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Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

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    Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

    Ok, I'll start today. Where is Bessie? Galloping across the countryside? Is everyone else asleep?

    Going to be a strange weather day here in Boston, snow squalls, thunderstorms, lots of wind. Good day to stay in and do more cleaning. Ugh.

    Starting day 13 today. Yikes. Never thought I'd get here.

    Hope all ODATers have a great day.

    Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

    All ODATers to come,

    Suki - Your post made me feel so good this morning!! Having watched your struggles and knowing the problems you have been facing gives me even more strength and determination that I, too, can do this.

    Mary, RU, Time2, Laura Ann, Deena, tlrgs, tkeene, Bessie, Suzanna, and Kitty Ranch (and anyone else I have forgotten, I am sorry) all of you give me encouragement, strength, faith and hope.

    Love to all and please have a blessed Sunday.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

      Thanks Cindi. You have been such an inspiration to me since I found MWO. If I, who has absolutely NO willpower can do it, you can too. I LOVE your signature........ I FORGIVE MYSELF, AND SET MYSELF FREE.

      Love, Suki


        Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday


        I borrowed that from a post by LookingforHope. I really think we need that. Sometimes it seems we wrap our minds around the guilt of the things we have done. Gotta let the guilt go so we can free ourselves.

        It does so make sense to me.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

          Cindi, I say it all day long!


            Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

            hey suki, hey cindi,
            crazy weather indeed. i am here with new snow too weak to go out and play which is hard
            i think one more day of rest and i will be up to speed not full speed
            just checking into say hi rudemama


              Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

              hey rudemama, good day to stay in and pamper yourself. Feel better.

              hugs and good wishes going your way. :h :h :h suki


                Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

                Hi Suki, Cindi, RM. It's a lovely day in the UK, very springlike. Well done on your af days suki. Hope everyone has a good sunday.


                  Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

                  Good Morning Suki, DB, RM. Paula and all other ODAT'ers

                  Thank you for starting this thread which is my very favorite place to check in.

                  I agree with Suki. Today I am at day 10 AF (holy crap double digits). If I can do that so can you DB. You have been one of my inspirations here on this site. You are always here with support no matter what we are going through and it is time for you to take some incouragement for m us. YOU CAN DO THIS> Forgive yourself for the past and move forward to a happy healthy future.

                  RM-Hope you are feeling better. Pamper yourself today.

                  Paula and all others to come have a great day. Weather is great here in sunny Florida but I guess the rest of you may not be so lucky.



                    Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

                    Hi all. I was actually going to start this thread at 2am UK time as I was logging in after a night out! Driving so sober - had half of a half of champagne (and left some of that too!) really just to join in a toast a birthday boy but had a very lovely evening drinking water for the rest of it. Having a bit of a slow day as a result of late night but been working in the garden as it is a TOTALLY gorgeous day here!

                    Suki - day 13 - wow! Unlucky for some - but lucky for you! That's really really good going. Hope you can give yourself a break from the cleaning for a bit of special time to treat yourself.
                    And 10 days for Time to Change. You sound so surprised that you have done that well! But you obviously have it in you for that many days and way more!

                    db2fromala, paula, rudemama - hope you all take care of yourselves and have a good day today.

                    Need to get back out in the veg patch.

                    Bessie xx


                      Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

                      Hi guys,

                      It's been a couple of days since I have had a chance to get to my computer - I have been working my butt off in my new territory and haven't had a chance to check in. Glad to hear everyone's doing so well. I'm still fighting this damn cold (2 weeks now - thinking it's time to go to the doctor) as it is really taking it's toll on me - I'm just exhausted, between working and being so tired it's been a hard week.

                      I've had a couple of drinks but nothing excessive and yesterday was AF and so will be today. Hope everyone else has a great Sunday!

                      Love and hugs,
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

                        Good morning everyone so happy to have a place to check in every day!

                        Suki you are doing great!!! We are having similar strange weather here, the winds are kicking up and the wind chill later is to be -9, so I'm going to catch up on my laundry and some studying I need to do for my course work. Paula, Bessi and T2C sound like they are in warmer climates today, so I guess they can enjoy the great outdoors for us!

                        Mama and Universal, I hope you both feel better soon, I'm just now coming out of almost 2 weeks of the stinks. Now that I'm in a healthier place again, I'm going to start the Topa again tomorrow. Uni, like you I had a few drinks this weekend, but nothing to excess. Today will be AF for me too.

                        Cindi, I love that phase as well, gawd knows I can wallow in the guilt if I let myself. Sometimes it's hard to pull myself out of it once I start.

                        Congrats on 1 week TKeene, that's awesome!

                        To those who follow, Happy Sunday! I'll check back tonight to read what else gets posted.
                        Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)


                          Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

                          Good afternoon all, Really needed to get back on the thread. The last time I did pretty well was the 11 day thread. Did not do it perfect but there is alot to be said for ODAT and reading and posting here. You are all an inspiration and give me hope. Bessie, I'm jealous of you in your veggie patch. Its 19 dergrees here and colder with the wind chill. Yard work is my therapy and I can't wait till spring. Drank more than I wanted to this last week, so I am setting a goal this week to stay AF Sun-Thurs. Wish me luck and be to you all.


                            Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

                            Hi everybody, I know it's late in the day to check in but I really want to post daily no matter what is going on. Cindi, I really draw strength and inspiration from you and everybody here. Guilt keeps us tied to the same place and that does US no good at all. Suki, day 13! Time to Change in double digits!! :goodjob: to both of you!

                            Uni and Deena, I hope you both feel better soon. KAT, sometimes I wish it were cold just so I could have an excuse to sit and watch movies and stuff. TKeene, have fun with the folks! Happy Sunday to all. :h Suz
                            The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                              Newbies in Need - ODAT for Sunday

                              Suzanna, Ok I agree with you. Very cold here and am sitting here with a fire in and glass of lemon Perrier. I do love the change of seasons, just Feb/March here can be tough. Send alittlle sunshine !

