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Ready to Try

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    Ready to Try

    :new: It's time. Just starting out. I know I have to quit completely. Long family history and now I watch my son going down the same path. Can you do it without the drugs?

    Ready to Try

    hi there.. annabelle. first welcome..yes you can do it without the druge . i did cold turkey. and it was not easy ..for me it was alot of pain and soul searching.and more to the story. but it can be done so for now hi welcome . read alot and keep on posting your questions and have a great day
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Ready to Try

      Hi Annabelle and welcome to you ... lots of people do it w/o the Rx drugs .. the supplements help a lot and the support here is amazing!!
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        Ready to Try

        Hi Annabelle and thing you are not ready to are ready to win....
        Love Jacqui xxx
        Mwo,s worst speller....


          Ready to Try

          Welcome annabelle! I think it is an individual thing. Soem seem to be able to, some don't. I'm not sure where I fit in that picture yet. But you will have friends here to help you out.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Ready to Try

            You can do it without the drugs. It is just harder.

            I highly recommend at least the Kudzu. It really takes the edge off. But do whatever feels good and best for you. And hang out with us. This site and these people are a great support system.



              Ready to Try

              I'm not using any drugs or supplements - I'm AF 23 days - but my parents didn't drink at all until my dad developed heart problems in his 50's and the MD suggested that one glass a day. My husband drinks wine in appropriate amounts, and my life is filled with blessings. My excessive drinking has mostly been when I'm alone. I have no excuse for the gradually out of control consumption over the past few years.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                Ready to Try

                Annabelle, it certainly can be done without drugs. I am almost 2 months AF and I do not have the book, the CDs, the supps or any meds what so ever. This was not a choice, there just isn't the money.

                By the time I could order Kudzu, it arrived on day 10 and I felt that I no longer needed it. So, I don't take it. I do take a multivitamin and fish oil. That's because I already had these in the house. The thing that worked for me is non-alcohol beer (and I know the critics will say this is wrong, but it works for me) and this amazing support group.

                Congrats on your choice to make a positve change. Post often and read alot. Meds or no meds is a personal choice. Good luck. We are here for you.

                Love, Me
                Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                  Ready to Try

                  Welcome Annabelle, you have already started, well done for posting. I don't think there is a right or wrong way to start but I will say that for me any help I could get was taken. I would suggest that you take some time to read through the posts, lots of great advice, humour, sad and funny stories and to keep posting. Looking forward to hearing how you are getting on.

                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                    Ready to Try

                    Thanks to all.....i feel hopeful. Your reaching out made a difference to me today.


                      Ready to Try

                      Hi Annabelle, and welcome. Yes lot's of people manage without the meds. I take kuzdu
                      and l glutamine, I find these help. I did try topomax, but I had to get it through online
                      pharmacy. Best of luck,
                      Love Paula.


                        Ready to Try

                        I also think the kudzu is a tool you need. It is not expensive. I actually take only 1 pill right after work and it delays my drinking "start time". I also take it again if I notice that my drinking isn't as slow as I would like. It also makes me sleepy and that's a good thing for me because I have a tendency to stay up too late.

