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Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.

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    Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.

    I personally have not had tremors...although I have experienced some hand shakiness the morning after drinking...

    However, my advice would be to go see your doc...if you can get up the nerve. I know that many people have been prescribed librium to get through tough withdrawl and they seem to say it helps alot. I would imagine it would help with the shakes as well.

    Just my thought.

    Good luck

    formerly known as bak310


      Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.

      imoutru2;277067 wrote: My drinking is emotional - to fight the demons and to sleep. I am taking steps to solve those problems - including hypnotherapy.

      Does anybody know how to make this process go quicker? I have tried cold turkey before and that has been a disaster. I have "weened myself back" a few times and that worked. This doesn't seem to be working this time - maybe just not fast enough?

      Is there something I can do or take to get past this? Will it just take longer this time? Have I done irreversible damage and will always have this problem?

      Any insight, advice, kind words or good thoughts appreciated.

      I feel for you, your struggle with sleep and demons is a chapter out of my book. I can only offer you insight and I believe kind words or good thoughts are not what is going to help you this time. If you really want this job, weening is not the answer. A little here and a little there will surely lead to too much over there. Drawing blood means you will be up close withe people who will certainly smell the slightest hint of AL. Too risky in my eyes.

      You may be able to mask your physical symptoms, but honestly how long do you think you can keep that up without loosing control? Also, if you are experiencing shakes and such on your own, you just may need the help of a doctor. I hope you can make the tough choices and pray for your success.
      Is Addiction Really a Disease?
      Watch this and find out....


        Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.


        I agree w/ what most of everyone has said on the water, food, maybe seeing a doc, I get the shakey hands sometimes if I really overdo it, doc has given me Clonipin, that helped........Just my experience. I wish you luck and you will be in my thoughts.

        Feel for you, though cuz I was in your shoes last Sunday, and that woke me up to the fact that this al relationship should end NOW!

        love, :h :h
        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.

          Maybe some Gatorade? It sure helps with hangovers. Sorry I can't be of more help but I wish you all the best.

          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
          - George Jackson


            Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.

            anne...I typed for like FRICKIN 20 minutes yesterday writing you an email and my stupid computer went dead :upset: .I can't even remember now what the heck I was typing about,but I just want to connect w/ you andsee what is going on,how you are?I am so proud of you for the HARD ass effort you are going thru right now!!!You have drank a LOT less than usual,you must be a strong woman.I know you feel like crap though.I am sending this real quick in case i go dead heere..more in a sec


              Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.

              Ok,that was supposed to be an email,I am computer CHALLENGED!!I am hardly further along than you in this process,Anne,but you are starting a new job and need quick help so-I hope it is ok if I jump in where it is not my business here and ask :Anyone reading this,any good advice for her weaning down as far as good vitamins,foods,drinks?I guess my best ideas are gatorade,a few Emergen-c packets a day (W/ food in your tummy),a good full spectrum B vitamin,calms forte for irritability and shakiness (unless of course you are lucky enough to have some benzos in your cabinet ),as much warm rich food as you can get in...any other ideas?You are doing awesome,Anne!!!!You can do it!!You still have I think almost 2 days till back to work,hydrate yourself and rest and post away!All of the people who have been here longer than us are so full of good avice and encouragement...:l

              thinking of you sweetie...reb


                Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.

                WATER!!!! Sometimes my hands are not visibly shaking but I could barely write (and that's with people looking) I came to call it the wobbly feeling. - Had to describe it to hubby - that was a special moment.:upset: He'd have to dish out a shot as he was babysitting my bottle. Water is a really big deal. So are suppplements. Everybody on this board talks water and supps. And put on your big girl pants. Tell yourself you can be calm and strong. Over and over.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.

                  lillyatter... perfect.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.

                    Hey guys - thanks so much for all the concern, suggestions and replys. They have made me feel better and not so alone. I am finally taking a multivitamin. I have ordered some other things and am about to order some more stuff to help me sleep. I guess water/gatoraide is the best suggestion. What else do they put in those fluid bags in the hospital? More later...


                      Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.

                      Welcome imoutru2!

                      It sounds like withdrawal to me.


                      I would strongly suggest an appointment with your doctor.

                      Withdrawal can be managed safely with medication, you won't smell like booze and your tremors will be minimal.

                      Good luck, I'm glad you're here!

                      magic xx
                      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                      I am in the next seat.
                      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                        Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.

                        Thanks Magic, and thanks for the link. I am going to give it this week. If I'm still bad off, I will go see a doctor. I have benefits March 1st, so I'm trying to bepatient without being stupid!



                          Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.

                          gaba used to help me when I was at work and wary of folks seeing my hands shaking
                          Honour Thyself


                            Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.


                            WHERE ARE YOU?WILL YOU PLEASE CHECK IN WHEN YOU HAVE a sec?(sorry about the caps )Am wondering how you are,sweetie!Think I'm gonnna start a NEW thread and put an APB out on ya :upset:
                            :l lOVE,REbecca


                              Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.

                              LOL - Luv ya Reb!

                              i'm here! I have to go to work, ya know... And, different time zones don't help. I was online during class today (finished my test early) from 10 - 1 my time, (8 - 10 your time). Thought maybe I would catch ya after you got the kids up and going. I have new training starting tomorrow, so only can check email quickly on the phone and get out the 'puter at lunch maybe.

                              Anyway, Reb - a special thanks to you for making me a special project, worrying about me, and keeping tabs on me. You must be a miracle worker!

                              And, thanks to everyone else for their encouragment, advice, etc. Much appreciated. You all have been part of helping me.

                              I haven't had hard liquor or wine since Friday afternoon. Drinking beer at night (adding more to that 30 pounds I put on not working for 9 months!). I still feel a little jittery sometimes, but the major tremors are gone. (Thanks Emily for the advice about GABA - looking into all it's health benefits.) Drinking water, taking vitamins, doing HYPNOTHERAPY, coming here daily to be fed and to try to give back.....

                              Anyway, more later, I'm off to find Reb! Don't want her freaking out on us. She obviously needs to adopt another troubled person here - it worked for me!



                                Newbie needs help with tremor problems - quickly.

                                Anne-YOU ARE A SUPERSTAR!

                                Oh,my gosh,honey,,,read your 1st thread please(AS IN,.READ YOUR very !st POST AND LOOK at ya now !!!),and tell me who rocks....i AM so DAMN PROUD of you ,girlfriend!!!!!I think my email to you got erased and my hubby is irritating the HECK out of me and needs his computer,so i will find you tomorrow....
                                P.S....Don't be rentin' me out,I am too messed up myself to be loving and supporting more than my sweet Anne right now:H !!!!HaHAHA!!!!LOve ya girl!!!!check in w/ you in the morn....had aheck of a time tring to get onto chat :upset: ....I am SOOO PROUD of you!!!!You are my ROCKSTAR AT THE MOMENT.............


