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This is stupid...

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    This is stupid...

    I'm so stressed out right now. I don't know why. Well, I do know why, and the reason is really stupid considering there are worse things in life we all have to deal with. I'm stressed and pissed off at myself because I gained 6lbs. I keep saying to myself, this is no freagin big deal. If I'm able to go AF for 7 months, then why can't I just stop eating junk, especially sweet things? Why can't I make the time and get my flabby ass back to the gym? Where is my will power? I think I'm depressed. My husband and I are going to Puerto Vallarta in 10 days. I can't fit into my summer clothes. The more I worry about it, the more I eat. I ate a whole pint of icecream last night at 11pm just prior to going to bed. My husband wants to go out to dinner tonight and I'm stressing over that as well. I'm so stressed right now that I'm dizzy, nauseaus and feel like my head is going to pop off my shoulders. For a second there, I thought of hitting the liquor cabinet. Stupid, huh? I don't expect responses as this is trivial... yet I had to vent. I'm so down on myself right now. -Reenie
    September 23, 2011

    This is stupid...

    Reenie - 6lbs is not a lot!!! Don't be so hard on yourself. Holy crap, you have 7 months of sobriety under your belt, for Petes sake!

    Can you get to a store and buy a couple of new outfits for your trip?? I see here, they are starting to bring out the spring/summer stuff already. Maybe head out to a store and check it out? This might make you feel better.

    Eat a nice salad and soup tonight and for the next few days, drink a lot of water and eat fresh foods. It could be water retention also.

    Be proud..... I am eating more than I want to too. I think it just comes with the whole not drinking transition. Cheer up - you are on your way to Puerto Vallarta!!! Whoo Hoo!


      This is stupid...

      SO NOT TRIVIAL! i can absolutely relate. I kow that getting ready to go on vacation and not being able to fit into clothes is a BIG deal..

      The good news is that it is only 6 pounds.. No one will even NOTICE that amount, Rennie - promise. Don't worry about all the should-haves right now. You are getting ready to go on vacation - this is a good time.

      Let the past go. Don't think about anything you ate or did'nt do up until now. That will stress you out and there is absolutely nothing that can be accomplished by that - it's the past - gone forever. Stress also helps to pack on pounds.

      So you have 10 day, eh.. there are a lot of things you can do to lose a few and make yourself feel better in 10 days...

      Cut down on salt
      Don't eat after 7pm
      Up your water intake
      You can even try those stupid slimming shakes (I've lost 5 pounds in two weeks with them)
      Eat Salads, Fruits, Soups... low calorie, filling things

      But relax.. and maybe go shopping. maybe get just a few key things that make you feel good - a good swimsuit cover, Skirts (very slimming)...

      Hope I hepled a bit...


      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        This is stupid...

        hi there..reenie. ok hand them over i will take those trying to gain i wnat to get up to 155 them am fine with that.right now am 144. so plaese pass them on. lol hey really sorry to hear you are stressing over that and as long as you dont drink hey dont worry about and have a great day please.
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          This is stupid...

          Thanks Accountable and MM: Your advise is well taken. Truly... I feel so sick, dizzy and nauseaous right now. I think I worked myself up to an anxiety attack...something I haven't had in a long time. I have to get a grip... and will. I feel a little nutty right now... I hope I'm not emabarrassing myself too much, but I know everyone is decent on this site and really care for one another. Thank you, Luv, Reenie
          September 23, 2011


            This is stupid...


            How about a hot bath???

            Take some time getting ready for dinner, put on some relaxing music... good way to relax..


            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              This is stupid...

              Hey you took the 6lbs I lost!!! But I don't want them back LOL. Give them to someone else!
              Hubby and I went to Puerto Vallarta in the Summer of 06' and loved it! Do you mind me asking where you're staying? We staying at Dreams, and once we were there we never left. All we did was eat, sleep and lay on the beach. And tried to get on a kaytack (sp?) long story almost swallowed the whole beach laughing so hard.
              Don't worry, drink lots of water and I read in a magazine the other day a detoxifying drink with bunch of juices in it looking for it now.


                This is stupid...

