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    i am also new to the sight and have gotten topa from a sight in the uk.. my friend also ordered it from the uk but the border patrol captured hers. i really don't want to order overseas anymore. i went to a gp in minneapolis and he would not give me a prescrip however with my meds from overseas i am currently on week 2 and WHAT A DIFFERENCE TOPA MAKES. I HATE TO BE WITHOUT IT AFTER NEXT WEEK. is there any help for me in the minneapolis area??????? any docs that will prescribe topa??????? HELP


    I can let you know tomorrow as I am seeing my gyno in Minneapolis. She's pretty open to a holistic approach. Because she is a gyno it was suggested that I tell her my drinking escalates right around my period. I will give it a try and let you know




      dear cruisecrazee:
      thanks for emailing me back.
      Did you know that topamax is prescribed for migraine headaches as well as seizures?
      Well, when i went to see my gp he told me that topa was a great drug for migraines and seizures but he would not give me a prescription for it to be used for drinking.
      my best friend in the southern metro just this morning went to the doctor (she also is a heavy boozer) told him she suffered terribly from migraines (which SHE luckily does have a history of) and guess what - got a beautiful prescription for topa. she never mentioned the drinking.
      WHICH brings me to the fact that i am now going to go to a NEW doctor - never seen before - new to the area - let's say WOODBURY - JUST MOVED HERE - etc,etc, suffer from migraines and let's see what happens.
      I hope your gyno helps you - but from what i've heard from MWO it's pretty tough to get the stuff when you admit you drink. SICK isn't it? PEOPLE CAN GET ALL THE PAIN KILLERS THEY WANT AN D GET HOOKED ON THEM but yet all we want is a drug for headaches.



        I's crazy. I could probably get vicodin no problem. I'm a little nervous about even bringing it up. I've never had a migraine in my life and I'm a terrible liar so I will probably go with the truth. Let me know how your next appt goes and I will check in with you tomorrow....




          Dear Cruisecrazie,
          How did the appointment go? I am very anxious to find out. I have been thinking about you all day. Moodus



            Hi Moodus,

            Got the prescript no problem. She is wonderful. Told her about the program showed her the info she wrote the prescription right away for one month only. I need to do a phone consult with her in a month. She told me she has always felt that problem drinking was more metabolic than anything else. Her name is Dr Marilee Hanson 710 East 24th Street Minneapolis 612 870-1334. Her offices are not fancy. She's right in the middle of the hood actually over by Abbot Northwestern. Give her a call. Go in for a pap smear or whatever you need to do. Good luck and let me kow how it goes.....



              oh my gosh

              yes......... my friend and i have been racking our brains on how we were going to get the topa.
              my physical is due in october and we are pretty covered until then. i will go see her. i have a shipment coming from costa rica in about 4-6 weeks - hopefully the border patrol won't catch it.
              i cannot thank you enuff for helping me out. so grateful for this website. maybe we can hook up and i can buy you a drink! (joking of course - how 'bout coffee?)
              you are gonna love the topa - it really works. on monday i will be at 75mg. i really can tell a difference at 50mg - looking forward to 75mg. have had very little side effects. ( little tired sometimes - but i can tell the metallic taste is definitely there.
              let me know what you think.
              again mucho gracais

