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just can't sleep!!! HELP!

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    just can't sleep!!! HELP!

    ok guys . . . need some help! going on my 3rd night AF . . .CAN NOT SLEEP! toss and turn, sweating then freezing . .. driving me crazy . . .was all set to call in sick today . ..but didn't - actually am doing better than I thought any suggestions? waiting for my CD's to arrive this week . . .have taken some "sleep aids" that usal help and just are not working now . . . is this just the tradional withdrawal issues?

    any help would be appreciated:thanks:

    just can't sleep!!! HELP!

    Don't know what you mean by "sleep aids". You can try valerian, melatonin, passion flower, chamomile tea, 5-htp, tryptophan, yoga. But you may just have to ride it out.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      just can't sleep!!! HELP!

      yeah . . sorry the sleep aid is a valerian homeopathic blend . . . was working .. .now it just isn't .. . I'm sure it will kick in again . . .this I'm sure is all normal . . .was just curious what everyone thought!

      thanks for the reply!


        just can't sleep!!! HELP!

        :welcome: I also had trouble sleeping the first few nights, but it did get remarkably better in a very short time. I have a prescription sleep aid that I have taken for years that seemed to be "loosing it's effectiveness" when I was drinking but now it is working much better.
        War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


          just can't sleep!!! HELP!

          Sunshine~ are you taking any other vitamins or supplements?
          I have always been a night owl, and I have a hard time going to bed before 11:30 pm.... my latest thing is to have a glass of water at my bedside, and to read, with the TV off - sometimes self-help books, sometimes fiction....
          Get ready for the weird dreams!!! My dreams haven't been nightmares, simply weird, and normally there's an old boyfriend or movie star involved.... in the morning, I roll over and see my husband and think, "what are YOU doing here?" :H

          Tampa, FL


            just can't sleep!!! HELP!

            hey . . .thanks . . .my gut is telling me it will be fine . . .the kuduzu (did I spell that right?) I think is really helping during the day . .. I really feel I have taken control back and for a control freak like me . . . . .that's is a great feeling

            thanks baldy!


              just can't sleep!!! HELP!

              not happy
              hour - happy -life: love that!

              yeah . ..the weird dreams have started . ..gosh thanks for bringing that up - I had forgotten! I know this too shall pass . . . .

              looking forward to the CD's . . .need to unearth my CD player . . . . .

              thanks for the reply and help . . . much appreciated! :thanks:

              love, D


                just can't sleep!!! HELP!

                Hi Sunshine,

                The sleeplessness drove me nuts on my first go at AF, and was definitely a factor in reaching for a drink (or ten) after a few days. Second time around I armed myself with melatonin, which really worked for me.
                It honestly does get better after a while so hang in there. I'm now sleeping better than I have in years.
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  just can't sleep!!! HELP!

                  hi there.. wiil get better in time .maybe try some warm milk and your sleep aid before bed time.and i have try all types advil pm i take two pills works the best for me.good luck and keep it up you can do this .
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    just can't sleep!!! HELP!

                    thanks everyone . . .your support means the world to me!


                      just can't sleep!!! HELP!

                      Hi Sunshine-

                      For me, I found about the first 4 days or so tough at night, but then, all of a sudden, on about day 4 or 5, I slept great!!! and continued to after.

                      Hang gets better. I started to LOVE getting into bed after the tough days were over.

                      Unfortunately, I am on day 1 AF (again, sigh) today, so will probably have a few tough nights ahead of me again...but I do promise it gets better very soon.
                      formerly known as bak310


                        just can't sleep!!! HELP!

                        Hey Lucy . ..thanks . . .I think so too! want to talk about what happened with you?

                        I'm here if you want to vent . .. . hang in there and thanks!:thanks:

                        love, D


                          just can't sleep!!! HELP!

                          oh my - all the side effects. I could write all day about the side effects. I do find writing about them helps, cause it makes me laugh. My hubby keeps reminding me that they are temporary. And he is correct. They do come and go. Things are getting better.

                          Hang in there. Try to laugh about them. Or anything else to get through it. This too will pass.

                          Hang out here. Everyone here, at least, understands what you are going through.


                            just can't sleep!!! HELP!


                            the first couple nights are hard for me too...............tonight I don't expect to sleep too well, as it is day 1 ALL OVER AGAIN......................I DO take melatonin, and valerian, they really do seem to help, but after 4 days AF, I don't realy need anything to help me sleep, and I DO enjoy getting into bed, like an adventure, I never know what the dreams will be like:H
                            After a while though I do have "drinking dreams" when I wake up thinking I got really drunk or some silly thought like that..............that, I am told is normal...............

                            WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK!!!!

                            love ya.:h :l

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              just can't sleep!!! HELP!

                              The first week was horrid for me.... thought I was going to die from sleep deprivation. The nightmares were pretty horrible too - but like the others say.... this all will pass.

                              If you can get through this, you can get through just about anything! It truly is worth it!

