Anyway, I have nothing to say really. Based upon reading all of your posts, I know what you would say and the kindness that you would offer. I also feel badly that you would take the time to offer these things when I have no plan to change, just a wish to do so. But I've become attached to people like Satori and Betty Boop and so many others. Everyone exhibits so much integrity and they really work hard to overcome this. It is also sad when people leave. The MIA posts are heart breaking. I can't imagine how sad I would feel if I became connected to others here and they disappeared. So I'm a bit scared of this place, actually. I'm very introverted, mainly because I fear attachment. I can't believe I fell in love with someone who will eventually pass out of my life. Grated, it's years from now I hope but nevertheless, fated to happen. So attachment is frightening. I read mostly, because books are always on the shelf where you put them last. I hope so much that all of you are okay and that nothing will happen to you. I try to practice Buddhism because death is not an important event. It just is.
Thank you for posting your stories and thoughts. They've been very valuable to me.
I'm not a technical person so I will never probably have an avatar. They seem to be a very competitive area on this board!