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    Think I've beaten you to it today Bessie, hope thats okay? Didn't get online yesterday but just quickly read yesterday's thread - hope you're feeling more like you're usual self today!!!

    I managed another AF day yesterday but I know I will have a drink tonight with hubby as we're going out for Valentine's Day. Still I've done 3 days AF in a row and I'm feeling much better. Won't go overboard tonight, hubby keeping a close eye on me and tomorrow, no drinking during the day. I'm treating drinking alone as if I was cheating/having an affair!!

    Good luck to everyone today whatever your goal is........WE ARE HERE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


    Janice - you beat me to it! Phew! That takes the weight of responsibility from my shoulders! :H :H

    Good on you with your 3 days and plan for tonight. I can exactly identify with the drinking alone being like having an affair - it's a betrayal and produces guilt and needs to be hidden. What a dreadful waste of emotional energy. Let's stay faithful and true to our AF love!

    Feeling much better today thanks - tired but I really think that is down to having a day with a hangover and I because I am not drinking as much as regularly my body cannot work through it so well any more.

    And you're so right - we ARE here doing something about it! That really counts.

    Happy Valentines day to you all. :h :h

    Bessie xx



      Hi everyone

      Happy Valentines Day. Just back from visit to MIL's but still have the girls off school so just popping in to say a quick hello. Catch up with you all later.




        Welcome back Rustop! I was wondering yesterday when you would be back and here you are. Hope you had a great time. Look forward to hearing about it when you have more time.

        bessie x



          Hello Bessie ,Janice, RU,
          Nice to see you all so early. The skies have cleared. Off to work. Good Luck.
          :h :h :h :h


            ODAT THURSDAY

            Morning all ODAT'ers
            Rushing off to work early today.......thats if I can get my frozen car door open!!!!
            Happy Valentines day to all and for those celebrating.....enjoy
            sobriety date 11-04-07


              ODAT THURSDAY

              hey again

              I am just barely making it...............ODAT, VD is tough for me, as I have no Valentine?!?!

              Mike is off and didn't even aknowledge my card this AM...........:upset:

              So sad, poor me, I will stop my pitty party NOW.................


              HUGS to all:h
              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                ODAT THURSDAY

                Hi Everyone: My valentine to myself is to stay sober today. I feel fine though looking at an entire day of babysitting. Take care everyone...Happy Valentine's day. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  ODAT THURSDAY


                  I am happy for everybody who has a grand VD today, don't take my negativity PLEASE!!!

                  love ya!!

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    ODAT THURSDAY

                    Good Morn All,

                    Happy Valentines to everyone!!! I am 2 days AF and today working on day 3, no drinking tonight as no v'day plans. Same as any other day in my house will go home clean, cook and read and write now. I am happy that I found this community and all of you. Stay strong and be happy everyone Valentine ((HUGS))

                    ~Life is not measured by the breaths we take. Rather by the moments in life that take our breath away~ Author Unknown


                      ODAT THURSDAY

                      Val's Day

                      I always hate being alone today.
                      Long Road
                      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                      Eleanor Roosevelt


                        ODAT THURSDAY

                        :h The snow is falling in big, beautiful, powdery snowflakes here in Boulder, Colorado. What a day!!!

                        Yes, it is Valentine's Day. The day when some of us have guaranteed dates, others are hopeful with expectations of chocolate and flowers and others are reminded that they are single. But Valentine's Day does not have to be about love between 2 lovers. It can be, and in my opinion, should be about LOVE in general. For example the love that I have for all of you on this site. You are all there for me everyday. You all reach out to help me through my addiction in a way that only you can. And I LOVE YOU for it. We have each other. And this particular Valentine's Day I am honoring that love above all else.

                        So whether you going out with a spouse, receiving chocolates or spending the evening with you pets on our chat room, I am wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day - I LOVE YOU!!!!:heart: :l :huggy


                          ODAT THURSDAY

                          even if

                          Even if you are alone, we will all be here for you....................alone or not, you ARE LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!

                          MA:h :h
                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            ODAT THURSDAY

                            Hello ODATers. Late in posting, but needed to get to work early, and I think my hard drive is dying! Fairly new Apple laptop.

                            Croft, your post was so sweet and so true. I started posting in November, when I was at the lowest point of my life. The friends here have been so supportive and given me so much unconditional, nonjudgmental love. I have a new therapist who wanted me to go to AA or a Depression Support Group.

                            I kept telling her that I have this online site. She kept coming back and telling me that I need a face-to-face support group. I kept saying said no. This battle has been going on for several weeks. I did go to an AA meeting and it turned out to be the most horrible experience of my life (of course I choose a meeting where 90% of those there were homeless and still drinking and doing drugs). Reminded me of my brother and had a lot of bad flashbacks.

                            I kept telling her of the support, the humor, the love, the hope, the positive vibes at MWO. Not like AA.

                            Today, we spoke, told her about a couple of threads, posts, comments from various members. She told that I have changed immensely since we first started meeting. All I said to her was MWO. She said good for you. No mention of AA or depression support groups

                            Like Croft and all else who have posted on this thread today, I am celebrating Valentine's Day. I am spending the night with my cats, but for the first time in a long time, I do not feel alone. I am celebrating what I have found here. Thank you. Will be 18 dAYS AF tomorrow. Couldn't have done it without you all.

                            I am thankful that I found this site, I am thankful for people like Bessie, Sweetpea, East, Croft, Rustop, Rudemama, Cowgal, Long Road, retteacher, sickandtired, Cindi, Teardrop, charleee, Janice, keeta and everyone else. Thank you for your support, thank you for your love.


                              ODAT THURSDAY

                              Hi everyone and Happy V Day. I have not had a good week because my friend was here from out of town and had to join her in drink. Although I do have to say that I was quit ethe tee totaler. One beer one night, two glasses of wine the other two. But still, that's not good since I am taking Campral. Prior to her visit I was AF for three to four days at a time. Oh well, onward and Upward.

