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    Hello all,

    I am starting to see throught the cloud of over a month of binging....i feel like XXXX, but I did not have a drop of alcohol last night, what a joy it was to wake this morning with that bit of knowledge.

    I am wanting to be proactive about myself and start to screw my head on i did some research and found this group. i have been reading a bunch of different postings and i am impressed. i would like to be welcomed into this community and be supported by you, alongside giving support too. I think the later will be a little difficult to begin with.

    but now my ? is this.....

    i can't decide if i want to go (as i learned from your postings) AF or mod. I think both would suit me fine. my will power is what scares me.....on both sides......

    so please, how did you decide? do you begin mod and go AF or vice versa?

    I look forward to meeting some of you and hope this place will be, as it is for many of you, a place of inspiration and hope.

    Peace, Flyin'High

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    hi there..flyin high.. welcome . for me i did cold turkey.and yes it was very hard . on that point. cant tell you what to do. it sounds like you want to try anything. so you have just made your first step .great good luck and keep on reading and posting.and we are here for you have a great day
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


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      Welcome to the fold Flyin' High!

      Straight up. AL must of kicked your ass pretty bad for you to wind up here so you must take that into consideration when you ask yourself what is best AF or MOD. I have been AF 5 days now and every time I say F-U Al, point for the good guys! Before you decide anything, try racking up a bunch of points on AL, you'll feel much better about your choice!

      Is Addiction Really a Disease?
      Watch this and find out....


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        thank you both for the vote of may seem obvious, to rack up points, but.....

        do you mean like, if i quit AL, my relationship will be better, i won't smoke so many cigs, i'll save $?

        phew..i could keep going, i think that is what you meant.

        thank you.....


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          Hi and welcome...mods or AF..for each their own,me im AF as i cant do mods thats the thing if you can control it then fine if like me and you cant..well join the AF club...whatever you decide stay close....
          Love Jacqui xxx
          Mwo,s worst speller....


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            flyin' high;277440 wrote: thank you both for the vote of may seem obvious, to rack up points, but.....

            do you mean like, if i quit AL, my relationship will be better, i won't smoke so many cigs, i'll save $?

            phew..i could keep going, i think that is what you meant.

            thank you.....
            I did mean anything you can do that fly's in the face of AL you rack up points. Every time you say no, every conscious decision to stay the course adds up points. The more points you get, the more you and AL looses. Just carry a positive balance in you AF "bank" and you are on your way. Good luck!
            Is Addiction Really a Disease?
            Watch this and find out....


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              Hi flyin' high. As to deciding whether to pick AF or mods, I had to pick AF. I've spent decades drinking and it just wasn't something I could physically do anymore. I was totally out of control. So I had really no choice. I just looked at what AL was doing to me....was it helping or hindering? The decision was easy at that point.

              Good luck to you and glad you're here!
              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


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                thank you. it really has given me some food for thought. i'll be in touch, caio, flyin'


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                  Welcome flyin

                  Hi ya flyin :welcome: , no choice for me must be always AF. Glad you found us. Stick around and good luck for your journey. Kind regards Aunty Vic


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                    Flying High,

                    My recommendation is to read the book first. It is downloadable and not very expensive. Also not a huge volume, just a quick story about how RJ beat her drinking problem.

                    The program works for so many on this sight!!

                    We have a mixture here, some who have moderated very successfully and some who ended up having to go AF. It is that simple.

                    Rather than deciding right now, why don't you give the program a whirl and see where you end up? In my mind, that is one of the GREATEST values of this program.

                    Those of us drinkers who would never have approached even remotely considering the concept of going AF at first started out in this program. This program touches the lives of people who would never have gotten help elsewhere.

                    :welcome: and glad you are here!

                    AF April 9, 2016


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                      thank you both!

                      cindi- i noticed your avatar when i was "shopping" this site. i truly can relate! thank you for such an insight to venturing deeper into this program. I will take you up on that and will get back in touch.

                      sincerely, thank you...



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                        Welcome you have come to the right place!
                        There are wonderful people here who are very caring and understand what we are going through...drop by the chat room its really cool and live...

                        Some of the more experienced posters would be able to advise you on what worked for going cold turkey....
                        love shaia xx:welcome:
                        ~ I am better than this devil AL ~:new:


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                          Hi flyin` high and:welcome:

                          Can`t add much to the great advice already given. I would definitely recommend an initial 30 days minimum abs to let you get your head on straight and all the crap out of your system.

                          Give yourself a fair crack at attempting to mod by all what most of us hoped to achieve when first we came here. You may well find you can happily moderate and I do so hope you can. Failing that, life without alcohol ain`t so bad..........I promise!!! Hey.......I`ve even grown to like being AF.

                          Love and strength to you,

                          Starlight Impress x


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                            It is so wonderful to read these replies...thank you for an array of aspects. I had some beers last night....but i remember going to bed!!!! that is a step in the right direction! but i am going to go for a week to start without any AL, wish me luck!

                            As to getting on the chat room, i am getting "accesed denied" any pointers? thanks a ton for all and everything

                            peace. flyin' high


                              new 2 this

                              Hi Flyin',
                              Go 30 days AF, then you will be in a position to decide. My goal is for one glass of wine, no more than once per month, with my first glass in April. I have tried quitting or cutting back in the past, without success. My life is much better without the wine, but my husband and I really did enjoy sharing a bottle. He stops, I do not. Now he has wine, I do not.
                              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

