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re: anyone in UK with advice on docs?

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    re: anyone in UK with advice on docs?

    I'm just starting out on the programme (so impressed with this site and it has given me the hope and inspiration to admit to myself I have a problem) I have read the book from cover to cover, ordered the supps and cd's last night and plucked up the courage to make a docs appointment - I have just returned now and feel so discouraged. I went armed with realms of information (the lancet printout, book and other printouts etc), and after initially admitting I had a problem he told me 'well done' for acknowledging I have a problem but not to take any notice of what is on the internet and have I not though of attending a local AA meeting, which would just be totally out of the question for me. However, I did tell him that I wish to pursue the MWO programme and I don't just feel, I KNOW this can work for me and he replied that he couldn't prescribe that medication if he wanted to (no explanation of why) but he would have to refer me to Drug & Alcohol Team (much to my horror as I work alongside some of these councellors in my line of work!) if I want this prescription. I have accepted that I will see someone though (even if I know them) as being on other medication I would like to be supervised whilst taking the medications and having ordered the supps, cd's - want to try the programme as a whole (don't want to do without the meds).

    Has anyone else got experience of UK docs and their backward approaches towards the internet? Also, has anyone been seen by Drug & Alcohol Team. Would love to hear you experiences.

    Many thanks, Moll xx

    re: anyone in UK with advice on docs?

    Hi mollrus, I have been through the same process. What are we doing in this country?? Alcohol abuse is one of the biggest problems and they must be throwing so much money at this system they have implemented and achieving what??

    any way winge over. I went to see our nurse practitioner a couple of weeks ago, who told me that this is a specialist area now, and although willing to help, I would have to see the drug and alcohol team. (DaAT) great I am serious, and like you although I am a health professional and dread meeting some of these people, I agreed. The team that deals with detox and medication, decided after a telephone consultation that I wasn't "bad" enought to see them, and I was referred to a counsellor. I went along, and they couldn't recommend any medication, just counselling and comp. therapies, great in themselves but months waiting list.

    Went back to nurse practitioner, with new resolve. Yes they are happy to support but won't presribe topamax, but will prescribe campral. So a slight move forward. I am trying to find out from other members what there experience of campral is, before I decide what to do. although i am beginning to think it may be better than nothing.

    My other alternative is to try to put up a case for topamax? I might try to see the detox team again, see if they would support this programme. the PCT said it could be possible to prescribe topamax off licence, but it would have to be a consultant or gp with a specialist interest in this field. Unfortunately this does not apply to my gp

    So good luck to you, keep us informed.

    I also wondered if it is worth starting a UK thread, just to see how many of us there are, I don't want to segregate us at all, but we may have a better chance at chatting or something in our own time zone, and also taking this whole thing forward with our various PCT across the country.

    What do you think?

    Sorry for long reply. sophia


      re: anyone in UK with advice on docs?

      Hi Sophia, I've ezboxed you. Yes, it it bloody hard work in this country I agree. Looks like we are all going to encounter the same problem. I'm going to do my best to push the topax, from what I've read and researched, it does seem to be the medication that is right for us. I did stress to my GP that I understood that I didn't think just popping a pill would make every bit of difference but told him I was also willing to do it as holistically as poss - excercise, hypno cd's and the supplements. I was in tears in the surgery, I felt so ashamed, but agreed I would let him make a referral to the Drug & Alcohol Team - I'll just take it from there. Did you say there was a long waiting list to see someone?

      Also I think the idea of having a UK thread is great - not for the want of isolating others on here,everyone is so supportive and each and everyone of us as individuals has something to share or offer this site - but as you say, just for the fact of the time zone would be good and also to see what is on offer in certain health authorities in UK.

      Keep posting, I'm with you all the way, Moll XX


        re: anyone in UK with advice on docs?

        hard to get help

        I am from uk aswell welcome. Tried my doc for topa no way was she going to prescribe,not licenced here for alcohol addiction. Blimen hard too get help of any sort in uk, in fact the only support i have found is on this site .I am still drinking but reading and posting helps me focus on my battle with the booze.I went to see a counsellour, hopeless , all the suggested was try to cut down, 8mth wait for re-hab and then breathalised me! Hopefully you will have better luck:happy



          re: anyone in UK with advice on docs?

          UK GP's

          Just reading about Uk docs - and yes, it's like getting blood out a stone. They have a DaAt clinic on a friday at ours, but went to the doc yesterday and burst out in tears - symapthy vote - to no avail - I was there for about 20 mins fighting my case, saying that there is no support - have been to the Daat clinic and they were useless. They can't prescribe and advised me NOT to stop drinking in the past - so wot the hell is the point of going ??!!!
          Anyway bout yesterday - I wore the doc down and she has prescribed Librium. It is fab - have taken it before today and it irradicates all withdrwal symptoms.
          Tried to beat it without drugs in the past and was admitted to hospital psychotic and hallucianating after the 4th day of self-detox. They put me on Librium at the hospital anyway !! So I used this as my bargaining tool.
          If she wouldn't prescribe - I'd do it myself anywayand and up in hozzie again . I have to re-attend the weekly meeting - but not so much of a hardship.Anyway day 1 and no shakes - Hoorah ! :rollin

          Was goin to pay ?4k to go into private clinic cos at my wit's end, I reckon I can do it myself this time - with help of this site


          What does anyone reckon to AA meetings? I'm scared to go !!! Wuss !!


            re: anyone in UK with advice on docs?

