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    Morning all - fabulous frosty sunny day here. Got a work party going on soon so hope to get lots of stuff done. Lost a hen to Charlie fox last night - dammit. About time we made sure they all stayed in the pen all night. Wing clipping and pen sorting needed. Another job to put on the list. And I'm going to have a big lasagne tonight to 'reward' the workers - cept I have just discovered some weevil things in my lasagne sheets!! Added protein I guess!:H

    Hope you all have a great day! Be well and happy.

    Bessie xx


    Arhh Weevils, great for the skin.

    Lovely sunny frosty day here too, going to my nanna's for a family gathering that was supposed to happen before christmas, but her cooker broke down so having it now.

    8 days AF!
    'The only people who give you a hard time (for stopping drinking) are those who used to look to your drinking to excess to legitimise theirs, and they'll find someone else to do that in time. '
    From an Amazon review of Allan Carr's ' Easy Way to Control Alcohol'



      Good morning Bessie,
      Out ye weevils...OUT! Good luck with your lasagna. I'm finishing up some coursework and housecleaning...getting things ready. Hubby and I will be going on a cruise later this week for a long weekend...I can't wait!

      Have a great day everyone
      Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)



        Morning all
        A cruise.....sounds so relaxing...for me maybe someday.....
        Bessie, wishing you luck with those weevils...nobody will ever know...just bake them to death!!!
        Hover, a family gathering.....have fun!!
        I am going to a "tasting" today for my sons upcoming wedding in June..never been to one before, hubby a little disgruntled that he won't be having his pasta dinner, which is Italian tradition....but he will live...
        I have been thinking about how many times I have dissapointed my family with my promises not to drink...The broken promises, the distrust, the sadness, the lack of understanding. This time around I set a different expectation...I am choosing to take it one day at a time and making it clear I am making no promise for tomorrow, just today. I will never say never...again....For me, giving myself the freedom to choose and not focusing on long term makes dealing with this demon bearable......Hope everyone has a safe, happy weekend.....No work Monday...yea!!!
        sobriety date 11-04-07


          SUNDAY ODAT

          I just have to say that it is a really great feeling when you can wake up regretting something that you did the day before, but it was not because you were drinking.

          I bought a way expensive dress yesterday that I will likely only wear once or twice in my life. But I had to have it. My daughter told me that it made me look 10 years younger and it was a fricken size FOUR!!!!!! I have not been able to get into a size 4 for several years due to the nasty calories (I chose the word nasty for dex) that AL has been deposting on my arse.

          This morning I woke up feeling a few pangs of regret as the price tag was a little out of line. Then I tried the dress on again. OMG, I look way hot in that dress. I am keeping it! So nice to feel guilty about something else for a change!:danthin:

          Happy Sunday EVERYONE!!!!


            SUNDAY ODAT

            Enjoy Your cruise Deena , Bessie how old is that pasta for your lasagna.? Yes I love waking up guilt free.
            Love to all.


              SUNDAY ODAT

              Size 4 ????????? I think I was that when I was 5! And lets NOT get into the size of ones arse because I got you all beat! If I were to sit on a copy machine to take a picture, first there'd be no room and then I'd break it.
              Went out last night.......had a nice meal with friends. Had only one glass of vino. Today AF. I started the daily tracker.......I think it'll help confessing to all on a daily bases. I've actually been keeping one for years, but I was the only one who saw it.


                SUNDAY ODAT

                Ummm.... I did sit on a copy machine. Had a co-worker stand guard. Mailed it to hubby (then bf) poem included, not realizing someone else opened his mail at office. Smart one eh? She gives it to him and says I think this is personal. OMG! I can hardly believe I even go out in public I have done so many bizarre things.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  SUNDAY ODAT

                  smiley toes - why does the copy machine story not surprise me one bit! you are something else girl!!!


                    SUNDAY ODAT

                    Well today is day 3 AF!!! I am keeping busy still with busy things, laundry, freinds, family, pictures and just trying not to think on drinking. I do have a slight urge but I had a cup of tea and it is getting better. Tomorrow is a new day and a new struggle but I will keep taking this ODAT. I did buy AF beer, imported makers of guiness hve to say does not taste like the original but does not taste bad either may pick up some more of that to get me through the week when I have my cravings. I have noticed one very weird off thing though being AF... they say drinking casues you bad skin and facial complextion haha well not me on the days I drink I wake to a nice clear face and small un-noticable pores but one the days I do not good lord my face looks puffy sorta,oily, my skin is actually breaking out like teen and my pores look much bigger what the hell is that all about? LOL Well anywho I can laugh at it and get through my day! Power to all of you this Sunday

                    ~Life is not measured by the breaths we take. Rather by the moments in life that take our breath away~ Author Unknown


                      SUNDAY ODAT

                      Had a lovely day, me nan, bless her, doesn't know about my drinking 'thing' and was trying to ply us all with booze, as the whole rest of family know, I managed to resist but she sent us home with 2 bottles of white wine (one of my weaknesses!) As long as they stay unopened I should be alright
                      'The only people who give you a hard time (for stopping drinking) are those who used to look to your drinking to excess to legitimise theirs, and they'll find someone else to do that in time. '
                      From an Amazon review of Allan Carr's ' Easy Way to Control Alcohol'


                        SUNDAY ODAT

                        S&T: someone else had a post about that and I noticed it as well,skin looking worse after not drinking, but supposedly it gets better !

                        Welcome back , FRN! hope to hear about your trip ...

                        And listen, Croft, FRN, Green, all ... we are having another f&*)(&^&(&^&%&((^*^ -ing snowstorm from hell and we know those make me VERY crabby .. so LISTEN ... my arse is literally the size of one of the smaller eastern seaboard states ... like Rhode Island maybe. It actually has its own zip code!!:H Totally embarrassing .. soon it is going to need its own form of government. On Tuesday, it has to vote in a different district. very inconvenient.
                        sorry to get off on a butt tangent. I'm going stark raving mad marooned inside with an incredibly insane cat who seems to mainlined some amphetamines today ... glad some of you are doing well!!! (perhaps we need to start a thread devoted to butts )
                        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                          SUNDAY ODAT

                          This arse argument will continue until it gets settled.....I'm telling you I have the biggest arse in the MWO group........maybe I'll make it my avatar.....just have to find a copy machine.....I'm too embarrassed to go to Kinkos so I'll have to find another way.


                            SUNDAY ODAT

                            I'll take that argument and raise you one granny-panty ... ante up!! :H

                            Honestly, my wide-angle lens couldn't even capture it in all its wonder.

                            (I have a broad following).
                            Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
                            :wings: :huggy


                              SUNDAY ODAT

                              Masquerade;274145 wrote: (I have a broad following).
                              lol Masq!
                              Well, Masq, FRN, all the widest : we are just going to have to find some way to settle this arse-gument:H
                              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

