does the feeling pass that you want to sacrifice someone . . .I'm sooo irritable today . . .can't stand myself :upset: it's almost 4:30 here and I'm seriously struggling with going to the package store for some Absolut . . .my drink of choice! I sound like a bad movie!
not to worry I'm not going to go . . . but this has been the first time in 8 days THAT I REALLY WANT TO!
any suggestions anyone? I took the dog for a COLD brisk walk on the water . . .froze . . .but was good to be out . . . now I'm faced the the rest of the evening in front of me . . . ugh!
I guess I'll shower . . .so when I DO sacrifice someone I'll be clean at least !! ha ha !
thanks for listening as usual guys . . . . .:thanks:
:h D