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bored with drinking fed up with fighting

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    bored with drinking fed up with fighting

    I am bored with drinking every night not only the expense but the thick head for work or playing with my child. I just wish I could win the constant battle with myself every night. I am spending a fortune on supplements , cd.s and alcohol and getting no where despite telling myself every morning I wont drink tonight. I feel like giving up but no that is not the answer so I carry on hoping I will find the strength. But it is so hard, and reading threads here it seems it doesn't get easier for a very long time.
    Seashell X

    bored with drinking fed up with fighting

    I am surprised to hear that you are doing teh supplements the CDs and still not making progress. I would like to learn more.


      bored with drinking fed up with fighting

      I'm surprised too...I'm only taking the supplements and not the hypno CD's or Topa and I've done pretty good. Are you taking the correct amount of supplements? Yes it's very hard...wishing you strength!


        bored with drinking fed up with fighting

        I am taking all the supp recommended and more listen to the cd's as often as i can but possibly difficult to listen to when drunk!!! as I normally fall asleep before the end of the end. I do find the cravings less but the habit hard and having a partner who drinks and does not understand is difficult too
        Seashell X


          bored with drinking fed up with fighting

          Oh and Croft arent you the one with the humour had me in stitches with the thread on the cd's as I too find the whole thing hard to follow and you have to find so much time for them too.
          Seashell X


            bored with drinking fed up with fighting

            Hi Seashell: I feel your frustration. The best advice I can give you is to try not to drink one day at a time. Create new habits. Fill those "times" when you normally drink with fun activities. You need to keep yourself busy. You will be amazed at how fast your brain fog will go away the longer you don't drink. Also, have faith that things will get better. Every day gets better. When you don't drink and rid yourself of alcohol, life becomes brighter. Continue to read, post, take your supplements, fill your drinking time with constructive and fun activites and keep the faith. -Reenie
            September 23, 2011


              bored with drinking fed up with fighting

              Sorry to hear your struggling and sorry to tell you lots of us are and sorry to tell you there is no cure all for our problem. The supps cd's etc are all a big help but not the total answer that has to come from within and thats the toughie. But do not dispare you are in good company in a fantastic community most of us are struggling to find our way and there does not seem to be a map out there that just shows us the way . I have been struggling with all this for many years keep telling myself I am old enough to know better. But my main mantra is never stop trying to stop . Good luck DD x


                bored with drinking fed up with fighting

                I did make fun of hte CDs, but I did keep listening and I do beliee that they are helping.


                  bored with drinking fed up with fighting

                  i used to use the cd's before i met my partner ( he does not know my struggle and that i come on here ) I found them strangly comforting considering going to see a hypnotise privatley , although already seen a very expensive one but will write a thread on that later x


                    bored with drinking fed up with fighting

                    seashell just read your thread that your partner drinks too that makes its doubly difficult keep coming on here reading loads of people have so much humour insight understanind etc, Croft has me crying at times so much talent there she should be in print what a star and there are loads more like her on here x


                      bored with drinking fed up with fighting

                      Seashells, it will help and seem alot easier if you'll just get a few dys in of not drinking..just don't do it today/tonight...then the next day, you'll see that even in some small, itty bitty way, things will be easier to get'll have more patience with your child, or do more fun things with them, they'll respond to the fact they can tell you are more "with" them....then you'll be able to kinda see the light at the end of the not drinking daily tunnel...its real hard, but its harder to continue down this path....You'll notice too, that you have a lil bit less patience with the drinking partner when you feel better, then you can kinda try to just get them to take one night off with you too, and see how you can maybe spend more time with the kids, or as a family, not passed out, or hungover....the first part of your note is the Biggest Thing in my experience...Its the Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired deal....its just too hard to keep up the crazy path, its really easier to get thru the day, not hungover....just try for tonight, then work on the next day, look at any lil ol thing you can find that feels better the day after you don't drink....that'll help you feel more positive....Hang in there, keep on keeping on, and keep posting and reading alot of the threads! Love ya, and glad you are here with us, that's a huge positive!
                      "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                        bored with drinking fed up with fighting

                        I completely agree with toughintexas!! If you can manage to NOT drink for one day, and then again for the next, you will slowly feel better and better. It takes that all mighty will power to just get through the first few days. You will feel like absolute hell, but drink lots of water, eat lots of good food, take your supps and keep busy.

                        In a matter of time, you will feel so much better - I promise!


                          bored with drinking fed up with fighting

                          Seashells, Sorry, it is not easy! For me, it was a point of, yeah, being sick and tired..of waking up partially hung over, being afraid of getting a DUI, the only thing I could thinnk about on the way home from work was if i wanted wine or a vodka martini.
                          You can do this! the very fact you are posting on here, reading, trying to find a way out, indicates to me that you want to do this, you want to put AL back on the streets where he belongs!
                          When I decided to stop drinking, I was on here about every 1/2 hours, I swear. Reading everything I could, trying to find something to keep my hand from around the wineglass. ( I know I can't drink and type at the same time! LOL) For me, that worked...posting, reading, chat room...and all the great people on here.
                          Stay Strong. But if you are going to do this, do it for yourself. YOU are the most important person in your life right now!
                          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                            bored with drinking fed up with fighting

                            seashells i can relate to your post very well. i too was sick and tired of being sick and tired, i was functioning, on autopilot. The thing that keeps me going is when i have al free days i feel so good physically, and the day after i feel so good, so I look forward to more days like that. So when I do take a drink, sometimes I enjoy it sometime there's a little voice in my head saying "jeez you're not going to feel as awake, alert, energetic etc tomorrow cos of this" and it puts me off drinking ALL the time, does any of this make sense?

                            What am I trying to say? Its like I now have two choices (before I had one in my mind and that was to drink every night) now I have have two - drink or not drink - and lately more often than not choose not to drink becuase physically I feel much better when I choose that option.

                            hope this helps if you can understand it!
                            AF since 27th February 2011


                              bored with drinking fed up with fighting

                              hi Seashell! I am so where you are . so ready to quit this crap, yet night after night I don't. And yes, I have gone AF several times in Jan. and always felt physically much better, but always caved on Day 3, god knows why. I think we both have to find what Croft calls our "mean it voice"! There will come a day, soon, when we will both say, enough!!!
                              I don't have a partner who drinks though, but there are ever sso many here who do. I almost think there should be a special forum thing for that.
                              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

