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Breaking up is hard to do

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    Breaking up is hard to do

    Dear Red,

    Do you remember when we were kids, and while getting together was forbidden we'd do it anyway? Remember how fun it was when I'd swing by, you'd hop in the seat next to me, and we'd be off to meet friends? I can still hear the laughter. Remember later in life when you'd playfully get in the way of my love interests? Those kisses, drunk, red, dripping. Those were good times. I brought you everywhere, introduced you to everyone.

    But then somewhere along the way, you picked me up. I hopped in your seat, and we went for a ride ? a very long ride. We drove far away from that laughter, the kisses, the novelty. I don't know how long we drove, but it went fast, and I can count the miles on my face. When I look to the road ahead, it looks too much like the road behind to keep going with you.

    Please understand, I never wanted to have write this letter. But I need you to pull over and let me off. I can't see you any more, at least not now, and if we do get together again, I'm driving. Me. You're just too damn fast.

    I wish things could be different, better, but they can't. I can't. Too many mornings, I've wiped you from my lips, towel streaked red. We've been out far too long, and all I smell is vinegar and guilt.

    You will not be forgotten, nor missed.


    Breaking up is hard to do

    This is very nicely written. I will be staying tuned in.


      Breaking up is hard to do

      Oh Square, amazing post!!!!
      yes, this creepy alcohol creature is like a love affair gone bad for many of us
      Welcome to you, looks like that was your first post .. and keep posting, we'd love to hear more from you, especially those of us who've broken up with Chardonnay, Merlot, Cabernet, Voddy, et al .. I've been working on a breakup with my ugly , stupid lover Char Don, but it has been messy ... shall be kicking that fool to the curb soon :H
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        Breaking up is hard to do

        Very nicely written indeed! One of the best posts I have ever read.


          Breaking up is hard to do

          Welcome, Square Tire.... :welcome: Beautifully written. I don't know if you ever saw me in the rear view mirror, but Red was my lover, too.....two-timing son-of-a-gun!

          Tampa, FL


            Breaking up is hard to do

            Great thread, really related to that, spent too many years with my 'old lover(s)'.

            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


              Breaking up is hard to do

              Squaretie........yeah red's a real witch isn't she! And like somebody else said, she sure do get around. Welcome hon, and well done thread! :goodjob:


                Breaking up is hard to do

                reading that brilliant post brought that song by the Passadines I'm doing fine now to mind ! you know the lyric " the day u up and left I nearlly cried myself to death "think we have all been ther but sure we can all do fine without red and co and for me its ok if she comes for a short sharpe visit now and again but her long vacactions are histroy for me !!!


                  Breaking up is hard to do

                  well done

                  I , also enjoyed the thread, would like to welcome you w/ open arms...............Enjoyed the read, I see some competition here (with the creative writing:H as we have a few creative writers!!)

                  Good job:goodjob: , and again WELCOME!!!!:welcome:

                  Love and hugs.

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    Breaking up is hard to do

                    Squaretie, I could say welcome, but I see you've been here longer than I have. What a great first post. I look forward to more from you. You certainly have the gift of the written word.

                    Good luck on your journey. I hope you get all that you want and need from this site. We are here for you.

                    Love, Me
                    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                      Breaking up is hard to do

                      Great post!!

                      Yes, drinking is like a relationship. Actually, I just realized that is like being in an abusive relationship. Women (and men) in abusive relationships have a VERY hard time leaving...why? Because, even with all the pain, between the bad times, are the good. Because being in an abusive relationship takes away are self-respect, and we don't think we can make it on our own. When in an abusive relationship, we hide that fact. We hide the bruises. We try to make it seem to the world like we are fine. We are embarrased to ask for help, and also feel very ambivalent about getting help, because we are not sure we want to lose our lover and be on our own.

                      WOW...alcohol is my abusive lover.
                      formerly known as bak310


                        Breaking up is hard to do

                        Thank you

                        I'm glad you enjoyed. That was my first post and I suppose this is my second. I didn't really know how to introduce myself, so I introduced my addiction instead.

                        I have the sups, the disks, and a whole bag of reasons of why I should stop drinking. For quite a while now, I've been drinking 1 to 2 bottles of wine a night. Sometimes beer. I'm ashamed to say that I can easily down 12, sometimes 18 beers. Almost two weeks ago, I decided to stop. I was intending on going a month without a drop, but at day 7, I decided to have a beer with lunch. And guess what happened...

                        Nothing. I milked that beer through the entire lunch and left a sip on the table. Shocker, I know. The next day I had another, just to sort of test the water. Damned if that ain't a great feeling. I didn't really enjoy it all that much, but didn't not enjoy it. Strange.

                        This week has been very stressful, and I sure did want to stop and pick up a big bottle of the red stuff. I'm pretty sure a single bottle could get me going pretty good, but I didn't. I do have a bottle of V8 next to me though... does that count? Hell. Last night I was at a company meeting/party. Free drinks. I mingled along with the other engineers, smelling beer breath, wine, etc for hours. I can't say I wasn't tempted, I was, but stuck to my guns.

                        So here's my plan. Saturday is coming. I plan on having another glass of beer, or maybe a glass of wine, haven't decided yet. But just one. Just like this prior weekend. Probably another on Sunday.

                        Do I feel like I'm playing with fire or tempting fate? You bet. Do I think I can handle it? Yes I do. Am I sure? No, but I plan on finding out. Am I asking myself questions so I can answer them? Why yes I am

                        I think the biggest problem with being sober is boredom. I'm so used to "checking out" after work, that I just don't know what to do with the time. It's not like I'm going to fall asleep (pass out) by 9 or 10 anymore. And like a lot of people here, I'm having a helluva time falling asleep. My dog, he's snoring next to me as I write this, wakes me up at the crack of 7 every morning, regardless of how long I've been sleeping. I am so rambling right now.

                        But hey... it beats drinking my life away..


                          Breaking up is hard to do

                          Wow, what a great first post! I've heard that before, about being bored and drinking. As for sleeping, I have trazadone. If I didn't, I'd be up all night.

                          Keep posting!!!!!
                          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

