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Wednesday Silent Wednesday

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    Wednesday Silent Wednesday

    Let him know you are disappointed with yourself. Let him know how hard it is. He loves you so much. He will understand. Just like you don't want to take the role of the lying teen, it must suck for him to be the"dad".
    Thinking of you. :h :h :h
    I make sure everyone is asleep if I am crawling home.
    Oh yeah just like I did with my Mom


      Wednesday Silent Wednesday

      I'm right there with you Croft, except my hubby drank right along with me. I am disappointed in myself today as I had been doing really well also, and today I feel like crap...again. At some point we will learn, in this I am hopeful.

      I am not the one in the relationship that lies about drinking, my husband does that. I always give him the opportunity to take it back and admit his drinking, because yes I will probably be angry, but I will be much angrier if you lie because that is way worse than the drinking itself. Sage words of wisdom from one who has been in your husbands shoes.

      We can beat this thing. Here I sit on Valentines Day, hating myself. Go give hubby a hug and you will feel better. t.
      Posting while under the influence can be bad for your health!


        Wednesday Silent Wednesday

        You all are so wonderful!!!!

        Happy Valentine's Day!!!! From the one who remains sober today!

        oh yeah, and Dex - thanks for your adive about the farting poem, but I think I might pick something a little more tasteful for this occasion. No offense.


          Wednesday Silent Wednesday

          dear croft, whatever happened is really sad, and it realy hurts after soo much effort, your hubby is also hurt for sure and every one dear to you they all felt the pinch of it. yes you need to talk to your hubby you are very clear in your mind that yo really never wanted that to happen he will understand you and you really need him now, the sooner you talk to him the better for you since the guilt will go away and then you will have a chance to focus on bouncing back, we are alcoholics we are not bad people but the result after drinking is the bad side. be strong since you are we love you and want you here,


            Wednesday Silent Wednesday


            Croft, everyone, sorry for your night last night Croft....mine wasn't much better, we won't get into that though.

            Everyone, just wanted you all to know that you are in my thoughts....I care, we all care about you................

            MA:h :l
            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              Wednesday Silent Wednesday

              Hi Croft,
              I just read this post today...I've been out of the loop this week. I'm so sorry you've had such a bad time of it. I sent a reply to your other post without even knowing what was going on. You have been doing so well. Try not to let this slip up get you down. It's very hard to do that though when someone else is disappointed in you. But you really are in charge of your own feelings. No one can MAKE you feel bad about yourself. Only you can do that. And you will do this thing. You are on your way girl. "I KNOW ITS TRUE!" I really hope you are ok. I've noticed you haven't posted here all day. I'm thinking of you!
              It's personal, myself and I, we've got some straightening out to do. And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket but I've got to get a move on with my life.
              It's time to be a big girl now....

