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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Bit late starting today's thread but here it is! Lovely sunny day here in Blighty. Loads of jobs to do and an AF day to have! Glad to be feeling better than yesterday - could hardly put one foot in front of the other but had a very relaxing evening with friends and a few hours sleep during the day and now I am almost firing on all cylinders again! Hooray! I love having energy and hate it when I am tired.

    A good day for you all, new or old, modding or AF. The fact that you are here is what counts.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Bessie, always nice to start the day with a positive message from you. Looking forward to an 18th day AF. Happy Tuesday all!


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Morning Bessie and all ODATers. Yep, its another lovely day here in Kent too. It is so frosty but the sun is coming through and we're hoping to have another day in the garden. Yesterday we worked all afternoon and ended up having a big bonfire. It was great to be outside. We both felt we "deserved" a drink when we sat later in front of the fire and so bang went my AF day! Didn't overdo it though and slept well which is always a test for me.
      Can hardly move this morning though - have found muscles I didn't know I had!!!!

      Has anyone heard of Pura EPA fish oils??? I have been on them for a couple of months now since coming off the anti-depressants and they are really helping!! There's a website for them, just tab in pura epa fish oils and you'll find it.

      Have a great day guys, see you later,

      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Must have posted at the same time Kirova - well done on the 18 AF days!!!
        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Morning all, thanks again Bessie for being the 'starter'. Beautiful morning here in the Highlands, well it looks it from inside anyway lol. Going to my pals for lunch and a gossip, you just can't beat a good old chinwag with an old friend. Hope everyone has a great day.

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Good morning everyone

            Thanks for starting the thread Bessie. It is indeed a beautiful morning. I just love this frosty, sunny weather. I am in the middle of a re-organizing spree. I cleaned/organised the attic during January and now I am attacking the office!!! It's the kind of stuff you can close a door on and forget about but eventually it gets to you. Being AF means I have so much more energy so I am putting it to good use.

            Have a great day everyone.



              ODAT - Tuesday

              Bessie, Kirova, Janice, Tea, RU and All ODATers to come,

              Having a cold morning in my hotel room. Brrrr. Heat doesn't seem to be working. Bath is going to be a bit chilly when done. I guess it will make the three hours sleep seem better, though.

              It is so good to hear everyone is doing so well.

              Good on the 18 days, Kirova!! :goodjob:

              Going to be AF today because that is what I MUST do.

              Love to all and I hope everyone meets their goals today!!

              AF April 9, 2016


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Morning! Late night yesterday. Not AF as you probably know but I will try today and try not to get another ass whooping, hahaha. One a week might suffice.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Morning all
                  I too have had a "burst" of energy and am in organization mode......Spent yesterday afternoon shredding away.....old papers, tax returns, just crap.......filled 3 garbage bags...couple of trips to the Goodwill store, bags of clothing, and just plain I need to get myself into cleaning mode!!!.....
                  Wishing all success on meeting your goals for today.....
                  sobriety date 11-04-07


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    it promises to be a busy day. First working day since I came back from holiday..........could get use to this not working routine, maybe one day I'll be lucky.
                    I have a date with my son tonight. I plan to mod.............he's taking me out to my favorite restaurant.......until tomorrow


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      good morning!

                      Thanks for starting the thread Bessie, as usual!:thanks:

                      I have actually made it 1 day AF!!!!! YIPEEE, slept like a rock, but had extremely vivid and stange dreams!!!

                      No spurt of energy yet, but expect it in a few days, that is when AA will come in really handy (I hope, still not feeling all that warm and fuzzy about the idea yet, but has been the ONLY way in the past I have been able to truly QUIT for any length of can be seen by my posts!!!), my dangerous days, day 4 or so............

                      Love you all and congrats to everyone no matter how much time, all we have is today, ODAT!!!!

                      HUGS!!!!:l :l

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Afternoon all before and all to come

                        Lovely sunny cold day here, the sun is so uplifting, makes you feel good to be alive. Day 3 for me yesterday, can't call today day 4 until I get past this evening, which is my bewitching hours. Had a better sleep last night, hopefully this will continue.

                        Hope everyone does OK today, see you tomorrow.

                        Mary:l :h


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          Good Morn All,

                          I am feeling ever so proud today I am working on day 5 AF made it through night 4 so I went to sleep proud of myself YEAH!! I did get serious urges but did not faulter. I drank a NA beer and cooked and relaxed with hubby and the telly. So today is BITTER cold out sun is shining so maybe that is my sign that today too will be bright for me in my fight. I did unfortunatly eat more GD hershey kisses but this time only 6 of them last night. I find it easier as long as I can GET HOME without that liquor store stop I am okay. I have the AF beer in fridge just in case but also find that drinking hot tea is helping me as well. The St John's Wort I feel is helping in my "mood" during this time. I am so glad I have found this sanctuary with all you lovely people, for I know if I did not I would be where I was last week still all liquored up in the eve. Thanks for ALL yoru support

                          ~Life is not measured by the breaths we take. Rather by the moments in life that take our breath away~ Author Unknown


                            ODAT - Tuesday

                            Morning all. Its about 9 below zero up here but I have the warm sweater on! I'm hoping for day one AF, I have to take kids to a sporting event tonight so I'm thinking that will be a good distraction to my routine and a good starting point.

                            Good luck to all! ODAT #1 for me hopefully!

