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Tommorow I'll be Different

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    Tommorow I'll be Different

    I just finished reading this book "Tommorow I'll be Different" by Beauchamp Colclough. I just want to recommend it to all the ODAT'ers and newbies on this thread. It was very interesting and although he does recommend AA it is not pushed real strongly and I liked that. It does go into what it takes to take the first steps in the AF journey. He also does not beleive that alcoholics can moderate so some may take offense to that, but otherwise I thought it definetly made me think. I hope this will be helpful to some of you who are starting AF as I am.

    Tommorow I'll be Different

    time2change: Thanks for your recommendation. I'll buy the book tomorrow. -Reenie
    September 23, 2011


      Tommorow I'll be Different

      Hi time2change. The book sounds very interesting......thanks.

      I`d just like to say that I only managed to quit drinking when I finally accepted that for me personally, "tomorrow never comes". That led me to decide that I had to quit NOW and forget all about turning over a new leaf "tomorrow", because I would have waited forever on the coming of my "tomorrow".

      We really have to take the bull by the horns, because if we think we can quit tomorrow.........what stops any of us from believing that we can quit this very day?

      Starlight Impress x


        Tommorow I'll be Different

        It is very easy to say "I'll do it tomorrow." How many of us have taken that approach to anything? Book reports in school, term papers in college, expense reports for the boss, laundry, housecleaning, mow the yard? Yes, very easy to do it tomorrow.
        Change, the type of change we talk about here, does not come easy. It is a MAJOR life style change, perhaps for most of us more intimidating than marriage; this involves walking away (or better yet running) from my old "friend" ALice; making the decision to be responsible for myself and to stay away from old haunts and memory groves where she might be. Scares the C**p right out of me; yet it is something I need to do.
        So, as one of my mentors said the first time I had to fire an employee, "eat your frogs early in the morning, so you have the rest of the day to get over it." I have decided to make this change now, to cut ALice out of my life. I don't need her any more.
        Just rambling...
        War isn't working. Let's try Peace!