            Re: UK GP's

            Hi Bambino

            Funny enough I was advised to not stop drinking, ended up in hospital with liver faliure 3 weeks Later! so much for the good old NHS,as for AA I have'nt tried it my self but a good friend of mine has achived 5 year sobriety with there help, but then again I managed 18 mths all by myself, sadley drinking again now but not as much as before. Good Luck



              re: anyone in UK with advice on docs?


              all you have to do is order topa from magellanrx in the uk over the internet.


                re: anyone in UK with advice on docs?

                Re: topa

                Hello Whitestar and Bambino, so good to know I'm not on my own, not just with this demon but with this stupid system in this stupid country. I know I could never go to an AA meeting like my doc suggested, never - it's taken me all the time to pluck up the courage to admit I have a problem and only through the help of this site and I want to stick with this totally - I feel I've found all I need just talking and reading on here. You guys sound so strong and good for you!! Let's stick together on this one, I intend to show fight this one and get a script whatever.

                Been busy working past few days (trying to stay sober at night though) fluked my way this morning by saying I was at a bbq with hot weather an all (everyone having a cold beer etc with the heatwave) so had more that I should have done for a 'school night' - pushing my luck me thinks xx

                Good luck and am here with you for the ride x


                  re: anyone in UK with advice on docs?

                  Re: topa

                  Hi Mollruss and Whitestar

                  Good to hear from you both.
                  Day 2 and my little green friends are doing the trick !!!
                  3.15 and sitting here doing in gallons of Coke wishing it was wine and lemo. - I go through stages of 'Really want a drink- then - no not drinking ever again ' Do you think it will ever stop? - Its scary innit.
                  I have ordered kudzu - thought I'd give it a whirl until Librium finished. Do you reckon that Topa or the Campral would be better? Does it work?

                  Speak soon


                    re: anyone in UK with advice on docs?

                    Hiya Moll, like you i plucked up the courage to go and see my GP on 21st March 2006.He said well done for recognising my problem and gave me a phone number for D.A.T. That is as far as his contribution to my health went...( Oh he gave me some vitamin B ). I rang D.A.T. and arranged an appointment. We discussed my drinking Where, When, Why, How much, everything there was to know. He scribbled everything down and we talked about my aims, where i wanted to go and what my ideal goal was. My ideal goal was to be a sociable drinker, but we came to the conclusion the amount of units i was drinking it would be more realistic that i completly stop.....Not an easy thing to hear but the truth and something i needed telling. We made the plan that i would go on the waiting list for detox,he said the wait was usually about 3 months.The detox would last for 12 days while on a corse of librium.Detox would have to be the last option..i couldnt bear the thought of being that long away from my wife and kids.
                    Bernard at D.A.T. said if i was trying to go cold turky in the meantime i should reduce the amount i was drinking slowley because the shock to the brain of suddenly stopping could potentionally kill me.

                    I tried and failed..

                    June 2nd i went into the Castle unit in Lancaster.It wasnt easy but the Librium does work.

                    7 weeks ago was the last time i had a drink (6 Pints & half bottle of bells)
                    If your in the right frame of mind and really want it ....Its possible

                    Good luck moll...
                    LOOK AT IT THIS WAY.........
                    IT CANT GET ANY WORSE.............


                      re: anyone in UK with advice on docs?

                      re: well done x

                      Thanks for the support Wayne - you sould like your doing so well and are an inspiration, truly. Not sure where I am with this at the moment - ordered supps and cd's and been to docs and waiting for the referall to D&A team but holding no hope for getting topamax. Still drinking nightly, just want to drastically reduce/stop before I end up really damaging myself - got to stay ok for my girls.

                      You keep up in the good work - Moll x


                        re: anyone in UK with advice on docs?

                        uk docs

                        I am new here and waiting for my topamax to arrive in the post. Have got some supplements online too - the SAMe and the All in One powder mix. Manged to get some GABA from a health food store. So, I am going to make sure I get hold of the rest of the vitamins etc this weekend and hope the Topamax arrives next week.

                        I went to my GP and I guess I knew in advance he wouldnt prescribe it for me, in fact he had never heard of it even for its use in treating epilepsy etc. He was really nice though, after his initial disapproval of my intention to order online. He has at least agreed to me coming back if I have any concerns over the medications ie side effects and seemed genuinely interested in finding out how I get on.

                        I have in the past been referred to a drug and alcohol unit where they assess you and I ended up with an appointment to see a councellor. I went a few times but it just didnt do anything for me - I didnt feel that I wanted to open up completly to this complete stranger that I dont think had neccesarily got any personal experience of alcohol addiction. Really theres nothing much wrong with my life apart from my compulsion to drink! It didnt help me to stop drinking in fact it made me want to drink more.

                        Im just finding my way around these threads so I hope Im posting inthe right place and someone will hear me!

                        UK thread is a good idea - has it happened yet?


