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Im new and scared..

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    Im new and scared..

    Hiya all,

    I just found this site today doin a google check.

    So heres me..

    My name is amber
    Im only young at the age of 21 but have been drinking a bottle of vodka a day mixed with orange juice usually, everyday for about 3 years.

    I havent seeked medical advice because im sure i can do it alone. I dunno, maybe im scared to ask for help.

    Ive heard about these seazures that can happen.
    Has anyone experienced these. Tis abit worrying?

    Im new and scared..

    Hi Amber and welcome.
    Please come and join this wonderful team.You will find great support here and answers to many of your questions.keep reading the posts, order the book, supps, try to cut down over the next few days and drink lots of water.Please post and read as much as you can.It will help and you will get all the support you need.I found this site 4 weeks ago.It has helped me more than i could ever say.
    My best wishes to you on your journey


      Im new and scared..

      Hi Amber
      I am still quite young too - 29 - though not as young as you. I do remember myself at your age though and wish I had nipped this in the bud then. Maybe you can expand a little on these "seizures" you are worried about? Is this something you have been experiencing? Are you talking about tremors or anxiety? Edginess? Maybe you can explain?
      Stick around - the best is yet to come!
      PS - where are you from, if you dont mind my asking :happy


        Im new and scared..

        Im from milton keynes in england...

        I start drinking from about 11am to i sleep. I lost my job through drinking, instead of helping they sacked me,
        i used to drink on my lunch, that was hurtfull. Because i felt i failed myself.
        So instead i got bored and found myself drinking a bottle, its the ?8 ones it seems alot.

        I did try and stop today, but when it cam to 3pm today i had to make a drink, i feel better now ive drunk.

        However, i have done something positive, made an appointment with the docs


          Im new and scared..

          Good job for making an appointment. I know all too well how hard this is. It is a powerful thing, alcohol is. You are not a failure, you are just in the midst of a powerful habit. Please know that you are amongst a lot of people who genuinely care and are here to listen and support you.
          Take care of yourself, hon. Please keep reading and posting ok?


            Im new and scared..

            Hi Amber and Sugarstarr - new to this myself and already I can feel a shift in my approach to alcohol - read read read, everything you can on here and the book is absolutely enlightening and everyone on here knows what you'r both goin through.

            Welcome to you both xx Moll
            (Sugarstarr I'm also from UK)


              Im new and scared..

              my journey has begun too.

              I found this site yesterday and spent a good bit of time reading yesterday. I understand how you feel amber. Though I am 36, quite a bit older than you lol...I have had a hard time with liking mine too much, I have filled wine bottles with water, so that my family wont know exactly how much I ve had. I get nervous if there is no wine in the house...just in case I need it. I have tried to buy only 1 bottle at a time, so as to nopt drink more. I have stocked up, so that I dont have to go to the store very often, only to notice that if I have too much on hand, it will be gone quicker. Sometimes I have relished the idea of being at home alone so that no one will know that im drinking. I have called off dates, nice dinners, to stay home and drink. I dont drink very much in public, as I get this paranoid feeling that people will know. I havent gotten to the point where I would drink the other alcohol in the house...just to get a fix. And I am not the kind of Alcoholic to sit on the floor and eat the cats food. (got that from my one and only aa meeting....funny enough there happened to be lots of movie stars there, would tell, but not proper) I am so glad that we both have decided to give this a try. I see that I have changed already, even if just a little. Read the story of the founder, inspired me alot. I ordered the book, the cds and have topomax and supplements on the way. I also purchased an ebook from that Gary Ross guy, and it has some good things in it. Your story reminds me of one of my cousins. She started with vodka, it was very easy for her to hide in her soda, as she was living at home. Then she started to teke pills with it. Well later it was dif kinds of drugs, and she later became and addict and is currently on methadone. My point with this is, that you have made the right choice!!! It is very difficult when you need to cure the effects of the night before. Dont beat yourself up if you drink tonight, just do your best to cut down, even if you wake up tom to find that you only drank 3/4 of the bottle, that is still a great accomplishment!!! I felt really good this morning when I looked at my bottle of wine and saw 1 glass left!! Thats alot better than yesterday when I woke up, i saw that i finished 2 bottles!!! It was like, no....not again!!!!

              Well, there i go rambling again!!Sorry!!

              Listen, post alot, it can only inspire!! Even if you slip, you will get lots of support and encouragement here.

              Good luck and stay in touch!!


                Im new and scared..


                Hiya Amber
                Im 27 so not far off from your age. My drinking got heavier when I was 22 though so I know what you are goin through. I can relate also to Beverly4444 I woke up this morning to see one empty bottle of wine and half left in the other and I was like wahey I only drank half the second. Next time might try buying just one bottle. Cut down Amber try even a little. The feeling of cutting down is good its like you start getting some control and feel so good after. Its a shame you got the sack. Have you tried for other work? You obviously want to stop by looking for ideas on google. Keep typing, and let us know how ur doin. Im new to the site myself, and also in the UK - London. Take care Amber good luck x


                  Im new and scared..

                  Re: hiya

                  Hi Amber Going to write an essay now !

                  I'm from Uk and new to this site.
                  This is my 5th attempt to give up drinking. Some with the help of Librium, 2 without. On those occasions without, I suffered hallucinations, both auditory and visual and they were REALLY SCARY as I really thought that they were real. On the last occasion - about 2 months ago it got that bad that my husband took me to the hospital on the Saturday afternoon and I was there until monday night. It was the worst experience of my life.
                  I am 35 and I drank from about 10 in the morning until bed time - lately just to feel normal - which didn't happen until about 3 in the afternoon.
                  It got up to four bottles of wine - and sometimes even opened a 5th. Over the last week I had cut down to just 2.5 ( ha 'just' !! ) , and my body had already started to withdraw cos it had been so used to the volumes that I had been putting away.
                  I went to the docs yesterday and had to plead for another course of Librium because it really does alleviate all the shakes and stuff that goes on in the first days of abstinence. Its 4.30 now and I'm feelin just fine. I still keep going to the fridge and my hand is reaching out for that non existent wine - instead I've got mineral water - just bloody great !!
                  This time I am really goin to try and do it. I've booked in with a counsellor and I think that is the only way forward.
                  It's really scary Amber and a big step to make because it's been my best friend for 6 years now and I'm scared to let it go. But I had lost my driving licence through Drunk Driving and hence my job because I had to drive to my work. I've been in a very dark place for such a long time, but got licence back now, so at last I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.
                  Do something now because you're only young and if you stop it while you can you won't have be in that dark well.
                  Definitely - go to the doctors then you won't have to worry about the withdrawals.
                  Good Luck Chicken
                  Bambino xxx

                  P.s What does everyone reckon about AA meetings? - I'm scared and ashamed to discuss stuff in a group.


                    Im new and scared..


