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Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

    Morning all - just throwing down a few lines cos I'm late up. The bottle of wine with hubby turned into two and I had the lion's share. :upset: Don't remember going to bed which I haven't done in a long time. Now I've got that out of my system I'm back on track today. ODAT - will NOT drink today.

    Sorry Suki - not my usual upbeat start to the day but the sun is shining and I'll get showered and underway and be a whole lot more positive. You would have loved me yesterday - I was singing with the sheer joy of the day. Gorgeous weather, hunting in some beautiful countryside on my wonderful horse who is super fit and a joy to ride and then coming home to a clean house cos my cleaner had been in whilst I was out. Aren't I Lady Muck?!! :H (the 'muck' bit is about right!!)

    Love to all who check in today.

    Bessie xx

    Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

    Arh, the old not remembering going to bed trick, my favourite game to play.

    I'm looking forward to a day off with my sister and little niece, they'll keep me from temptation!

    Went to MILs for supper last night and 'fessed up about my re-emerged boozing and she was all 'oh I knew anyway' which put me out a bit actually, I thought I was being so good at hiding it! lol

    Still, I avoided temptation and woke up today with no hangover and a 4th day under my belt.

    Good luck for today Bessie, enjoy your lovely horse, You're in the UK and I don't know whereabouts but we have beautiful weather here in the SW, you should have a fab day!
    'The only people who give you a hard time (for stopping drinking) are those who used to look to your drinking to excess to legitimise theirs, and they'll find someone else to do that in time. '
    From an Amazon review of Allan Carr's ' Easy Way to Control Alcohol'


      Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

      Good morning Bessie and Hovercat and all ODATers.

      Woke up this morning feeling like I had some wine with Lord and Lady Muck last night. Maybe its just a reminder what Al used to do for me.

      Bessie, yesterday sounds like a perfect day. You may not be your upbeat self, but you are the same positive, forward-looking one. Hope you get some riding in.

      Hovercat, have fun today with your sis and niece. Am so jealous of your beautiful weather. Another day of snow, turning into sleet, turning into rain. Hope it's warm rain, because right now my car is an ice cube.

      Hope all have a great day today!


        Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

        Good morning all, i am feeling so much stronger today. The weather is incredibly terrible,snow, freezing rain,yuck, just like you have Suki. The kids and I have a snow day. I am glad another day to rest and recover day 5 for me. I have been thinking long and hard about health and my future wondering where or if AL fits in. Bessie drink plenty of fluids and stay in the sun soak up enough for me. Hovercat I love your avatar nice to meet you .
        :h rudemama


          Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday


          Bessie, just get back on that horse.............AND have a WONDERFUL ride today (I am FINALLY allowed to ride again, just don't have time til Sat.............) You will bounce right back, we all mess up occaisionally, just try to remember "DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER IT" (what I need to remind myself of almost daily!!)

          Hovercat, Suki, Rudemama..........good on you staying AF (you did right?) I, of course had 2 beers AGAIN, but feel fine this AM, only 2 is AWESOME for me, but I would like to make a couple AF, still eluding me (I am just not strong enough to do it yet!!?? )

          Everyone have a WONDERFUL day, Bessie, have a great ride for me !!!! Whatever your goals may be, and whether you win or fail, is one big lesson.........just let us learn from our mistakes!!

          love you all, hugs everyone!!!!:h :l

          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

            Hey guys, well I ended up drinking a bottle of wine last night - don't even know why really which is what pi@@#$ me off the most......

            But I don't actually feel too bad today but of course when I'm fighting being sick wine doesn't make it easier. I think I'm actually going to take the day off which I haven't done since I got this cold - I've been so busy with this promotion and I haven't had a chance to just sleep and relax - I think I may give myself that today.

            The BF is coming over tonight for a nice romantic early valentines evening so I'm looking forward to that.

            I hope everyone has a great day.

