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reality check

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    reality check

    I am proud of you smiley toes!! Get her done! Just do it! and all that.

    If you mess up one day, don't beat yourself up. Just start up again.

    And keep us up to date on how it is going. Stay with us. I want to know.

    Love you girlfriend!!! and all of your lovely ensembles!


      reality check

      Yippee for Green!! A plan is the thing. I know you've been verging on this for a while. you and hubby and undie-chewing puppy and kittyhead can make it work !!!
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        reality check

        We have fallen again. Thank you for the encouragement. I will try not tomorrow, but today. There is half a day left and I cannot waste it. Both of our lives are at risk here. Thank God for my sister helping with my dad's stuff or I surely be a flaming pair of holey underwear by now. (I know I can't help it. But it wouldn't be mine. I gave up caffeine and nicotine and underwear, remember?) It's a good plan though. Hate to set that little thong on fire though. Lord I need that duplex. No I need the plan. Thank you for your support.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          reality check

          Happy Monday, Greenie.... today is a new day.

          Today is the other tomorrow.
          You still have your plan. You still have our support. You know you can do it.

          Croft, will you kindly lend your "mean it" voice to Mr and Mrs Greeneyes?:nutso:
          Greenie, I'm patiently waiting on the sideline.... I know there is holy shlock going on in your life, but there is still life to contend with~ stick to your plan, Greenie.... :l

          Love you oodles... with or without undies. Much love,

          Tampa, FL


            reality check

            Hi Green, lists, lists, lists - really, honestly, plans and lists are what got me through my first few days/weeks - slowly does it, one thing at a time, one little change here and there and writing everything down (great to look back at). Wishing you strength.

            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

