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    Hi everyone,

    As I said earlier I am so impressed with all the people here who have been able to staay af even when sig others drink or during crisis in relationships. This truly amazes me!!!
    BHOD you said if your wife did not know what was going on in your finacial life and agree she'd kill!!! Well I'm getting paranoid because husband doesn't want me to do the books and is wanting to hire a bookeeper in Wy (SMALL town). mile long, everyone knows everyone and their business. I'm not there and am due to start school in a month but don't like being in the dark about finances. We've lost everything in stocks which he was in charge of (read a book and thought he was capable of being a daytrader). The high tech crash in 89 also killed us. But the last bout with stock market was greed and it dropped to 0000 so we don't play there anymore. I didn't interfere with that stuff cuz I thought he had a handle on it. (that is gambling and I don't like gambling too nerve racking) Another words I didn't get involved. This is an actual business that he wanted me to get involved in in the beginning but now as I said earlier he's getting controlling and arrogant and likes being a big fish in a little town. Like i said this is the last of the money,
    I feel a bit overprotective of it and panicky (not really a control freak but the fact that he's so secretive is making me want to insist I be involved in "his business". I'm so dam emotional right now 3 days af and feelling like i'm falling off a cliff with no net. Why am I so scared (oh yea not working right now) . :durn:

    When the heart cries for what it has lost the spirit sings for what it has found!


    i have similar issues and not drinking has made a big difference in the way my life is going. get some professional help if you cannot go it alone. really, how bad do you want change and have power? it works to stay away from bottle, it is working for me right now. do what needs to be done and worry about the booze later, thats how i am looking at things, it sucks, but we have to wait out things sometimes until the shit clears. sorry.




      hi there...anxious..3 days great job. keep it up. right now your body is going threw alot of changes be without al. so drink lots of water. keep yourself busy and things will get better for you soon. just take it one day at a time. good luck
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



        Hey Anxious! I don't know if I can be any help at all. just wanted to share my story. In my marriage , i took care of the bills, he took care of the investments. I stopped looking at the statements .. anyway, he lost most of everything in the crash of 2000-ish . auggh, finances can be a bitch! but you need to be involved.
        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!



          I am not married and can't give any financial advice, but great job on the AF days during a stressful time...keep it up.



            Thanks for your help,
            I feel like a crazy person right now but apparently this is normal. I guess I just have to say this too shall pass!


            When the heart cries for what it has lost the spirit sings for what it has found!



              Greetings Anxious,

              Having a drinking problem is hard enough but mix in financial troubles inside of a marriage and you have a perfect storm brewing. Marriage is a life long partnership and IMO should be an open book including the bank statements. Set some financial goals and for your AF days ahead and go for it - Good Luck and keep in touch.
              Is Addiction Really a Disease?
              Watch this and find out....



                Hello anxious...yes i MUST get involved...i can not tell you how much easier it is to face you problems head on with a clear head being AF...It is not so overwhelming...Please don't wait until the money is gone to get involved...cause after it is gone is gone...Your husband may not want you to be involved - but if he doesn't i think that may be a red flag...why not???? i know recently i put all the card on the table with my husband regarding finances and we both looked at the whole picture was the first time in 15 was hard, but now that it is done - we both are SOOOO much happier and in the same place on the same page...we will have the same regrets if we make financial decisions together ...and the same happy times if we make good decisions...hope this helps...great job on AF 3 days ...keep it up!!! Hugs and blessings...buckle



                  Hi Anxious-

                  No financial advice here, just wanted to say.......

                  Way to go on those three days!!!! :goodjob:

                  Lots of good points posted already, but I just want to that day 3 and 4 were MY HARDEST!!!! I WAS A WRECK ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!
                  Hang in there. In a few days you'll feel so much better. In a week, you'll be amazed!! Just keep going! And keep posting! You're awesome!

                  Love wonder xx



                    Thanks all again,

                    buckle I will take your advise cuz drinkers don't do well with resentment and God knows we have too much of that. You know I don't think we've ever really sat down and looked at finacial stuff together (some but not really in depth), maybe a problem for us no one wants to know we're not prepared for "later"

                    Wonder and yes day 3 and 4 are not too great but the first week sucks everyone says. Thanks for your understanding! I am a basket case but I think that may be my normal state of mind!?:H

                    xxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooo love to all

                    When the heart cries for what it has lost the spirit sings for what it has found!

