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Help..Must be more to life.

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    Help..Must be more to life.

    Good Monday morning all....I awoke this morning all excited because today is Monday...I'm off work on Tuesday so that means i get to come home and drink......and drink...and drink,
    There just seams like there should be more to life then looking forward to getting drunk.
    I think I need to get serious about the sobriety thing...I am going to drink tonight but Tuesday I'm going to do a 7 day reason I'm starting on Antibiotics and I don't need to drink while on them and this will give me a chance to see what it's like to be sober..maybe I can find something else to life besides drinking all the time...the last two or three weeks I come home from work on Monday night start drinking until I pass out wake up Tuesday morning and start again. That is no way to live. Thats not life...isn't there more?
    I have to work now don't wont anyone to catch me doing this..I could use any suggestions anyone might have.
    Thanks, J.

    Help..Must be more to life.

    Hi Jade,you are so right there is a lot more to life than drink and no it is no way to live...good luck with the af it is so worth it and soon you will find pleasure...true other things.....
    Love Jacqui xxx
    Mwo,s worst speller....


      Help..Must be more to life.


      Use the antibiotics to get your mind around the fact that there is more . . .it's tough . . .no doubt about it . . .but better . . . . the first days were easier for me than this past weekend . . . it's been 11 days free of my absolut cocktail . . .I've been doing the supplements (kudzu) and Topomox (was already on it for migraines!) I started the hypno CD's yesterday and will continue with those today . . . .had a really difficult time on Sat . . . was the first time I REALLY WANTED TO GO TO THE PACKAGE STORE . . .but I didn't . .. . had some really emotional stuff going on at home . husband picked up my first dog's ashes from the vet . , . just sucked as you can image . . . but I got thru some how and I truly new that the alcohol wasn't going to help me . . .it would just prolong whatever I was feeling . . .

      anyway . . . know that each day WILL be better than the last and think positve thoughts and know that we are ALL here for you!:h

      love, D


        Help..Must be more to life.

        hi there.. jaded..yes there is alot more to life then just reading a good book,going out for walks.anything to pass the time. and if you really want to qiut drinking you have to do it for yourself . find that inner peace of mind. where you really feel good about things.and just take it one day at a time . and hey have a great alot and keep on posting
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Help..Must be more to life.

          Jaded: There is so much more to life then drinking. Drinking is a vicious cycle. You drink, get buzzed, do silly things, pass out, wake up feeling like crap, spend the day trying to cure yourself of a hangover to only start the cycle again. Drinking is time consuming. You can get a whole lot of things accomplished when you don't drink and have a clear head. Good luck with your 7 days of AF. You can do it!
          September 23, 2011


            Help..Must be more to life.

            Jacqui thank you, I can't wait to find some other pleasures in life..and hope that I will.

            Sunshine..i stopped smoking a few months ago and the first month was real hard, the next month was easier and the third was even easier but I think with drinking it works the other way around..the longer you go without doing it the harder the urges to drink get...I hope I'm wrong about that. So sorry to hear about your dog..I have a cat that I love and would hate for anything to happen to him. Thank you and Jacqui, Reenie, and tlrgs for the support...I have been reading post on this site for a couple of months but haven't really gotten envolved until now...I just want to stop this maddness just like everyone else here but it is so hard.

            I won't be here tomorrow because I'm not working and someone broke in our house and stole my computer there so I wont be able to check back in til Wednesday. Thank you all again so much for the words of incourgement I think this site is a good place to start trying to get a grip on life and live right.


              Help..Must be more to life.

              Hang in there Jaded. (Love your alias name BTW). Life will seem bleak and empty for the first couple of weeks, but things will honestly start to get better.

              I never thought it would be possible to enjoy life without drinking. Life is by far so much better without drinking. I can't even begin to describe. Mainly the freedom!

              Read lots and Post when you can. Sorry to hear about your home being broken into. I have had that happen to me before and it is absolutely devastating.


                Help..Must be more to life.

                How are we going to know how enjoyable it can be if we don't give it a shot! (not that I have ever...but that is what I am telling myself today!


                  Help..Must be more to life.

                  YES! There is life after AL! And in my opinion, you have made a good choice..I also had a lovely relationship with Booze...but got on here and no it is not easy but you can do it! This site has great support...don't I know! As others have said, read and post when you can (sorry aobut the home breakin!) and you might ocnsider the suppliments etc., some have found them to be very useful!
                  Don't be often!
                  Stay Strong!
                  War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                    Help..Must be more to life.

                    Jaded - stay strong and focused. It really is better being sober. It's not all butterflies and rainbows, but it's so worth while.

                    There is more to life and you'll be amazed by the things that will occupy your time when you are not drinking. Think about it. I bet there are things you have been wanting or needing to get done but just wasted too much time drinking. I've gone all over the house and written a list of "things-to-do". This doesn't mean you have to hurry and get everything done right away. It's just handy to refer to when your mind is wondering and your bored.

                    Clean out the attic or the junk draw (we all have one).
                    Go thru your closet - if you haven't worn it in a year, throw it out.
                    Write on the back of all those old photos before you forget whose in them or when they were taken.
                    Start a family tree (very time consuming).
                    Learn an instrument.
                    If you are female (sorry, don't know), a night of beauty is very time consuming. Try new hair styles, hot bath, facial, mani and pedi. You can not paint your nails if your drunk! Tried it and it's not pretty.
                    Play games on-line. A fun web site is POGO. You can play free games and chat with people from all over the world.
                    Go to the library and look thru a book on hobbies. You're sure to find something that strikes you.

                    Just stay busy!! And you always have us to spend time with. Spend time reading/posting or joining live chat. We are here for you.

                    Good luck!

                    Love, Me
                    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.

