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bored with drinking fed up with fighting

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    bored with drinking fed up with fighting

    I know it's hard. But sometimes were still thirsty...hang in thier. One day something will kick in and it will be your time. Don't give up. Brooklyn was'nt built in a day...looking at it today you'ld think it was. take care....IAD
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      bored with drinking fed up with fighting

      hi there..seashell.. welcome there are alot of ways to stop drinling mwo is one and AA is another so check all of them out and take what you need from them all ..but remember takes one day at a time. read alot and post your questions.......good luck..
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        bored with drinking fed up with fighting

        Hi Seashell,

        I have a partner who boozes not in a big way but I can understand how it makes it just that much harder for you to get that couple of af days under your belt. Have you thought about trying the meds?. For me, I think this just gave me that extra bow in my arrow i needed to get over the 5 day hump. Its still no cake walk and I have slipped up a couple of times but it does get easier and like you I was so sick of being sick all the time. My daughter started to notice that dads Shrek imitation started to look like the bloody tooth fairy when playing hide and seek. It was getting to the stage where i was going to need one of those motorized wheelie things to chase her. Pretty pathetic for a 41 year old but that bloody poison just sucks the life out of you. Anyway deep down you have what it takes. Hang in there and keep trying your the best and you deserve better, chuck the bottle.

        go well:goodluck:


          bored with drinking fed up with fighting

          Seashell, I recommend the book "Seven Weeks to Sobriety." Keep at it. We all have our paths. I did really well when I joined, but have been slipping a lot lately. Some seem to take awhile to do well, but then it hits them and they end up doing great. Finding what works for you can take some time, and A LOT of will power, but it CAN be done. Not one of us is the same; we just have the same problem and the same outcomes, but not the same exact solution.
          Goal 1: Today
          Goal 2: Tomorrow


            bored with drinking fed up with fighting

            Seashell;271231 wrote: I feel like giving up but no that is not the answer so I carry on hoping I will find the strength. But it is so hard, and reading threads here it seems it doesn't get easier for a very long time.

            Hi Seashell... I am glad you are bored with alcohol~ that means that it has lost the enchanting feeling.... and you are left, at the end of the party, cleaning up the mess and wondering WHY did you have a party in the first place? (Figuratively speaking, of course.)

            You KNOW that giving up is NOT the answer. Strength. Comes in many shapes and forms. Do you know what helps me?
            Reading Bella's posts. d2bfromala's posts. Chief's posts. Satori's posts. Bald Headed Old Guy's. And lightening it up a bit by sprinkling Croft's stuff in between ~ she's funny, but enlightening at the same time! :h

            Seashell... how did you choose your name? I live in Florida, and seashells are amazing works of nature. At first glance, they are all identical... but as you walk the ocean, and look closer, you see the unique qualities ~ the special colors that aren't found in any crayon box.... the ones that only one Seashell can create... that's you.

            It doesn't get easier for a "very long" time? Well, define very long, and then, let's talk.... Croft has one definition, and the boys have another (Crofty, please don't send me angry emails! :H).... Seriously, as you'll learn, Chief threw the bottle down- done. Cindi (d2bfromala) arm wrestles with that damn bottle, and right now, she's winning :heart:. ! We are all on this journey- together, Seashell. Don't give up. Much love,

            Tampa, FL


              bored with drinking fed up with fighting

              Hi seashells, when I first tried the program, I did it without the meds (I only took the supps) and I, like you, kept drinking...this time I am taking the topa and the kudzu and am really able to stay off the wine/booze...I still slip, but it is more like once a week instead of every day or every other day... And, as I go up in the dosage of topa, I find that I am not even able to finish a glass of wine - it just doesn't appeal to me anymore.

              BTW - my BF is a boozer too, which is one of the reasons I am going through a separation right now, I just can't be around it, he doesn't want me to stop (that would mean that I wouldn't be enabling his habit anymore), so I can empathize with you there - that is REALLY tough. Does he have a garage/workshop or some other such place to go with his drinking in order to keep it out of the house? I found that helped immensely so that at least I could have a safe zone in the house where the booze wasn't handy and he wasn't getting loaded in front of me...


                bored with drinking fed up with fighting

                Seashell;271231 wrote: I am bored with drinking every night not only the expense but the thick head for work or playing with my child. I just wish I could win the constant battle with myself every night. I am spending a fortune on supplements , cd.s and alcohol and getting no where despite telling myself every morning I wont drink tonight. I feel like giving up but no that is not the answer so I carry on hoping I will find the strength. But it is so hard, and reading threads here it seems it doesn't get easier for a very long time.
                Hey girl,

                I have not gotten much help from supplements or CD's. I think it is all abut WILLPOWER for some of us. PM me anytime sweetie...I'll be thinking of you
                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                - George Jackson


                  bored with drinking fed up with fighting

                  seashell, sometimes its not that we dont come out victoriously but when we are just about to get to victory thats when we give up. dont give up hang on there one step at atime


                    bored with drinking fed up with fighting

                    Hi all

                    Thank you so much for your advice and support i can see it getting better and a faint light at the end of the tunnel. Keep up the good work all of you hope I can be of some help too sometime Seashell ( oh and Seashell came from I love the sea moved near the sea 8yrs ago when the CD came it just seem to fit)
                    Seashell X