                I feel your pain sister!!! I started this great diet plan in early December that my sister and her husband were on that was fabulous for them called the "Fat Flush Plan" by Ann Louise Gittleman and Barry Sears. My sister lost 20lbs in about 4 months and is down to a size 4!! I was looking at her at Thanksgiving thinking "That's just not right!" My mother's doctor put her on it after she had gastric bypass surgery several years ago. It mostly just teaches you about foods that naturally boost your metabolism and stuff like that. I lost 7 lbs in the first week and then Christmas came rolling around.....then new year's.....then my birthday.....Now I have back my 7 and and extra 6!! uch:

                Anyway....if you could pick up the book and get the principles of the Fat Flush Plan, you will feel really good. I plan on starting it up again any day really....I have to fit back into my clothes. It's cheaper than a new wardrode! I'll let you know how it goes!

                Keep up your spirits and drink lots of water! Lots of us are in the same boat!
                :heart: Hope


                  This is stupid...

                  Hi All: I appreciate your advice and for putting me at ease. For those that asked for my 6lbs... they are all yours! Mya: We are staying at Club Velas located near the marina. One quick note about this weight thing: I brought it on myself... Obviously...Yet, I enjoyed everone of my indugences. Also, if I'm that concerned about it (which I am), then I have to do something about it... and that is, eat healthy, drink lots of H20 and go to the gym. It is as simple as that! If I go to the gym I will feel better about myself and back in control. I think I'm being hard on myself and am down in general. Why? I don't know... But, I'll do what I tell everyone else to do... I'll dig deep and get out there and do something about it!
                  September 23, 2011


                    This is stupid...


                    Years before I picked up my Pinot Grigio habit I picked up an ice cream was an addiction that I LOVED, all nigt long. My Dr. recommended frozen yogurt as a substitute (for what it's worth) but whatever. Giirl, you are sober and screw everything else, OK? I'm soooo proud of you!!!!!!


                    PS I LOVE Puerto Vallarta and went there on a regular basis 30 years ago when it was barely populated!!!!
                    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                    - George Jackson


                      This is stupid...

                      Accountable for Me;268904 wrote: Reenie - 6lbs is not a lot!!! Don't be so hard on yourself. Holy crap, you have 7 months of sobriety under your belt, for Petes sake!

                      Can you get to a store and buy a couple of new outfits for your trip?? I see here, they are starting to bring out the spring/summer stuff already. Maybe head out to a store and check it out? This might make you feel better.

                      Eat a nice salad and soup tonight and for the next few days, drink a lot of water and eat fresh foods. It could be water retention also.

                      Be proud..... I am eating more than I want to too. I think it just comes with the whole not drinking transition. Cheer up - you are on your way to Puerto Vallarta!!! Whoo Hoo!
                      Very good advice... I don't care what you eat, but please don't start drinking... you'll be even worse... eating AND drinking... you'll really pack on the pounds then.

                      Also, are you on your cycle or close to it? Some women do gain a couple of pounds around that time of the month.

                      Go shopping!


                        This is stupid...

                        I don't think this is trivial at all, but I do think your AF time by far trumps any weight you may have put on. If your clothes don't fit then you can always pick up some new ones. You can wear your 7 months AF like a badge of honor that will always fit and never og out of style!

                        Personally I wouldn't even worry about it in the little time you have before vacation. Our phsyque is a reflection of the choices we make consistantly over time. Panic-induced fad or crash diets are neither healthy or effective IMHO. Maybe when you get back you can just look at a regular 40/40/20 split in terms of your macronutrients spread out over 5 meals during the day (you can even have a cheat meal once a week - anything you want). This plus a little gym time will bring about real and lasting results.

                        Enjoy your vacation Reenie, more importantly enjoy your sobriety! You really have something to be proud of there...:goodjob:


                          This is stupid...

                          Thanks again everyone. I've read and re-read all your replys. I have picked up on lots of great advice. A 6lb weight gain is a small price to pay when I consider I have 7 months AF. I rather be where I am today then where I was 7 months ago. I plan on doing something fun for myself such as a long walk in the park with my dog and then go shopping.
                          September 23, 2011


                            This is stupid...

                            I love your attitude. I've had a t-shirt for years- it says,
                            I May Be Fat
                            But Your Stupid
                            And I can Diet.


                            Tampa, FL

