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one hell of a day

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    one hell of a day

    first waking up this morning the f.... house smelt like shit and piss ..i am the only one cleaning the house and i know she cant do it but hell and my uncle is getting older. and i was told i couldnt get mad about well then the ring was thown at me for no reason or just because i was speaking my mind and i let the cat out of the bag bye saying i shouldnt have come back here to this house and she took it the wrong way so that just mess my hole day up . and i have been thinking why the hell am i putting myself thru this . am try so hard to hold back what i really want to say. and i am think of leave this behide me . what am doing so good not drinking and yea you would think my boys would want to spend more time with me am feeling left out.they dont call me even when i call i leave a message and no call back .what the hell is going on there so i call my ex at her job and she said she will have the kids call me. that never happens . my oldest is surpose to be going to night school hell she letting him do what ever he wants to . and even if i just say anything am fuck.i control my anger but what now i cant speck my mind and no i dont want to drink i like the way i am. ....sorry just had to write it down or they call it ventting and now air in this room . feels so cold you cut it with a knife. well i will be strong and handle it the best way i can and sober... well for now have a great night to everyone
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

    one hell of a day

    Hi Tlrgs, so sorry to hear of your horrible day today. Sleep on it, tomorrow is another day etc etc. Hope you wake up feeling bright and sunny. Speak in the morning.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      one hell of a day

      tlrgs, I sit here and stare at your post and wish I had something to say. I do not. Other than that I admire your strength to get through this moment / day without drinking. I wish I was that strong. I think a round of applause is warranted here. (insert clapping sound)
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        one hell of a day

        greeneyes;273669 wrote: tlrgs, I sit here and stare at your post and wish I had something to say. I do not. Other than that I admire your strength to get through this moment / day without drinking. I wish I was that strong. I think a round of applause is warranted here. (insert clapping sound)
        I AGREE applause to make it through without drinking. I know I do not think I could have done that at this point you are strong!!! All I can offer is my support and a ((HUG))

        ~Life is not measured by the breaths we take. Rather by the moments in life that take our breath away~ Author Unknown


          one hell of a day


          just sending some sunshine and warmth your way.


            one hell of a day

            I'm not really sure what the source of the nastiness was.... the uncle? a dog? a pink elephant??? inkele:

            I hope by this time your anger has subsided and your day has gone better....

            In reference to your boys, please be patient with them, okay? While YOU know that you've changed your lifestyle and stayed AF for more than 90 days, they are probably still skeptical~ which is understandable. Time will prove to them that you want to be involved in their lives.... keep trying. :exclaimation: NEVER give up- even if you want a day with them, but can only get to share a meal.... it's still time together. It means the world to kids when parents keep fighting FOR them. :heart:

            Take care!

            Tampa, FL


              one hell of a day

              tlgrs: sorry you had a crappy day!!! you really have been an inspiration to some of us here with your strength and your sobriety. you always have kind words to those of us who are struggling and they are so appreciated! yes, please come here to vent, it can really help. And I hope tomorrow is a better day.
              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                one hell of a day

                tlgrs...sending love and hugs from this end too......
                Jacqui xxx
                Mwo,s worst speller....


                  one hell of a day

                  tlgrs,,,, hope you have a better day
                  there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


                    one hell of a day

                    I'm sorry you are having a horrible day, some days just don't go. You should be really proud of yourself staying AF.
                    Give your kids time, they need time to heal as well.


                      one hell of a day

                      Keep on keepin on my dear.....

                      Many Dad's would just give up, don't go're a keeper : )
                      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                      - George Jackson


                        one hell of a day

                        T...sorry to keep telling you to shut the fuck up in chat. That could be whats buggin ya? Lets just work on the electric a bit more and smooth things out.

                        Luv Rip.


                          one hell of a day

                          tlrgs... I hope today is a better day for you. Those shitty days will come and go, but your strength is steadfast. I am so very proud of you for staying sober through all you have going on. THAT is the true test, isn't it? Your children will come around.. give them time...

                          You are a wonderful person.

                          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                            one hell of a day

                            Hang in there tlgrs, I hope today is a better day. I agree with those who said before me not to give up on your boys. . .there are enough dads in this world who don't stay involved in their kids' lives (my ex is one of them).

                            I hope today is better for you - stay strong
                            Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)


                              one hell of a day

                              hi to all.... thankx for your surport...i know i cant keep on doing this to myself its making me sick in a bad way my belly is doing fips and i havent been eating ngain not good and i know it but things are better today so mess in the house. i think the dogs know they really piss me off.well for now everyone .have a great sunday
                              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

