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one hell of a day

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    one hell of a day

    Tlrgs~ glad to hear today is Sunnier... and relieved that it's the dogs and NOT your uncle with the stinky issue.... :H..... enjoy the white fluffy clouds and blue sky today. One thing at a time! :heart:

    Tampa, FL


      one hell of a day

      yay tlgrs!!! keep on keeping on my friend :hug:

      :hijacked: But Ripple, what is going on with your avatars??? am i hallucinating again??:H and quit telling tlgrs to f-- off in chat. thwack !!!
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        one hell of a day

        You are an inspiration to us all!!!! You have gone through so much just in the short time that I have been a member here. And still you post encouragement to others and stay on track in your own life!!!!!

        Much love and good wishes heading your way!!!!!

        And why in the heck is Ripple to telling you f-- off! BAD RIPPLE!! BAD :b&d:


          one hell of a day

          dexterhead;274060 wrote: yay tlgrs!!! keep on keeping on my friend :hug:

          :hijacked: But Ripple, what is going on with your avatars??? am i hallucinating again??:H and quit telling tlgrs to f-- off in chat. thwack !!!

          No I am hallucinating. I will be changing it frequently I feel stalked so am switching things up a bit. i will alert if needed. Warning I am a bitch
          on the run.



            one hell of a day

            Ripple;274097 wrote: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]Warning I am a bitch on the run.
            me too Rip
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

