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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Well...I can't believe I am doing this. Where is everybody? II can see it's going to be a bright clear day and a busy one for me. Hope all is well in everyone's universe and that you have peaceful and productive day.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Wednesday

    'Morning greeneyes and fellow ODATers! Sun's sparkling in my corner of the world. I'm heading north with my family for a little x-country skiing, skating and snowshoeing. AL is NOT invited! Have a peachy day - :h


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Good Morning Greeneyes, Kirova and all ODATers to come,

      Greeneyes, I hope things are going well for you. Hang in there. Keep your chin up and kick AL's butt. He doesn't deserve you!!

      Kirova, wow, sounds like fun and a good way to keep busy at the same time. I am jealous!!

      I have lots to do and will be busy with a very nice client. They are trying to "go-live" and running into lots of problems with various pieces of the application, my piece is not having many issues and I am confident we can straighten those out quickly, so hopefully I can pull that much off their plate quickly.

      Everyone else, have a wonderful day and let's all keep on keepin' on!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Morning all, bright day here, looks a wee bit overcast but not too gray. Am still on annual leave (hence all the posting) and am away to have a shower, get myself spruced up (feel like I've been in my pyjamas for the week) and go to town, thinking of treating myself to a little something, not sure what yet but will know it when I see it - lol. Have a good day.

        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


          ODAT - Wednesday

          good morning to everyone .what a great day. i woke up this morning ,this song in my head.......good morning beautiful... well got to go work see ya later . have a awesome day .greeneyes.. mind is off to a good start. see ya
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Mornig all..
            Sounds like everyone is off to a great start.......Hope everyone meets there goals today.
            sobriety date 11-04-07


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Had dinner with my son last was our date night. Had 1.5 glasses of wine. Was actually scared to finish the glass in case it started a binge. Still learning. Anyway, I won't drink tonight. take care all


                ODAT - Wednesday

                Afternoon everyone

                Didn't have af day 4 yesterday, had a couple of glasses of wine last night, but I am not unhappy with that because it is better than 2 bottles!!! I will be af tonight though. Hope you are all have a good AF day

                Mary:h :l


                  ODAT - Wednesday

                  Hi Everyone,
                  Day 3 AF coming up (hopefully!)

                  In life we can live out our dreams its true
                  the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                    ODAT - Wednesday


                    Good morning!!!! Was AF last night, feeling pretty darn good today, but physical therapy kicked my butt, I am very sore (knee wise that is):upset:

                    Greeneyes, you sound good, hang in there! Kirova, sounds like you have a fun day ahead of ya!

                    Hey Cindi, sounds like you have a BUSY day!

                    Tea, Tlrgs, Mary Charlee and RN, good morning from FREEZING north FL, YEAH, I AM jealous Tlrgs, you are probably warm w/ your sunshine!!!!

                    Eastender, I am right w/ ya on day 3...........going on "forever"?

                    Love to all, good luck w/ no matter your goals, mine is AF AGAIN!!!

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      I am here
                      kiddies are home for vacation can't really get away anywhere as i am on call for the twins delivery:dancin:
                      just support, not a midwife or anything
                      feeling good getting lots of af days under my belt
                      getting exercise too.
                      take care love you all


                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        Hi everyone

                        Checking in later than usual today as I was really busy. Great to see everyone so upbeat and optimistic. Slowly but surely we are all getting there.

                        Enjoy the evening.



                          ODAT - Wednesday

                          What is the heck are you doing up so early smiley toes?! I am definately not drinking today!!!!


                            ODAT - Wednesday

                            me either

                            GO Croft!!! I just hit the F*CK IT point w/ my moderation, or "not moderation" more honestly, I am DEFINITELY not drinking today either, day 3, first in a long time, going for WAYYYYY more than this though.

                            Love you girlie!! Whether you drink or not!!

                            MA:l :h
                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              ODAT - Wednesday

                              Good Day Everyone,

                              Cold but sunny in my world today. I did mod last night and can say I did very well. I usually would have said screw it and drank the entire 6 pack but drank only three with one AF beer inbetween so it made it easier not to have 4 real beers or more real beers. I also did not down those as usual it actually took me 4 hours to drink them so that was good as I usually can do for in less than 1.5 hours. I am working on reprogramming my brain as far as drinking. I tell myself I do not NEED to drink so much one or two will do just fine and so far as of yesterday I did good. This eve I will see how things go and hope for the best as always. Wishing you all a sunny bright day for your path ahead.

                              ~Life is not measured by the breaths we take. Rather by the moments in life that take our breath away~ Author Unknown

