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Look up and admire the view !

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    Look up and admire the view !

    Hi al back from my trip and boy I tell you that sking is more scary than anyhing I have ever done I have numerous bruises that stand in testiment to my lack of skill, spent most of the week on my bum !! Managed to moderate quite well back home and back on track I hope . Beening at the top of a mountain in the alpes really made me feel alive , had a thought while desperatly trying to stay on my feet instead of on my bum while sking I thought I really should look up and admire the view !!! realise that what I should do in life in general , no good just looking at my problems I should look up and appreciate hwat I have got !!

    Look up and admire the view !

    This is awesome!!!! I love to ski!!! And the views can be tremendous! Glad that you took some time to enjoy not only the great outdoors, but the progress that you have made as well.

    GOOD FOR YOU!!!!

    I hope you get to take a vacation from your vacation.


      Look up and admire the view !

      It sounds like you had a wonderful trip! You sound so alive and positive. Very catchy!

      My hubby and I were talking about taking a trip skiing in December. I really would like to try snow boarding. So many of my friends are snowboarding - and they really love it.


        Look up and admire the view !

        Hey everyone.... the next time you see white fluffy snow, can you do me a favor? Go outside and make me a Snow Angel!!! The best part of any snowstorm has to be when it's christened with a Snow Angel (and I'm not talking about a yellow one, dexterhead! )

        Tampa, FL


          Look up and admire the view !

          NHHHL - I will do it just for you!!!!!! But brrrrrr!

          It sounds like daisy may have spent enough time laying in the snow if she was learning to ski, so I will make the sacrifice.


            Look up and admire the view !

            Daisy - good on you! Really glad it was a good holiday!

            And thank you for the reminder!! Yes, I need to look up too! In general but also I realised lately that I say I never see anyone I know in town....but I'm always looking at the ground!!! Duh! Hope I haven't ignored too many people who now think I am unfriendly!!!!!

            Happy bruise-mending!
            FMS xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              Look up and admire the view !


              You have probably started out on an addiction as bad as alcohol there!

              My family all love skiing - we are heading to Colorado in a few weeks time - can't wait.

              Don't worry - you will be able to ski AND see the view in no time at all! :H

              Accountable - I too am going to try some snowboarding this year - my older son went over to the "Dark Side" a few years ago and now rides as well as he skis.

              Looks a blast - so wot have I got to lose (except a load of skin from my bum probably! )

              Take care



              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                Look up and admire the view !

                thnaks for all the replies would have to say the sking had me heading for the apres ski it terrified me lol. But not giving up will take some lessons here and have a go another time if only for the fact I have spent a fortune on the ski wear. And as for that snow boarding seriously count me out they are prone to breaking both wrist when they fall ahhhhhhhhhhhh would not be able to type then and could not function with out coming on here chatting to you crowd. And on a serious note sking made me realise I am one of lifes quitters if things get tough i just give up and ahve a drink !!! but not this time hated the sking but stuck with it and will continue too and did not drown my lack of achievment in the dreaded booze, so all in all worth the bumps bruises and moments of terror ( did have some momnets of joy too) loved crouching down in the racing positon and wizzing along free as a bird . Keep on doing your best everybody its all we have got and do you knpw what its not that bad !!!!! We must be great we are on here trying and that is SOOOOO inportant Regards DD xx

