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A New Life

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    A New Life

    Hi there

    This is my 2nd day off the booze - :rollin
    It's going absolutely fine thanks to a big help from a little friend called Librium.
    It is my 6th attempt at giving up - 3 times on the Lib and 2 without. I was drinking 4 bottles of white winea day which had gradually crept up on me - sometimes even opening a 5th. It was getting completely out of hand. I would drink as soon as i woke up, hardly being able to open the bottle cos hands shaking so much - then the first sip was always followed by about 20 minutes of retching. i didn't feel 'normal' until about 3pm in the afternoon. The problem was - that I was so scared of withdrawals, and my doctor had said that he would not give me librium again, so I tried it again on my own going cold turkey. After 4 days of not sleeping and throwing up - I started hearing 'proper' voices and seeing strange psychadelic coloured wormy things coming towards me - in broad daylight !! :rolleyes
    I was hospitalised for 3 days and given - yep - librium. So I have put off giving up because of this. So at the end of my tether I begged the doc the day before yesterday and I have been absolutely fine - Hoorah.
    I lost my driving licence 3 yrs ago and consequently my job. So I have been sitting in the house with my 'best friend' - that's how it masquerades. Giving up before was futile, because there was no light at the end because nothing was going to change. I got my licence back in June, and now this is GOING to be THE time !!!!
    I just wanted to say to everyone - don't give up - I know it's only my second day but reading this site and all of the inspiring stories which I can relate to I feel really confident. I hate the idea of standing up in front of a bunch of people - scares me to death. But this has provided a perfect forum to learn more about recovery and gain some support.
    Thanks to everyone here
    Bambino xxx

    A New Life

    Hi Bambino
    Congratulations to you! You can DO THIS!!! You sound like a strong and determined person!!! We are all here to support here/ Ezmail me anytime. If you want my personal email, let me know.


      A New Life

      Good luck, Bambino!

      I'm glad you have found MWO! What is you plan after Librium? Will your doc give you campral? I sure hope so. I admire your courage!

      Stay close here. If you follow the program as much as possible and use the support (check out the Abstinence forum further down the community page!), it wil make it much easier for you.

      All the best, and a big warm welcome to you!:h :P


        A New Life

        Thanks Jen and Kathy

        I've ordered the cds' and books and the kudzo... so see how that works. I really do appreciate your support - it's keeping me occupied in a productive and positive way - I can't say that wine doesn't pop into my head at leaset every half an hour, but being on here is giving me the strength to knock that naughty little elf off my shoulders !!! if you know wot I mean. !!!
        Would really like to hear about other peoples experiences in their ' baby steps ' days ...

        Love to you all


          A New Life

          A New Life

          Good Morning Bambino,

          I know how tough this is!!!!! You are courageous and strong. You deserve to be healthy and happy. Use all the tools you have at your hands. Continue to reach out to those who can help. Try to take time each day to do something pleasant for yourself. (A long soak in the tub or a long shower, an enjoyable walk, or talking to a positive uplifting friend). Surround yourself with positive people and don't get sucked into any negative energy or circumstance. We are all pulling for you. I hope you can feel all the love and positive thoughts going your way. Hang in there...We are all here for you!

          Big hug to you,


