As I said earlier I am so impressed with all the people here who have been able to staay af even when sig others drink or during crisis in relationships. This truly amazes me!!!
BHOD you said if your wife did not know what was going on in your finacial life and agree she'd kill!!! Well I'm getting paranoid because husband doesn't want me to do the books and is wanting to hire a bookeeper in Wy (SMALL town). mile long, everyone knows everyone and their business. I'm not there and am due to start school in a month but don't like being in the dark about finances. We've lost everything in stocks which he was in charge of (read a book and thought he was capable of being a daytrader). The high tech crash in 89 also killed us. But the last bout with stock market was greed and it dropped to 0000 so we don't play there anymore. I didn't interfere with that stuff cuz I thought he had a handle on it. (that is gambling and I don't like gambling too nerve racking) Another words I didn't get involved. This is an actual business that he wanted me to get involved in in the beginning but now as I said earlier he's getting controlling and arrogant and likes being a big fish in a little town. Like i said this is the last of the money,
I feel a bit overprotective of it and panicky (not really a control freak but the fact that he's so secretive is making me want to insist I be involved in "his business". I'm so dam emotional right now 3 days af and feelling like i'm falling off a cliff with no net. Why am I so scared (oh yea not working right now) .
