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DAY 2 * Half Way Through....

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    DAY 2 * Half Way Through....

    So here I sit. 2:45pm. Just got home from a "Play Date Get Together" with other moms and their kids. As I frantically made my way there, couldn't help but to think how much more fun it would be if us mom's were having wine at the function. Cabernet started tapping me on the back a wee bit earlier than that. 10:45am to be specific. There I was, driving one kid to ballet class, while the baby was screaming in that spine curdling pitch that she's developed. My every nerve shot on edge. How much I'd rather leave the ballet lesson, grab some wine, and head back home. Some people say night time is their tempting hour, or being alone is their tempting hour, but for me it's usually between 11:00am 'til about 6:00pm. If I make it past that, I'm pretty much golden. I'm pretty much golden now, as I won't be leaving home tonite. But the baby is still screaming, the middle child is tattling on the eldest one, and the eldest one is throwing a temper. Do ya think they feel my tention? HMMMMM

    DAY 2 * Half Way Through....

    I can empathize with you! When I went AF last year, my daughter who was a year old was teething and all she did was scream her face off from 11pm until about 4am. I was beside myself trying to get sober....... every nerve was completely raw.

    Some days when she throws a fit - and she has that high-deafening scream I feel like jumping into a bottle myself.

    This will get better as you regain your coping skills. I would suggest making a cup of tea? It sucks, and this I know. I feel your pain.

    You are into day 2 - and that is great! You can get through this!


      DAY 2 * Half Way Through....

      :goodjob: Congratulations! Way to Go! YOU ROCK! day 2! Keep it going! you can do have done a wonderful job of isolating your if you can work on insulating yourself from those trigger/responses! Be Strong!
      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


        DAY 2 * Half Way Through....

        Hi Go Away cabernet.

        Well done getting through day2.. be strong stick with us you can do this.
        keeping posting. you will get lots of support here!

        That was one of my little girl.... first words was go away, because my son keep teasing her. He never put his finger in her mouth again. :H


        family is everything to me

