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just starting out (again)

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    just starting out (again)


    just starting out (again)

    Hi Sharon and welcome!

    I have been known to put away two bottles a night if I put my mind to it. Thing is, it always backfires on me and makes me feel worse. If you are not familiar with the supplements I would recommend them. I firmly believe much of this problem is because our brains are out of whack and the more we drink the worse we make it. Putting the nutrients back in that we have depleted from drinking is a great start.

    Wishing you the best and hope to see more of you around here.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      just starting out (again)

      Hey sharon, how you going. Know what you mean. I can do that to no problems. I have over the years blamed many things for my drinking habits and yes I use it to calm nerves and treat a bad day but deep down it is just that a habit that I have now gotten so use to that the switch in my brain doesn't turn off after a couple like most "normal" people. This web site is great full of really supportive helpful people. Read the book, get the suppliments and go from there. I did 105 days AF and for me that was just unbelieveable. Hang in there it is possible to achieve what you wish, go for it, we are all here for you. Kimbo
      Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


        just starting out (again)

        Hi Sharon,
        Welcome! You will be amazed at the power you will receive through the support of the people on this forum. We all can do this together. I also have been a binge drinker, mostly on Sunday pm's. I never missed work, but really had to drag myself in. Now I'm AF 25 days, and really haven't had a desire to drink since I joined. We are all unique individuals with different stories, but you are in a good place.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          just starting out (again)

          Hi Sharon-
          Like you, nothing very traumatic has triggered me to drink.... I used to like a beer after work, then a glass of red wine with dinner, then a rum and diet coke with hubby before bed.... things multiplied to the point where I was non-functional in the morning, and I wouldn't be honest with myself.

          My favorite stupid drink trick (should have that on David Letterman!) was to open a bottle of wine, drink half and cork it.... the next day, I would finish that bottle, and then open another one and only have a glass.... or sometimes two..... okay, sometimes I'd drink a bottle and a half of red wine in one night! WTF?.

          I sincerely believe this is a biochemical/brain disorder. With that in mind, I quit cold turkey, with the thought of not drinking for 30 days. This can be achievable, especially when you take supplements/vitamins. I do not do the topa, and I haven't done the hypnosis. I take several vitamins in the morning and at night.

          I drink Cranberry juice mixed with sparkling water (or just water).... and at night, I'll put it in my wine glass so that I'm sipping something. My going out drink is club soda with a splash of cran and a twist of lime, and it's good.

          Don't tell yourself that you'll never drink again....just ask yourself for a 30 day break. People here are successful being AF and moderating, so there's hope for all of us.

          Welcome! :heart:

          Tampa, FL


            just starting out (again)

            I have also found that taking it a little at a time helps me sometimes. I now know that I can't promise myself that I will never drink again because then I just get mad and disappointed when I break that promise. Also I too am a binge drinker - I can go anywhere between 3-8 days AF but when I start I don't stop until I'm drunk - so therefore I too need complete abstinence. I am still struggling with this but just knowing that I have this site to go to, where there are many non-judgemental people that understand what we are all going through is a huge, huge help to me. So just hang around, read posts and find out what works for you - good luck

            when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


              just starting out (again)

              Not happy hour...I so love you, respect your opinion. When you speak, i listen.

              Seem to be fucked up in the "breaK'. Have not written in awhile. Fucked up because I am drinking beer.

              Choices...spent more money tonight on pizza than i could afford, but wonderful taste. Need to go to bed, but here. Have to be up early, but..suppose I will.
              This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


                just starting out (again)

                Hi Sharon and welcome

                There are so many of us here in the same situation. I am 46 and a wine drinker for the past 12 years, a bottle or more a night. Since coming to MWO I have had more AF time than in the past 10 years. I had 4 months AF last year, spread out over the year. I have done numberous 30 Day stints and am currently AF since the beginning of lent. At the moment I am taking it ODAT (one day at a time). There is a daily thread that a lot of us post on every day. I take the supplements and find that it helps to log on here every day, it keeps me focussed. Looking forward to seeing you around.



                  just starting out (again)

                  thanks everyone, will be reading all your stories amd taking strength from them


                    just starting out (again)

                    I think that when you decide the time is right now to stop drinking you don't really have the "tools" or "guidance" to "find the root cause of your drinking". It is just time to get a grip on your drinking habits and cravings. I am sure there is a list out there somewhere of "why we drink". But if you really need to stop than you must decide right now that is what you want to do rather than wait until you figure out why you drink. Maybe the more important question is "why do I want to stop drinking?"


                      just starting out (again)

                      Hula you are so right, the most important question is ?why do I want to stop drinking?

                      We would all be happily slamming down the drink of our choice if there weren't very good reasons to quit or greatly reduce our drinking, such as: I'm 40 my mother is 64 and we have the same complaints about memory loss, mood swings, hot flashes.... holy cow! maybe I just described menopause, I?m not an alcoholic I?m menopausal, just kiddin I know I have problems with alcohol.

                      ?Why do we want to know why we want to drink? says the cat in the hat aka mis twyst. In America today it?s all about expressing your feelings and rehashing painful experiences, I wonder if this is really good for us? Sometimes it feels really good to get something out, but a lot of the time it doesn?t do any good at all, in fact in my opinion some things should be left behind, forgotten if not forgiven. Maybe we have unfortunate brain chemistry, bad situations or frankly.. love to feel that drunk way, it doesn?t matter, we need a change and we feel we need to now.

                      Sharon you were the first person that drew me out of ?lurking? on MWO, thanks,
                      mis twyst

                      It's Spring, time to wake up


                        just starting out (again)

                        maybe we have reasons we drink, maybe we don't need a reason to drink, it can be more just deeply anchored behavior in addition to addiction. I come home after a good day or bad day at work, to a house that is fine to people I love and I still drink. Point being that we should work on stopping drinking first and then if there are "issues" they will make themselves known a whole lot easier if we are sober. Better able to deal if we are healthier. I guess I am telling myself this also! Welcome, Sharon!
                        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

