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    As I'm sitting here wondering why I'm waiting to get my supps and get on the AF train I realized one thing...I live in a northern state and right about this time of year its dark and cold and basically sucks everyday and the past three years that I have been taking a hard look at my drinking I have always attempted to get a grip at this time of year the most. There isn't too much more to do this time of year when you are mostly indoors and its dark outside. Anyway, I am going to get my supps tomorrow and I am reading the book and have the CD's so if anyone has a suggestion to snap me out of the seasonal funk I would love to hear it!



    My hubby figured out about 5 years ago I have SAD (seasonal adjustment disorder) and put me on melatonin at night. Melatonin does help.

    Not with the drinking, though. I do that 356 days/year.

    SAD sucks, though, big time.

    AF April 9, 2016



      Hi Sad: I can relate to how you are feeling this time of year. Lots of us feel the blues when it's cold and gloomy outside and when the boredom sets in. Try to think warm thoughts. Buy some colorful flowers and put them in a vase somewhere were you can see them. Drink organge juice and fruity type drinks. Take a hot bath. Lather yourself with lotions that smell like coconuts. If you are a member of the gym, go there. Relax in their sauna or steam room if they have one. Wrap yourself up in a blanket, light a citrusy smelling candle and read a good book. Bundle up and take a walk outside. Treat yourself to a capaccunio from Starbucks. Rent videos filmed in the tropics. These are just a few things I try to do to keep from Cabin Fever setting in and from me craving to drink.
      September 23, 2011



        Good ideas thanks! I'll keep the vodka out of the fruity drinks though?! I'm extremely hung over today too so I'm upset with myself for that. This place is great to talk to other people who are at all different stages of their goals, it makes me very motivated to never give up. I feel like people around me are always looking at me like "she is hung over" or "has she been drinking" not to mention the ones who don't have issues with alcohol who can't understand why anyone would do that to themselves!? Here I am a human struggling with an issue I wish I didn't have but know I do and you all understand so well! Now if I can just figure out how to put a picture by my names I would be really happy!



          ThuzzyQ, I love winter, and summer is my SAD time---the steam and heat down here just drains me! All the suggestions posted here sound good, although another approach might be to embrace the cold and dark, and read good old English novels like *Wuthering Heights* and *Jane Eyre*---light a cozy fire, and learn to knit or something. I'm not sure about drinking triggers in cold weather...for me, any weather was a great excuse to raise a festive glass.
          Jane Jane




            I love the "lather yourself in lotions that smell like coconuts" because if I did that I would not get any sleep. Hubby grew up in Florida. Coconuts in winter. Hmmmm.

            Good idea, Reenie!!

            Not for me, but for him and ancillary for me, too!! :H

            AF April 9, 2016



              I feel sluggish in this cold weather, but at some level I enjoy the different kinds of activities available in the different seasons. Winter is when I get caught up on reading, work on quilts, and plan for the better gardening weather. Small indoor home repair (will I finally paint that spot on the bathroom ceiling this afternoon?) The garden catalogs blow off a lot of hours for me - used to be with glasses of wine, now mugs of warm tea are working. There are so many kinds of tea that I can't get tired of the taste - and no calories! There are concerts a couple of times per week in my college town, which I enjoy.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.



                Okay. After I figure out what my client did and restore their system today, I will look at my bedroom which needs the trim painted.

                Good idea, guys.

                Better than being drunk any day, any time, any hour.

                Dark grey floors, dark grey walls, light grey trim. Hmm. Great bedroom for lots of colors when I get through with the painting.... Bed Bath and Beyond, here I come!!!!

                and coconut lotion, too!!

                AF April 9, 2016

