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hi bit shy but here goes

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    hi bit shy but here goes

    Hi ,:new:

    Very new here and frankly feel like I have been able to grab a rope before I went under thanks to the book ( RJ) and this wonderful place, for the first time in a long time I have a sense of hope. A long story which I shall not bore you with. Being a male I am like most men emotionaly FROM ANOTHER PLANET. Having read posts here I am so blown away by the humour and love and acceptance. Anyway looking forward to sharing with you. At the moment on the supps and using the aussie hypno cd for old soaks instead of the MWO one I agree with some of the posts here those teeth on es-cu-la-tor-s I still fret with when my daughter decides she can run the rest of it with out holding my hand. I am also using the topa on 75mg at the mo about to triate up to 100. Currently 10 days al free with 2 slip ups after 20 + years of heavy drinking. Riding the bike to work every day but still eating crap. By the way the thread on farting well being sober and depressed I havent laughed that much for a long time as my gran use to say " it is a sad bum that can not sing loudly with joy ever now and then" god bless her soul

    dan :thanks:

    hi bit shy but here goes

    Hi Dan, welcome welcome. Congrats on your thread that really is the first step over and done with. You will be welcomed by many to come. I look forward to hearing how you are getting on and getting to know you through your posts.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      hi bit shy but here goes

      hi there.. welcome.remember one day at a time .keep on reading and posting. good luck
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        hi bit shy but here goes

        good job on the bike riding and taking control


          hi bit shy but here goes


          Hi Dannybean:wavin: and welcome:welcome:

          We are a fun bunch here (even us gals!) I LOVED your grandmas comment on farts!!! I got a howl out of Croft's thread about that too(hope correct thread I am referring too??)

          I think you are doing great already, going to download book, as I have lent it out and fear I will NEVER get it back, hubby said he'll just buy me another, but I have all the time right now, so will have time to read.............

          AGAIN, welcome let us know what we can do to help you on this journey!!! We will do anything we can, trust that, fine group of helpful loving people here!!!

          Love:h and hugs!!!!:l

          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            hi bit shy but here goes

            Welcome Dan. This is a great place. You will find many people with stories similar to yours. You get what you want from this place, ask for help and listen to the supportive people. We will help.

            By the by, wonder if farting as you bicycle...........would it speed it up? :H :welcome:


              hi bit shy but here goes

              Hi Dan,

              And welcome from another alien!

              You found a great bunch of folks here.
              They will change your life if you let them.

              My history sounds similar to yours.
              20 plus years hard drinking - joined MWO a year ago and had my last alcoholic drink in the middle of July last year.
              Currently Alcohol free and lovin'it!
              Who would have thunk it?????

              Post and read and ask any questions you like - loook forward to having another male around.
              Too many women here if you ask me - I think they think they own the place!

              One day I will inleash the fury of my Zargon death ray on them - that'll sort them out - or my name isn't Yod Zarggx!

              (D'OH - I think I blew my cover again !)

              See ya

              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                hi bit shy but here goes

                Danny, welcome. Congrats on your decision to make a healthier life for yourself. Good job. You are well on your way. Read and post away. We are here for you.

                And don't mind Satori (he'll get you into trouble). Because we woman do own the site! (cough, RJ = girlie). And his real name is Yoda, by the way. :H . :h you Yoda!

                Good luck, Danny!

                Love, Me
                Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                  hi bit shy but here goes

                  Hey Dan - welcome, I'm pretty new here too. Been on the program about a month now. Haven't gone AF, but have been able to cut WAY down thankfully. This program really works. and the people on this forum (male and female!) are incredible..

                  See you around!


                    hi bit shy but here goes

                    Welcome Dan!!! This place has been a godsend to me ... so mayny smart, non-judgemental, helpful and inspirational people here from across the world! I am so grateful to all of these people, have been af now 130 days ... unthinkable! Hope you will find this place a much needed blessing as many of us do, j
                    Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                      hi bit shy but here goes

                      :welcome: Dan! Also a bit of a newbie here, been on site since Jan 8 & loving it. Great support, no lectures, but lots of fine people to pick you up, dust you off, have a laugh with you...and help you reach your goals. Post often, read the book and read other posts, laugh, go on to the chat room when you have a can be healty for you as well as very funny!
                      Looking forward to hearing more from you!
                      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                        hi bit shy but here goes

                        hallo dan, welcome man and you have just joined the right place and as satori says it can change your life when you let it do. and about what satori says about women dominating here he is soo right, atleast i know three of us now. keep posting and read as well


                          hi bit shy but here goes

                          Hi Dan~ Congrats on the 10 days! We welcome ALL men here.... but some of the guys here might scare them away....
                          Chief with his manly Hot Rod,
                          Satori with his love handles and death ray....
                          and then BHOG (Bald Headed Old Guy)..... I still say he should change his name to BHSM (Bald Headed Stud Muffin)~ just to name a few...

                          This is a great place to start. How old is your daughter? Jacqui's little granddaughter started a very emotional thread, "NNNNNVNNNGGGGGGGGIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAFFFF", and the rest of us went into panic mode trying to decipher what Jacqui REALLY needed! :H Alas, it was another happy ending with a sigh of relief, a bit of bile, and a rip from you-know-where.
                          Welcome! :welcome:

                          Tampa, FL


                            hi bit shy but here goes

                            love handles

                            Yeah, Satori, thought you were the love handle guy!!?!? Stop trying to confuse this "woman" "uhem",not too hard to do anyway, you are challenging me..............

                            and Bean, we are a friendly bunch of gals, don't listen to these guys, though I know (HOPE) they are just joking!!
                            You'll LOVE IT HERE!!!!!!

                            Bye for now, love :h and hugs!!!!!:l

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              hi bit shy but here goes

                              Oh danny boooooyyyyyyyy!! Welcome!

                              You sound like you just jumped right in! Good for you! Keep posting. Come chat with us if you get a chance. So much support here. In fact, this darn site has turned into my new addiction.

                              And I think it is great to have another guy hanging around!! Even things out a bit.

