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well here we go

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    well here we go

    just joined today i am drinking far too much so thought i would do something about it.
    for the past 15 years i have drunk beer every night now i find that i am putting weight on and drinking more beer .
    all i wont is to change my habbit so i drink water or nothing at all .last week i gave up for three nights ,i did not sleep and was sweating like a pig is this normal and how dlong will it last all i wont to be is healthy now i have given up smoking 7 mnths ago and feel better for it but i do want to stop drinking is there any non prescription drugs that will help

    thanks for reading this

    well here we go

    Welcome Steve! Smart move. This place is amazing. Sweats? Oh yes. Can't tell how long they last.

    The supplementals mentioned on this site have helped me immensely. Kudzo helps with cravings, Evening Primrose, GABA, Vitamin B, L-Glutamine, Magnesium Citrate. Check out this site, you'll find lots of good info.

    Good luck! Keep reading and posting!:welcome:


      well here we go

      hi ste well done for taking 1st step..yes this does pass,,it took me 5 days before l got to sleep,,,am not taking anythig l find walk heps a lot,,also helps with sleep

      there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


        well here we go


        Yes, sweating like a pig for 3 days is totally normal. However, days 4 and 5 can get dicey if you are a truly heavy drinker. (I cannot tell from your post how much and I'm not a doctor anyway. )

        If your withdrawals are really tough, your doc can prescribe Librium. It helps greatly with the withdrawals (any benzo, actually) but Librium is the common script.

        Three days is a great start!! If you need some help, go get it from the doctor.

        It sounds like you really want to do this.

        Please read the book and see about taking the supplements. I used to think it was whooey and now realize how much they help, too.

        Glad you are here!
        AF April 9, 2016


          well here we go

          Sweat? Gosh I can wake up and it is rolling off my face and cat licking it. Have had to make hubby move over so I cold get off the drenched spot in the bed. Fun stuff eh? That in itself would make one want to quit drinking.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            well here we go



            I also suggest reading the book. Today I am 10 days alcohol free(AF) and two weeks ago I would never have beleived it possible. I have been a member of this site for months but only in the last 3 months have really been trying to beat this.

            Also. there are supplements that have helped me sleep. Melatonon, Valerian, clams forte and advil pm have all been suggested. I am finally starting to sleep, but day 3-4 was awful because I was sooooo tired and not sleeping. Good Luck and keep reading these posts. They really do help.


              well here we go

              Welcome Steve,
              Congratulations on your new beginning. I can't tell you how much this web site and this whole program has helped me. I do everything, the cds, supps, topomax...and I have been able to deal with cravings so much more easily. And yes I sweat for 4 straight nights, at least 2 changes of clothes a night! Good luck. Check in often.
              It's personal, myself and I, we've got some straightening out to do. And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket but I've got to get a move on with my life.
              It's time to be a big girl now....


                well here we go

                Welcome...the sweats suck. Actually most of w/d sucks. Everytime I binge I swear it's the last time b/c of the w/d's. Then I go a couple of weeks and forget how bad it is. I find if I stay on this site I do great. If I miss a few days I binge. Try and stay here and read and post.


                  well here we go

                  Hi steve and welcome to a great site...hope to see you around often
                  Jacqui xxx
                  Mwo,s worst speller....


                    well here we go

                    Welcome to the site, Steve... you're among friends here, not strangers.


                      well here we go

                      thanks to you all who have taken the time to reply ive set myself a quit date and it is tomorrow so i will be in contact alot you all sound like you care and although i am married my wife does not drink so she thinks it is easy i gave up smoking with help from nicorett so hopfully this site will help me
                      oncxe again thank you for your support

                      steve x


                        well here we go

                        It's very hard for someone who doesn't drink to get it. Good luck!!


                          well here we go

                          Welcome Steveg! We are here to help. Keep posting and reading. -Reenie
                          September 23, 2011


                            well here we go

                            wow this site is grt everyone seem nice i think that with support like this anything is possible are you all former drinkers or are you all at different stages of being no drinkers this is my last night haveing a tot tomorrow i will not drink tomorrow is tomorrow not the eternall tomorrow i feel that i am ready do u have any last minuet advise for me people i know it will be good advise thanks



                              well here we go

                              2 days AF for me, this site is great though, every one is very good humored and it's not as preachy or mopey as other forums/sites I've visited. Check out the Voddy thread, I laughed my ass off and made me reaise I'm not the only person who feels like I do about alcohol.
                              'The only people who give you a hard time (for stopping drinking) are those who used to look to your drinking to excess to legitimise theirs, and they'll find someone else to do that in time. '
                              From an Amazon review of Allan Carr's ' Easy Way to Control Alcohol'

