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What Next??? advise please!!!

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    What Next??? advise please!!!

    Hi everyone,

    Just a quick one....I have done my first week and weekend AF - really happy about that (acutally really over the moon) :H :wow: - just wanted to find out your personal experience for week 2 and weekend 2... not sure what you expect - most of my withdrawals have subsided still feel a little tired but hell alot better then a hangover.

    Any advice or guidance would be welcome!!!

    Thanks a million
    Have a great day/afternoon/evening
    I am the author of my life.

    What Next??? advise please!!!

    Hi Looking, WELL DONE YOU....... wonderful. For me, week and weekend two were when I felt a bit down in the dumps, erm, a kind of low feeling, not as bad as depression more like the blues really and very tearful, a bit agitated as well BUT you know what, it passed......... I feel fabulous, like I said in an earlier post it now feels like 'my insides are smiling' what a lovely thought eh? Keep going it really is worth it (note that I didn't say easy). Yes you will struggle, yes you will argue with yourself if it is worth the torment and the answer is a definate YES, treat yourself to a little something just for you... Looking forward to hearing how you get on.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      What Next??? advise please!!!

      Wow congrats on your first week AF looking. Personally I would just stick with whats working for the upcoming week. It takes a little while but eventually you fall into a routine that dosen't involve alcohol. The first week is definatley a tough one and it DOES get easier, just hang in there! Congrats again on your accomplishment!


        What Next??? advise please!!!

        Hi looking, I really found the first week and that first weekend to be the most trying. Having one full AF week and weekend under your belt serves to give you the incentive to notch up a second sober week and weekend.

        You can do already have!!! Well done.

        Starlight Impress x


          What Next??? advise please!!!

          Lookingforhope.....good for you! I can not advise you as i am behind you on the AF days but want to wish you every success. Just keep positive . Bella xxx


            What Next??? advise please!!!

            I remember waking up on after the first weekend, feeling relief that the moments to fail were gone, and that Monday was the sign of newness.... but truthfully, by Thursday, the upcoming weekend was haunting me, and questions like "Why did I stop?" "Was I just over-reacting, and not as bad as I thought?" "I can moderate, can't I".... kept circling in my head. :nutso:

            I've learned here that planning will help you succeed, and the lack of being proactive can underhandedly sabotage your efforts. I'd recommend planning now- on Monday, while you are far away from next Friday: make sure you have non AF choices in the house, make AF plans for Friday and Saturday.... that way, you'll be looking forward to something besides drinking.

            P.S. One of my new favorite drinks is cranberry juice, cut with water, club soda, or sparkling water.... refreshing, but light, and the diuretic effect of cranberry is beneficial

            Happy Monday! Congratulations.... :heart:

            Tampa, FL


              What Next??? advise please!!!

              thats great, look for sure be relaxed you succeded the most hard days first 4day of alcoholics so be pround, focus focus focus and you will do it remember the nice things you have enjoyed even if just one keep that in your mind and repeat it over and over again


                What Next??? advise please!!!

                Looking..congratulations on your first full week!!:wd: During the week it has gotten easier for me. The weekends are still a little dicey. Every night of the weekend I seem to really want a glass of wine ("just one" of course), but one night I thought about how it feels to get into bed after a few (for me YUCKY). The next night I couldn't really think of a good reason (except for the cravings). So I had something to eat instead (eating always seems to help me because my cravings are worse when I'm hungry). You hear it all the time, but its true, the cravings actually GO AWAY. How cool is that?? Anyway you're doing great! It gets easier and harder at the same time, but if I can do it...ANYONE CAN!!!!!
                It's personal, myself and I, we've got some straightening out to do. And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket but I've got to get a move on with my life.
                It's time to be a big girl now....


                  What Next??? advise please!!!

                  hi there.. lookingforhope22.hats off to you. keep it up.oh and thanks i got your email
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    What Next??? advise please!!!

                    :goodjob: Congratulations! Keep up the good work! Yes it gets easier! Keep posting, keeep reading,,visit the chat room!
                    See you there!
                    War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                      What Next??? advise please!!!

                      Thanks everyone.... I know that i am still in danger zone and will be for a while..."Why did I stop?" "Was I just over-reacting, and not as bad as I thought?" "I can moderate, can't I".... this is actually what im afraid of!I will start planning from the weekend from today - maybe go to a day spa and treat myself.

                      Thanks again for the very supportive posts
                      have a great day!
                      I am the author of my life.

