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finding it hard today

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    finding it hard today

    l went out last nigh to some mates,, 1st time been out af,,,done very well,,never had a drink,,give my self pat on the back
    but today am finding it very hard,,, 3 times l so wanted to drink,,, but the thourt of it makes me sick,, so l do not know were this is comming from... it very strong and its doing my head in
    there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning

    finding it hard today

    Stay strong kaddy you will feel so much better in the morning....stay with us we will beat the beast away....
    Love Jacqui xxx
    Mwo,s worst speller....


      finding it hard today

      Kaddy..are you using Topomax? Just curious.


        finding it hard today

        do you have some kudzu or other crutch to help you through this spot?

        stay with us - go on chat - we will help you through.


          finding it hard today

          Kaddy yes pat yourself and be proud of what you have already done. You can beat the urges. I did not spend a lot of money on Topa or the Kudzu, but did get St John's Wort and Omega 3-6-9 (local walgreens) and yesterday when I felt the demons haunting in my head took two St John's and they went away. I kept busy do you have something to busy your mind and body so you get your thoughts off of the urges? We are here for you and like it has already been said from Jacqui stay with us we will beat the beasts away!!!

          ~Life is not measured by the breaths we take. Rather by the moments in life that take our breath away~ Author Unknown


            finding it hard today

            Kaddy, I asked about the Topomax because I wont to try it and the CD's but can't afford them at this time. I have to start on a seven day Antibotic regimon in wich I will not be able to drink..I haven't gone longer than 3 day's in a long time and afraid I won't be able to do it. I am going to get the Topomax soon and hope and pray it works.


              finding it hard today

              thnks for all the post no am not taking anything,,, its going a bit better been on phone to family and comming on here and reading post to keep myself bussy,,,,
              there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


                finding it hard today

                I have the Kudzu but I don't take it all during the day. When I get the "urge," I take two sometimes three of them. For me it seems to control the urge. HTH!
                Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                  finding it hard today

                  doing better

                  thanks for the post everyone
                  sickandtired l got some st john worts,,and omeaga 3,6, many do l take and when,,,, am doing a lot better today,,, l think it must be sundays,,,with no work and being on my own most of day:thanks:
                  there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


                    finding it hard today

                    Weekends can be triggers...bad triggers. I have to plann themm very carefully and still suffer on Sunday nights. But I keep telling myself Monday is much easier without a hangover. Which is where you are today! No Hangover! :goodjob:
                    Stay with can do this!
                    Stay Strong!
                    War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                      finding it hard today

                      kaddy;274439 wrote: thanks for the post everyone
                      sickandtired l got some st john worts,,and omeaga 3,6, many do l take and when,,,, am doing a lot better today,,, l think it must be sundays,,,with no work and being on my own most of day:thanks:
                      I take one omega 3-6-9 in the morn suggestions say 2 I am not one to take too much of anything (well except drinking I guess) the St Johns Wort I take at night since that is when I drink and have the urges so when I get home I take 2 and I am good all night long as long as I keep busy the pills do help me a lot. ((HUGS)) you can do this Kaddy

                      ~Life is not measured by the breaths we take. Rather by the moments in life that take our breath away~ Author Unknown


                        finding it hard today

                        thanks l will try this,,,will let you know how it gos
                        there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


                          finding it hard today

                          kaddy;274641 wrote: thanks l will try this,,,will let you know how it gos
                          Yes let me know how it works for you. Warning I think the St Johns Wort since it is a mood enhancing supplement does something to your eyes since every night hubby keeps syaing look at me and he looks at my eyes and goes did you drink something, what did you take today LOL I do not take any pills/drugs (I do not even take aspirin for headaches) other than these supps and milk thistle and dandilion both also really great as they help clean out your liver, blood and bile. So funny every night he asks everynight I say St Johns lol so they must be doing something they make me feel more at peace and relaxed and obviously make me look at peace too hee hee

                          ~Life is not measured by the breaths we take. Rather by the moments in life that take our breath away~ Author Unknown


                            finding it hard today

                            I took St. John's Wort for many months when I first went AF.

                            The only side effect I had was sensitivity to light. Even on an over cast day.

                            I took 3 capsules a day for the maximum benefit.

                            I no longer take them - but they really helped me in the beginning - I was on them from Nov. 2006 until August 2007. I took one in the AM/Lunch/Bedtime.

                            I also took a lot of other vitamins to get my body up to snuff again. Focusing on Vitamin B's and the Omega's primarly. Eating really well will also help you tremendously in beating the beast. Lots of whole grains and protiens.


                              finding it hard today

                              am feeling a littel better today,,but at a lose end got day of work,,, been out a lot with dogs
                              ,,,but been getting fet up,,, what the mind does,,,is mad
                              there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning

