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sourcing holistic stuff in vict australia

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    sourcing holistic stuff in vict australia

    Hi there, I truly believe by putting some of this good stuff into my body will put me in a better position to change the habits of a lifetime. I cant buy online (no credit card) does anyone know where I can source the stuff in Ballarat VIC Australia and what should I start with as the absolute basics before I try and STOP Looks like GABA 1000mg per day in poweder form and 1000mg I-Glut would be a good start? How about some Calm Forte too - I dont want to go from one out of control means to another.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you

    sourcing holistic stuff in vict australia

    Hi Warren

    Can't really help as I ordered all my stuff from MWO but just wanted to acknowledge your post. I'm from your neck of the woods (sort of) so I reckon your best bet would be to try one of the bigger Heath Food shops in Ballarat. I really like the MWO kudzu which I certainly couldn't find here.

    Good luck!


      sourcing holistic stuff in vict australia

      got some goodies

      Thanks for that, just got back from ballarat. your right, most of the stuff they didnt have a clue about. what i did get and hope is going to help me are:

      L-Glutamine powder
      MEGA B 150MG Vitamin complex
      L-Tyrosine (amino acid they said would help with nervous system)

      I also bought some Tea called DANDY DETOX, dandelions, milk thistle etcetc of and some

      quinoa (a grain full of protein) I read it here on one of the posts....I am having it for T tonight.

      I hope I can do this I dont want to discuss it with my husband until I can prove to myself this time I mean it. Wish me luck..


        sourcing holistic stuff in vict australia

        Hi again - sound like you've got a good showbag full of goodies. If you don;t like your Dandy Detox tea, - I'm taking milk thistle capsules and found them to be much cheaper at Safeway than a health food shop.

        I'm a recent convert to quinoa, thanks to the Quinoa Queens on here, and LOVE the stuff. Hot, warm, cold - any which way, it's a really good alternative to rice.

        Keep reading and posting - you can do it. No luck required, just sheer bloody determination ..........


          sourcing holistic stuff in vict australia

          Hi Warren Weaver!
          This is what I did for 6 weeks before I started the MWO program and I was able to stop drinking this entire 6 weeks:

          (On an empty stomach)
          1500 mg. Tyrosine 3 X per day
          1000 mg Glutamine 3 X per day
          300 mg. 5 HTP 3 X per day
          Vit B - Complex
          Vit C

          If you eat your high quality protein, take a multi vitamin and mineral and the liver detox tea you mentioned - that should help you get started.

          I believe that MWO does take money orders if you decide to order. I did notice a major difference asI started the whole MWO program - but that should help the brain to start re - balancing. The best to you!

          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

          (from the Movie "Once")


            sourcing holistic stuff in vict australia

            warren - MWO takes paypal, can you use that?

            I LOVE the calms forte, I find it over the counter in any drug store here in the States, don't know if it's the same there in australia....helps with the anxiety, sleeplessness, etc.


              sourcing holistic stuff in vict australia


              Just want to say hello and welcome Good on you for coming here and wanting to do something about your drinking. Discuss matters here, I understand not wanting to talk about it with husbands or whatever.

              Hope your natural products work for you - I'm just taking Vit B and Multi Vit supplements and LOTS of water, I probably should take something for my nerves/crankypants mood though!

              Wake me up low with a fever~Walking in a straight line~ Set me on fire in the evening~Everything will be fine~Waking up strong in the morning~Walking in a straight line~Lately I?m a desperate believer~But walking in a straight line


                sourcing holistic stuff in vict australia

                DAY 1 of the next part of my life

                thank you all for responding. livingfree can i clarify you took $1500mg Tyrosine x 3 a day. My bottle has 500mg tablets and tells me to take one a day? please would you give me some feedback.

                Also, what is 300mg HTP 3 x day?

                Skygal12 the calms forte sounds great but you cant get them in Aus. What is their ingredients maybe I could get an alternative over here.

                Last night I drank 3 glasses (ok reasonable size glasses!!) didnt start till 7:30 and finished at 10pm and went to bed stone cold sober well comparatively so. Better than 1.5-2 bottles a night for ...ever........

                Walked yesterday, walking in a minute, planning to eat proper nutritious meals and dropped the caffeine Having a practical logical plan that doesnt just rely on my "talking about whay i dink" has been the most positive start for me. THANK YOU X


                  sourcing holistic stuff in vict australia

                  If you can find Kudzu it is great. I know that there are several different varieties of the stuff and the MWO stuff is supposed to be the best which is what I take. but it is worth a shot to find some if you can. it works great!!!


                    sourcing holistic stuff in vict australia

                    calms forte ingredients:
                    homeopathic sleep aide...
                    passilflora incarnata HPUS, Avena sativa HPUS, humulus lupulus HPUS, chamomilla HPUS, calcarea phosphorica HPUS, ferrum phosphoricum HPUS, kali phosphoricum HPUS, natrum phosphoricum HPUS, magnesia phosphoricum HPUS
                    Best I could do!

