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I HAVE to share this

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    I HAVE to share this

    It HAS to be the supplements. I am now 10 days AF. I have been working my way up the consumption ladder for years (20 years). But, for the last two to three years I have been drinking two bottles of wine a day during the week and three a day on weekends. I have been taking the supps (starter kit) and have not had ANY cravings. I think that must be the Kudzu. I have been sleeping wonderfully too. I know this is not the case for everyone. I wish it was. I feel very fortunate. I haven't even started the topamax. I know that I had to come to the place where I was ready to take the reins, but I am overwhelmed with how well I am feeling after stopping cold turkey, especially after the huge quantity I had been consuming on a regular basis.

    Just a footnote. A year and a half ago I went to the doctor. Like many of us, I had stayed away for years and years. I didn't want my "secret" known. I never dreamed the doc would do blood work (she had a lab in her office). Well, needless to say my liver levels were extremely elevated (women do not metabolize alcohol like men), and I am sitting on the fence of Diabetes II. Still, that wasn't enough to make me change my ways. It took a year and a half for me to take the reins. (Working Girl, I hope you read this, because you sound ready to take hold of your reins).

    I am so grateful for the MWO book, the supplements and this site.

    I HAVE to share this

    The supplements are amazing. It is great that you are not having any side effects from them!!! Lucky you!!!!


      I HAVE to share this

      What a great post Miso. Will give a lot of people hope. Congratulations on the 10 days AF and here is to many more. Please keep us posted of your progress.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        I HAVE to share this

        That's fantastic Miso
        Wake me up low with a fever~Walking in a straight line~ Set me on fire in the evening~Everything will be fine~Waking up strong in the morning~Walking in a straight line~Lately I?m a desperate believer~But walking in a straight line


          I HAVE to share this

          I'm reading you Miso!!! Thanks! I too haven't been to the doctor for years. I did, however admit my alcohol intake to my Gynecologist. Suffice it to say my bravery went without notice!

          I have my wish list of sups to order. Question though, are the items shipped in a discreet carton, shipping label etc? I want to use my work address to ship to.

          Fantastic job Miso! You have given me yet another boost!
          Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. ~M. Kathleen Casey


            I HAVE to share this

            Hey Working Girl. That is really ashame about the Gynecologist, but good for you for continuing on with YOUR bravery. The supps come by way of the US Postal Service in a regular "Priority Mail" box. Very discreet. No labels. I still can't believe how much they have helped me. I really think my body was screaming for the nutrients. If you can swing it, I would recommend the "Starter Kit". It comes with a pamphlet about each supplement and a schedule that tells you when to take what. Good luck. You sound incredibly strong. Keep me posted. Miso


              I HAVE to share this


              This is fantastic and will give a lot of hope to other members. I am on my second day AF and have been taking the supps regularly so I have not had cravings so far. I did 30 AF at the end of last year and only had cravings a couple of times but was able to overcome them very easily. Congratulations!

              Working Girl,

              Don't worry about the packaging. It comes with a return address lable that says "Capalo Press" (the publishing company for the book). Also, you can request that the Kudzu come without a lable (because it specifically says on the lable about use for alcohol consumption). Good luck!
              Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                I HAVE to share this

                Thanks Gabby for the note about the label on the Kudzu. I thought she was just refering to the box they are shipped in. Congratulations to you too!!!


                  I HAVE to share this

                  Thanks Miso and Gabby for the info on how stuff is shipped/labeled. Every bit of what I learn from you brings me one step closer.

                  So glad to be here!!!!
                  Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. ~M. Kathleen Casey


                    I HAVE to share this

                    No problem Working Girl. Also, I love your quote!!!!



                      I HAVE to share this

                      Come on you lot - get on with it!

                      You can do this!!!

                      It's SOOOO worth it - I'm 14 months AF and loving every second of my (sober) life!
                      It always seems impossible until it's done....

