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day # 2

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    day # 2

    Hello out there, I'm a long time drinker, tried AA with some success but can't get into it anymore. I have drank daily for the last few years with short abstiances in between. It's just a vicious cycle. Wake up in the morning hung over and serious about quiting but by the time I leave work I can only think of the next drink. My doctor prescribed me campral so I trying that but realize the importance of support. Yesterday I managed to be AF and hope to make today the same. Usually, the better I feel, the stronger the cravings. oh well - have a nice day.

    day # 2

    welcome to a great place...there in so much support and info here...great job on day 2...i am day 11 today and it seems to get easier everyday...please stick around and post ...again welcome to My Way Out!...blessings.... buckle


      day # 2

      Thanks, It's good to know there are others like me out there.


        day # 2

        hi there..jackieb.. welcome you have found a great site. there is alot of good people welcome aboard .keep on reading and posting your questions..good luck
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          day # 2

          Hello JackieB yes support it seems to help so much. I struggled alone and failed but since finding this AWESOME community am not on day 4 AF so we will be here for you, with you, alongside you in your fight!!!!

          ~Life is not measured by the breaths we take. Rather by the moments in life that take our breath away~ Author Unknown


            day # 2

            Welcome, Jackie B...... :hiya: are you taking any vitamins or supplements? If not, go to the local pharmacy and get yourself started.... a B Complex is most important to get nutrients to your brain... you'll find more info on this website, too.

            Water, water, water. Did I mention water? If you feel a lag in the afternoon, where your sugar may be bottoming out (about the time you think of your first drink).... grab an apple, an orange, or even a Hershey's kiss. :h
            You can do this.... :l

            Tampa, FL


              day # 2

              Not Happy Hour-Happy Life;274502 wrote: Welcome, Jackie B...... :hiya: are you taking any vitamins or supplements? If not, go to the local pharmacy and get yourself started.... a B Complex is most important to get nutrients to your brain... you'll find more info on this website, too.

              Water, water, water. Did I mention water? If you feel a lag in the afternoon, where your sugar may be bottoming out (about the time you think of your first drink).... grab an apple, an orange, or even a Hershey's kiss. :h
              You can do this.... :l
              LOL I agree with the sugar in the afternoon issue ( I had yesterday) but DO NOT EAT a whole bag of the kisses, lol I do not recommend doing that HAHAHA
              ~Life is not measured by the breaths we take. Rather by the moments in life that take our breath away~ Author Unknown


                day # 2

                Thanks for your replys. I take a multivitamin, and do have some B complex I will also take. I'll try something sweet in the afternoon - maybe that''ll help with the craving. The job also gets me tired in the afternoon, I 'll have to find a way to cope with that. oh yes & water.


                  day # 2


                  We are in this together, I think you are well on your way to day 3!

                  I am on day one AGAIN, for the umteenth number of times:upset: Have FINALLY Decided that I need to go and stay AF for a long time if not FOREVER (YEAH, that word scares me too )
                  Let us know how you are doing, BELIEVE me, I need you guys and will be posting more than ever (never thought that was possible!!! )

                  Love and hugs!!!

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    day # 2

                    Jackie, you'll be so glad you found this place. It's great. Keep reading and posting. And it'll get easier. I agree with eating something sweet. It sure does help.
                    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                      day # 2

                      Jackie - welcome and this is such a wonderful support system I am very glad you found it. Alot of what you said I can relate too - I tried AA also and it did not work for me although I did take some of what I learned and do apply it to my life now. Also I too wake up hungover with the resolve that I'm going to quit and by the time I get off work all I can think of is that first drink - work is a HUGE trigger for me - this I know. I am currently on day 6 AF and so far so good am planning on making it one more day just one day at a time. Good luck on your journey and stay here you will learn so much from people that are going through the same things as you and can totally understand.


                      when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                        day # 2

                        Yea, it looks like day 3 is in the bank, tomarow is a work day so i have to deal with the stress. I'll try do do what is best. Taking it each day and hope to put together some time.


                          day # 2

                          Better yet...have something sweet with a bit of protein (nuts for example) -- it'll keep your blood sugar more stable and help prevent a "sugar crash." Welcome aboard!


                            day # 2

                            :welcome: To one of the greatest sites on the web! Wonderful people...excellent support...and as you have allready been told, so many of us have been where you are!
                            CONGRATULATIONS on Day 3! Good Going!
                            Hope to see lots of you here!
                            War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                              day # 2

                              Just getting started

                              Just joined a couple of minutes ago. I know I need to do something about my alcohol consumption..........I'm drinking nearly every day.

                              When I don't drink for 2-3 days I don't seem to have any major withdrawal symptons. Also,I have major depression problems.........I've been on meds for seems to be a genetic thing in my family.

                              It's good to have a place to talk with others and not be judged.