            Love and hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

              I too merssed up last night. It would have been day 13 but here I am back to day 1. Oh well...there's no taking it back so here I go starting all over again. I think that not sleeeping has really gotten to me. Good luck to all of you in meeting your goal for today.


                Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                Good Morning all Odaters!!

                Remember, those who "messed up" that this thread is about ODAT.

                In other words, even though we like to know we have gone "x" number of days, yada yada, it is still a daily, let's do it today.

                So, please don't look back, just look forward to today.

                All of my ODAT friends have been doing so well, BECAUSE, think of the amount of time you have NOT drunk that you would have in the past just been drunk right through.

                Today, I will not drink.

                I love you all, my friends, this thread is one of my lifelines, even when I, too, fall down because I know it is quite simply, "one day at a time," and you are all here to help pick me up.

                Here is my hand to those who need it today...

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                  Thanks that is just what I needed!


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday


                    Thanks too Cindi, I think we ALL needed that!!!:thanks:

                    Love ya!!:h

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                      Suki, I woke up too this morning feeling like I drank last night but I haven't for 9 days. I still feel tired and not very motivated. Usually when I go AF, I wake up early ready to do stuff all day. As usual though, my plan is to make it through today and not worry about tomorrow until tomorrow.

                      Good luck everyone today! Try and stop's *only* one day! LOL
                      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                        I'm aware that I started the thread pretty negatively this morning and was reminded that this is the ODAT thread and it IS all about taking it one day at a time. You all talk such supportive sense! :thanks:

                        I have just sat down (with a huge mug of hot chocolate!!) and looked back at my drink tracker. Today is day 28 AF since January 1. Nearly a whole month's worth. I've had 7 moderated days too. That's 35 out of 44 where I haven't been pi%%ed! Out of the other 9 only one has been where I ended up not remembering going to bed. Actually, I don't think that's at all bad considering how I was before I joined here. So, that's what taking it ODAT has helped me achieve!! It's a good way to do it in a very good place to be!! Thank you to everyone who is here and keeps the ODAT thread going and thriving.

                        I'll be starting it again in the morning..... unless someone else gets in first!


                        Bessie xx


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                          Hello All,
                          Well day 2 for me and really this is hard I have been thinking about drinking now for the past few hours and it is only 3:30 I KNOW I am stronger than this craving but it really is tough to simply ignore my mind. I RELEASE the NEED to have a drink today!! ((HUGS)) to all ODAT'ers

                          ~Life is not measured by the breaths we take. Rather by the moments in life that take our breath away~ Author Unknown


                            Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                            ODAT works. Sometimes you need to do one hour at a time and one minute at a time. I do those a lot. So far, so good.
                            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                              Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                              Bessie;271859 wrote: I'm aware that I started the thread pretty negatively this morning and was reminded that this is the ODAT thread and it IS all about taking it one day at a time. You all talk such supportive sense! :thanks:

                              I have just sat down (with a huge mug of hot chocolate!!) and looked back at my drink tracker. Today is day 28 AF since January 1. Nearly a whole month's worth. I've had 7 moderated days too. That's 35 out of 44 where I haven't been pi%%ed! Out of the other 9 only one has been where I ended up not remembering going to bed. Actually, I don't think that's at all bad considering how I was before I joined here. So, that's what taking it ODAT has helped me achieve!! It's a good way to do it in a very good place to be!! Thank you to everyone who is here and keeps the ODAT thread going and thriving.

                              I'll be starting it again in the morning..... unless someone else gets in first!


                              Bessie xx
                              So glad you understand, Bessie. It is about ODAT. ONE DAT AT A TIME. Period.

                              We can do this, guys/gals/whatever.

                              It is about taking each day and making it right. Each day.


                              Some days we fall and some days we make it.

                              One day at a time.

                              I love and care about each and everyone of you and know you do the same for me. And I bless all of you for it.

                              Thank you,
                              AF April 9, 2016

