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ODAT Sunday

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    ODAT Sunday

    Morning all. Happy Sunday and all that.

    Another full day for me. Achieved a hell of a lot yesterday ...... including getting a bottle of wine down my neck :upset: But, hubby is away for a few days today and I am going to give myself a stiff talking to, pull on my tightest and best BGPs and sit here at this PC tonight with hot chocolate/water/anything but Al. And get myself back on track. Kick up rear from you all please to encourage me on my way.

    To further the BGP discussion, I think mine are tartan. With a bow to make them a bit feminine. I'm thinking Braveheart sort of attitude! :H

    I have named one of my new Tamworth pigs Bessie in honour of my MWO name! She is so sweet - always loves a scratch. If you scratch her chest she sits down. Just like my dog.

    Better get off and feed her and her as yet un named sister. Any ideas? She is less sweet, doesn't really like a scratch. Got a bit of attitude. Trouble is she'll be the first one to farrow so I just hope she doesn't need a lot of help because I don't think she'd appreciate it.

    Happy Sunday to all to come. Taking this day truly ODAT. No need to worry about tomorrow until it is here.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT Sunday

    How about "Hula Girl"?


      ODAT Sunday

      Morning all, lovely day here after the high winds of the past couple of days, kind of liked the wind and rain, mainly cause I like to hear it propped up all cosy in bed with a book, kind of feels all safe and secure. Anyway, getting ready to go out. Hope you all have a great day.

      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


        ODAT Sunday

        Morning! After pretty much pissing away the day yesterday, avoiding the black hole, I am already in BGP and will attack it today.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT Sunday

          Sun's up and about to go to my Goddaughter's christening. That's got to be a good sign! :h


            ODAT Sunday

            Bessie, are your BGP pants tartan wool? Ewww, itchy! If so, they are your punishment for last night... Pig that's not so sweet? Noelle sounds good.

            Good luck to everyone this Sunday!

            I have a husband still drunk from last night upstairs, still in bed asleep. If he's smart, he'll stay there. LOL
            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


              ODAT Sunday

              Hi Everyone,
              Plucked up enough courage to state that I will not drink today!
              Think I may be able to stick to it for once.

              Bessie what about Boudica she was a character to contend with!

              In life we can live out our dreams its true
              the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                ODAT Sunday

                Noelle, I swear, you crack me up.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT Sunday

                  Good Sunday to everyone. Im back posting again after a while. I hope to get to know everyone better. Im doing the ODAT again. I almost lost my job over the weekend due to drinking at work. I had to go to work last night, and face everyone that I work with who saw me drunk as shit at work. It was very embarressing to say the least. I could feel all my co workers staring and talking about me behind my back. It was very humiliating. This has to be my wake up call now, before anything worse happens. If I had lost my job it would have been devestating.


                    ODAT Sunday

                    Over...welcome back to ODAT....Sometimes it takes someone or something to give us that wake up call...I know it did me.....I know you must be so thankful that you did not lose your job.....hang in there...we are all here to support you...
                    sobriety date 11-04-07


                      ODAT Sunday

                      i like the shound of BESSIE AND BLUEBELL
                      Honour Thyself


                        ODAT Sunday

                        Hey guys - Bessie, i too drank a bottle of wine last night so I am also kicking myself in the butt and taking it ODAT today! We seem to always be on the same track you and I........

                        To everyone else, hope you have a great Sunday!

                        Love and Hugs,
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          ODAT Sunday

                          Hi everyone

                          Have had a very busy Sunday. Managed to go for a two hour walk with hubby and dogs so that was very enjoyable. Instead of doing the whole Sunday dinner, roast, potatoes, vegs etc. I did a pork and ginger stirfry which was quick, easy and tasty. Still AF and enjoying it.

                          Will have to have a think about a name for your pig Bessie. A lady with attitude!! How about Maggie Thatcher, a bit dated as I said will have to have a think.


