by the way, just so there is no confusion, I was just kidding about the holy war.
No announcement yet.
Not Addicted, but Not Denied
Not Addicted, but Not Denied
Croft, those people you talked to sound like the reason I don't go to AA. I have to be AF, but that's me.....I can't tell someone else what to do. I wish I'd been there when you were, we could've had some fun.Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."
Not Addicted, but Not Denied
I wish you would have been there too. I keep thinking of all of the things I should have said. Patty had such good come backs. I can never think of anything good to say until after it is all over and I have searched through the dictionary and the thesaurus and the rhyming book. goodness sakes.
Not Addicted, but Not Denied
Croft - I just had a glass of wine, does that mean that I am f#@cked and am not doing it "right"? This is why I quit going to AA! Damn! I love the fact that I can actually have ONE glass and not be judged....I for one am glad you brought this up. Thanks.
Not Addicted, but Not Denied
dear croft, that was one nice great chat there and i totaly side LLH and SF most of alcoholics tried moderating there drinking without succes but it has costed them alot of damages in the process yes we are all differnt at some sort but we are still the same, go for the AF and to hell with the beers since you can i trust and have faith in you. about the dinner without wine yes wine to you on the other side of the world is very special but it's the perspective you have fixed in your mind that makes you not imagining dinner without it, but actually its posible go for it
Not Addicted, but Not Denied
You go AF IMMEDIATELY my Girl - you so much as look at a beer bottle label or sniff a glass of wine again you are DOOOMED d'you hear - DOOOOOOOOOMED!
(D'OH ...... my cover blown)
(only joking - honest!)"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
Not Addicted, but Not Denied
[quote=Not Happy Hour-Happy Life;270953]I've always admired :h your hairy chest from a distance.....
Probably the safest way Patty!
I wouldn't want to be held accountable for the inevitable effects on you if you came closer :H
Do you have man-boobs too?
No - er..... unless my muscular rippling pecs count
(but you will need to come real close to check them out!)
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
Not Addicted, but Not Denied
Oh Croft, my dear. Can you imagine the poor friends and families of these two who like to have a drink? They must be lectured beyond belief! I bet they cause the people around them to drink more!! At least you could hit the little "x" in the corner of the box!! :H
Sounds like they meant no harm, but actually tried to help. Maybe they will read this and realize they may have been a bit too judgemental and not very supportive at all. If not, oh well.
I love your posts. You can always get me to giggle. And Patty's post had me lmao!!! I've been sick lately and not been on much, but the curiosity is getting me and I now have to look up the fart posts! Boy, I need to get a life too!!! :H
Love, Me
:lAlcohol is simply the device between success and failure.
Not Addicted, but Not Denied
I simply cannot speak to the chat you posted. At all.
I can speak to my experience.
I am a drunk. A sheer, black out, drinking "I wish puking but that doesn't happen damn it" drunk.
However, for all my friends out there trying to moderate... "If you can moderate, please moderate."
My shrink actually told me last week, "Maybe after sometime you can have a glass of wine when out to dinner or while cooking for the family and on special occasiions." That was the FIRST time someone in the "system" ever said that to me.
However, in my case, she did say, " but not for A LONG TIME because your brain won't do it right now..."
So, Croft. If you can moderate, please do and enjoy. Many here do.
I can't right now. I am sitting by a broken window that speaks volumes about why I can't. sigh....
Do NOT let others tell you how to live your life. Just TRY and keep trying to make YOUR life better.
ps Keep posting, because your writing is worth reading, no matter what!!!AF April 9, 2016
Not Addicted, but Not Denied
Croft - this is a powerful(ly) fun thread!
To me the joy of MWO is the chance for people to find their own look in that scary mirror with the love and support of other 'scared-mirror-lookers'....that's brave!!
And to have empathetic friends besdie them on a difficult journey - saying, "You CAN do what you feel is right for you!!!" not, "You shouldn't/mustn't/oughtn't" (Those damned words!!! Ugh! All about the speaker and not the listener....)
I take my hat off to people who crave endlessly and cannot even have a spoonful of cough medicine...... And I am more grateful than I can say to discover that I am not one..... Just because it sure makes life a little easier I guess!
AA was 'there' for me back nearly a year ago and I have to say I am grateful that it was....but if I had stayed there and not found MWO I dread to think what I would be now....either seriously drunk or a very big dry-drunk......and mainlining benzo's with the same self-hate and fear that got me drunk in the first palce because I was 'going to fail at any minute'...... Ooooh-errrr....shudder to think of it just now.....
Now I feel I might just succeed at any minute!!! At being li'l ol' me!! Yey!!
And anyone viewing my glass of wine with doubt and aprenhension has their own stuff to look at IMHO....even if just that life is more loving with the idea that we are all different, beautiful human BE-ings doing the best we can at any time. And to those chatroom bods I would say, "I thank you for your concern about my health and well-being but trust me to do my best please....honour me with that at least, as I do you.....
Thanks Croft....
Love FMS xx:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
Not Addicted, but Not Denied
Wow I'll probably get lfamed for this but I have to say it - I read that transcript a couple times and nothing those other two posters said seemed malicious (or even that judgemental) to me at all. It seems to me that a lot of people were in such a mad dash to break out their pitchforks and torches that they never stopped to consider the intent behind the advice being given. Of course it was incredibly narrow minded advice, and they were basically saying that crofts goals were somehow invalid because it didn't match up with their point of view (definatley not cool). But it could be that they were just enthusiastic about trying to help, but their nazi-like commitment to a very limited point of view just screwed things up.
Honestly I think Croft handled herself VERY well during the conversation...I'm not sure that pasting the whole thing in a post wasn't going over the top. Those other two aren't able to present their point of view so this just seems a little one-sided.
To be clear, before the flames begin, I don't have a dog in this hunt. I've never even been to the chat room, I have no clue who those other two are, and I wouldn't know Croft from Eve. I'm completley impartial here, I just though I would throw my .02 in.
Not Addicted, but Not Denied
Um... wow... well, I can't moderate but I haven't tried Topo either... I do know my mind and body, though, and I'm better off without it.
Only you know if you can moderate, Croft...
I loved it when you said something about drowning... I thought the Topo was to help people not drink as much.
What was the point of Topo? Good luck, Croft... you know what's best for YOU!