :specs: :bigwink:

                  Well - the snow is flying once again - so I better get out and move it so my customers don't slip and fall!

                  Liv :sigh:
                  AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                  Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                  (from the Movie "Once")


                    Bad Gas and Good Dreams

                    Greeneyes (aka browneye)

                    greeneyes - our posts must have crossed - I laugh everytime I see your comments to croft. I think we should rename you .... browneye!!! You are a stich!!!!
                    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                    (from the Movie "Once")


                      Bad Gas and Good Dreams

                      I wont those supplements, no, I just want that dream!
                      Wake me up low with a fever~Walking in a straight line~ Set me on fire in the evening~Everything will be fine~Waking up strong in the morning~Walking in a straight line~Lately I?m a desperate believer~But walking in a straight line


                        Bad Gas and Good Dreams

                        damn it croft, I just nearly snorted water out of my nostrils in my quiet, sedate workplace. I think it was the line about your hubby dreaming of being a zookeeper. But then you got to Johnny Depp .. posts that contain both hilarity about flatulence, AND Johnny Depp? How can I possibly survive this?!?:nutso:
                        have you seen "Sweeney Todd"? I wouldn't even mind if Johnny made me into a meat pie .. sigh .. johnny:h
                        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                          Bad Gas and Good Dreams

                          PS I am bloated like a basketball also. But it's from my friend Al! I am pregnant with Al's creepy alien baby!
                          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                            Bad Gas and Good Dreams

                            sorry, me again. These are 3 of the ads appearing above your post : "End gas pains"; "gas and bloating", and one about human parasites.
                            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                              Bad Gas and Good Dreams

                              OMG dexter, good those ad's at the big brother watching us or something!! Parasites??? Yukkk!! And thanks for the laugh Croft and green eyes, we all can use lots of those. p.s. Glad I'm not sleeping with you...poor hubby!!
                              Posting while under the influence can be bad for your health!

