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    DAY 1

    Day 1. AGAIN. How many Day 1's have I had in my life time? This is my first posting. A friend told me about this site, so I thought I'd check it out. Have enjoyed all the threads that I read about.
    My story is this: Basically, I drink AT LEAST one bottle of wine a day, whether it be a normal size bottle or the big one. My biggest problem with this, other than the usual guilty hang ups, is the pounds it puts on. My face begins to look swollen. So, after a long weekend with an old friend, which consisted of non stop drinking every day, I decided it's time to take a break.

    DAY 1

    :welcome: This is a GREAT site for support...lots of good people on here willing to listen, cheer you up, pick you up, be happy with you, and if need be, cry with you. Be sure to read over the older posts, some of them will make you laugh! Others will make you cry. If you have time, join in the chat rooms.
    I joined up here on Jan 9? 2008, and have found much support and love as I enter a new phase of life!
    Best to you!
    War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


      DAY 1

      Welcome, Go Away Cabernet! I'm intimately familiar with your brother, Merlot.... he is my secret lover who holds me and keeps me company at night.... well, he did, until I kicked him out last November. I must admit that I miss him, and the warm fuzzies that we shared (some nights were fuzzier than others! :H)

      Taking a break is good... just look for 30 days, so you can flush your system out. It doesn't have to be forever, but just a day at a time. :l

      Tampa, FL


        DAY 1

        don't worry about day 1
        don't worry about counting
        just keep trying
        that is all any of us can do


          DAY 1

          Welcome GAC!:welcome: I just joined a few weeks ago and everyone here is just great...Good luck with Day can do it!


            DAY 1



              DAY 1

              Hi Go Away Cabernet-When I quit drinking at one point, one thing I found helpful is to limit your options. Have things lined up so that you don't have time to go to the store for alcohol. And don't be alone. Being alone seems like a trigger, at least for me. It's like you have a small window of time before you'll be in the presence of others again and you have to use it to drink. This site seems like a great way to be with others also. I get so preoccupied with reading posts that I look up and the window of time in which I might have drank is gone. And it's great to think that tomorrow you'll be in a completely different frame of mind. If you can hold out for it, the drink that sounded so good today will have lost some of it's appeal. I'm new here myself so take my words with a grain of salt if they don't ring true for you. Glad to meet you. And day ones are better than day zeros! I haven't even made a day one attempt yet.


                DAY 1

                GAC, Hello and welcome, I can so relate with the pounds and round face thing. I was in weight watchers a couple years ago and use to save points for drinks. Well I gained the weight back and have noticed in the past few years even though my weight has'nt changed much (needs to go down) my face looks like a big round bloated pumpkin. That has definitly been motivation lately. So lets put to death Cabernet, Merlot and my friend Pinot Grigio.


                  DAY 1

                  ...and Chardonney!! (my little lovey!!!) Welcome GAC! Visit often, this site has helped me so much. Congratulations on trying for day one doesn't matter how many days you try.:welcome:
                  It's personal, myself and I, we've got some straightening out to do. And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket but I've got to get a move on with my life.
                  It's time to be a big girl now....


                    DAY 1

                    KAT20 I feel what you said about the whole WW thing and saving points to be able to drink. I put myself on a 1500 c diet and found that if I limited what I ate, I could save all the calories for my wine (And by the way, I found out that a bottle of wine has approximately 735 calories!)


                      DAY 1

                      GAC Thanks, I needed that. I am on a different diet now and have been over indulging, especially through the holidays. 735 ! I suppose I always had in my head a glass is 100 calories. Except I never poured a 4oz glass and stopped counting after 3. Oh, the games we play with ourselves. I am hoping to AF during the week and mod on the weekend. That calorie count will sure help me remember to do so.

