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This is not going to be easy!!

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    This is not going to be easy!!

    Well, what a difference a couple of hours make. I started out strong this morning and feeling good as I only had a total of 6 beers since Thursday. I am taking the supps and just took some kudzu but my parents are visiting and we went to lunch with some friends and AL was involved. I only had one but since we have been sitting at home I had another one and REALLY wanting another which I know will lead to a long night of drinking. I did so well on Saturday at a social gathering and now I just want one more. I think it is time for my guests to leave so some of the temptation goes away. This is going to be harder then I wanted it to be.

    This is not going to be easy!!

    Hang in there Rob and try to concentrate on how great you will feel in the morning if you stop now. It is hard when sitting around with company; I have that same struggle with my in laws. You can do it!


      This is not going to be easy!!

      hi there.. drink lots of water and keep yourself busy..good luck
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        This is not going to be easy!!

        First off Rob congrats on showing some willpower and managing to moderate you drinking over the week-end, something I could never do. Tried moderating on dozens of occasions in the past and they where all doomed to failure as I had that familiar 'JUST ONE MORE!!!" demon in me 'ead like you. I would of gone out in blizzards and crawled naked over broken glass just to get to the fridge in the off-license to buy JUST ONE MORE!! I'd then get home drink the beer in less than 20 minutes then I'd get me coat on again and back off to the 'offie' I would go!!! INSANE BEHAVIOR!! I would also have a beer the morning after and say just one to get me 'ead sorted then another bender was definitely in the making. I'm not saying this is you Rob but the similarities with this JUST ONE MORE syndrome is all to clear. They ARE nasty demons mate and I fought for a long time to rid myself of em and I eventually realised the only way I was going to do that was to go completely A/F. I personally found going A/F easier if I'm honest as once I had a drink it was so much harder not to drink another than it was to stay completely sober. Why don't you give it a go Rob? What have you got to lose!!lol

        Love and Happiness
        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


          This is not going to be easy!!

          hippie37;280061 wrote: First off Rob congrats on showing some willpower and managing to moderate you drinking over the week-end, something I could never do. Tried moderating on dozens of occasions in the past and they where all doomed to failure as I had that familiar 'JUST ONE MORE!!!" demon in me 'ead like you. I would of gone out in blizzards and crawled naked over broken glass just to get to the fridge in the off-license to buy JUST ONE MORE!! I'd then get home drink the beer in less than 20 minutes then I'd get me coat on again and back off to the 'offie' I would go!!! INSANE BEHAVIOR!! I would also have a beer the morning after and say just one to get me 'ead sorted then another bender was definitely in the making. I'm not saying this is you Rob but the similarities with this JUST ONE MORE syndrome is all to clear. They ARE nasty demons mate and I fought for a long time to rid myself of em and I eventually realised the only way I was going to do that was to go completely A/F. I personally found going A/F easier if I'm honest as once I had a drink it was so much harder not to drink another than it was to stay completely sober. Why don't you give it a go Rob? What have you got to lose!!lol

          Love and Happiness
          OMG I see so much of myself in what you said. I have actually gone and bought beer to replace what I drank. I have changed where I go so people wouldn't know me...big joke I know. To whoever said it was easy for me it's not. I have drank vanilla, perfume and whatever else I could get my hands on. It's not easy it's a struggle each and every day.


            This is not going to be easy!!

            It is not easy..but YOU can do it! You have already made a lot of hte first steps and therefore you are showing yourself you want to make this journey. :goodjob: I had to make a I drink a lot of cranberry juice and soda mix to keep my hand full without ALice!
            BTW, do you do extreme mtn biking or trails? Wife and I do a lot of trails..we are not into the real extreme slickrock or die biking!
            War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


              This is not going to be easy!!

              Hang in there Rob; you are doing a great job!!!! Another person from AZ too.
              Goal 1: Today
              Goal 2: Tomorrow


                This is not going to be easy!!

                I do not do any extgreme mtn biking any more. I know how bad it hurts when you fall. I just like cross country trails.
                Speaking of biking, I am off for a ride since my guests don't want to leave. My parents think I am being rude but I think once I am on the trail I will have some peace to think. I was almost to the third(it is still in the glass) but I don't need it and think the kudzu is kicking in.

                Is there a max dose of the kudzu? Just checking cause I have already taken 2400mg today.

                THANKS TO ALL THE SUPPORT. You guys are great:thanks:


                  This is not going to be easy!!

                  Azmtn, stay strong. You can do this. Be rude if you have to. You are too vulnerable to not put yourself first right now.

                  Best of luck!

                  Love, Me
                  Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                    This is not going to be easy!!

                    Well, not to beat a thread to death but the ride did the job. It was painful but worth while in the end. I don't even want a beer right now as I feel I am dehydrated and need gatorade and water more.
                    Just wanted to thank you all again for your support. It should be another great morning not being hung over.:thanks:


                      This is not going to be easy!!

                      Great strategy! A great bike ride, exercise, being outside in beautiful weather. You are not being rude or selfish. You are taking care of yourself. That's the most important thing right now!

                      Waking up in the morning will be wonderful!!!

